Thursday, 10 April 2014

✤ The Wrong Woman ✤ Brenda J. Brown ✤ BLOG TOUR ✤

© Bianca

• ~ 250 Pages 
• release day - 17 April 2014
• Publisher: TWCS (The Writer's Coffee Shop)

5 Stars

Norah Rothe dreams of being an actress—a real worth-the-price-of-admission actress. She wanted her name in lights and a life in the big city but just when everything she’d worked for was going according to script, a dramatic plot twist forces her to abandon the stage to fulfill family obligations in her tiny home town.
Settled and accepting her life as a single mom and co-owner of her parents’ café, Norah’s slumbering dreams are reawakened when Hollywood comes to her. A chance encounter leads to an epic opportunity when Norah discovers that the movie being shot on the outskirts of town is in trouble; the leading lady is out of commission, and the production team is scrambling to replace her. Two lunch specials and a limo ride later, Norah finds herself back in the spotlight.
David Raurke dreams of being more than just a big-screen heartthrob with throngs of screaming fans. He gambles his movie star status for a chance to direct an independent film, but when it seems as if everything that can go wrong will, David wonders if he’s about to become the lead in his own cautionary tale.
Norah sees past the gossip columns. In David, she sees kindness, a sense of humour, and a passion for his craft. David sees an undiscovered talent in Norah. The camera loves her, and he knows he’s found the match to ignite his directorial debut and bring it blazing onto the big screen . . . and something much, much more.
Can a romance between a talented small-town girl next door and one of Hollywood’s hottest stars survive the cutthroat world of the film industry? Come behind the scenes and see for yourself if dreams can become reality and what really happens once the lights fade to black.


Norah has always loved the stage. She always wanted to be an actress - all through high school and college she played in every play she could get her hands on. 
Now she's a 34 year old single mom, working alongside her adorable gay brother Garth in their family's diner in a small canadian town.

Then suddenly the chance of a lifetime presents itself, in the form of 2 filmproducers having a meeting in her restaurant. She overhears them talking about the actress who was supposed to play a part in their movie - and how she had to cancel because she broke her collarbone.

They sounded really desperate to find someone and Norah thought that she could be that person. And even though she was scared as hell, she approached them and asked....can't lose anything by asking ☺

Next thing she knows she's sitting in a soundstage about to test-act a scene with 2 famous actors.

The most scary thing though, is the director and male lead of the movie. 
Hollywood superstar David Raurke.
He's 38 years old and this movie has always been this little secret dream-project - he wants to show the world that, not only can he act, but also direct!

Norah and David are immediately attracted to each other - and to get a bit more comfortable with each other before the big romantic/sex scene the next day, they decide to go out and talk ....

that's how things get started.....

There will be lots of funny moments...

LOTS of romantic & sexy moments ☺

moving & sad moments ♥

 but that's all I'm telling you ☺

I don't want to spoil anything!!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


 I felt like I was in the middle of this whole 'Movie-Making' process - like I was some kind of cable- holding-person and eavesdropped on everything that happened here ☺

I loved how all the movie stuff felt so real and authentic.

And I loved David & Norah - ok...their instant-love thing might have been a bit too fairy-tale-ish - but pfff - it's a romance - I loved it!!!

And all those other people in the book too - like the funny czech Jozef and the AD Jason and especially Norah's brother Garth and her adorable little Ella. Perfect cast for a perfect book!

I couldn't stop reading - I had to know whether they could overcome all their differences and make this relationship work - or if his being so famous was just too big of an obstacle....

 THE WRONG WOMAN was an amzingly interesting and funny & sexy Romance!!
GO AND GET IT!!!!! ☺☺☺


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About Brenda

Before writing The Wrong Woman, Brenda dabbled in a myriad of professions. She’s been a waitress (back in the day before they were called servers), a security guard, a ballroom dance instructor, an interior decorator and design consultant, a set dresser for the film and television industry, where she is still a member in good standing, and a restaurant manager. She is currently working as a visual merchandiser for The Brick, a chain of furniture stores throughout the lower mainland.
In the midst of all that, she’s been an active part of the Community Theatre scene, doing set design but principally acting and studying most of the great works since her late teens. She currently lives in Coquitlam, British Columbia, with her beautiful daughter, one dog, and two cats.