Friday 21 June 2024

πŸ€ Chasing Harlow πŸ€ Jay McLean πŸ€





What started as a bet can only end in heartache.

Moving to the middle of nowhere right before my senior year wasn’t ideal.
Then again, neither was my brother dying.
The move was supposed to be a fresh start. 
A new town, a new school, a new mindset.
Too bad my past indiscretions followed me.
Enter Jace Rivera, the literal boy next door.
Jace is loved by the town. Admired by his peers. Worshipped by his teammates.
On the basketball court, he’s a god amongst men.
Off the court, he’s… nothing at all like I expected.
He’s profound and pure and… devastatingly tortured.
Yet somehow, he offers me light while I offer him hope.
In the end, we’ll either hurt or heal each other.
There’s no in between.
“Pain is the price we pay for love,” he once told me.
And a broken heart is the consequence of it.

ARC received from author for an honest review. 
I first read Harlow and Jace's story when it was a short story in the Hit Me With Your Best Shot anthology.
I thought I knew what I was in for. I thought I could skim parts as I knew what was going on.
I was wrong.
From the minute I started reading Chasing Harlow, I was (again) hooked.  Gone were any thoughts of skim reading those chapters that I had previously read.
I was engrossed, turning each page needing to know what was happening with our lovelies.
I forgot what time it was, that I needed to eat, just so I could read a bit more.
This story is exceptional. It is an emotional journey, that will have you riding the highs, feeling the lows, and everything in between.
If you love heartfelt YA sport romances that have a bit of bite to them, you cannot go wrong with Chasing Harlow (or any other Jay McLean book for that matter). 




Writer. Reader. Mom. Wife. Master of awkward Sarcasm. 

Jay McLean is a full-time reader, writer of New Adult and Young Adult romance, and skilled procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her three boys, investing way too much time on True Crime Documentaries and binge-watching reality TV.

She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.

Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in her dream home where music is loud and laughter is louder.


♛ Batting Style (Franklin U 2) ♛ Louisa Masters ♛





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Copy received from GRR for an honest review

Batter up! It's time to play with balls πŸ˜„

I have not read Masters' Joy Universe series, so all of these characters are new to me, however that was fine, as this was a great standalone.

It is also the type of college romance that I like.  It was not as if they were 40 year old, experience guys in 20 year old bodies.  They were pretty regular young guys, with young guy problems and (mostly) dealing with them in young guy ways.

I loved how Jordan accepted his sexuality when he realised he likes guys, there wasn't some big drama over it (you know how those sports ball guys can be in books). 

But this book was all about Blaise for me. Oh how I adore him so, so much.

Blaise and Jordan go from 0-100 in no time, but I liked how they slowed things down after their meet cute and things grew organically.

I also thought it was great how Jordan's support people embraced Blaise and made him one of their own

I also liked how Jordan didn't take the easy way out when it came to his future and his career, and earned his place, when lesser guys would have used their connections.

And I adored how the guys did this awesome thing (most of the time anyway) and communicated.  They have their speedbumps, but they deal with them and do it pretty well and quite realistically.

I haven't read any of the previous Franklin U series (this series or the previous) but that is going to be rectificed (as well as Masters' Joy Universe books, as I loved the characters we met from there)




Louisa Masters started reading romance much earlier than her mother thought she should. While other teenagers were sneaking out of the house, Louisa was sneaking romance novels in and working out how to read them without being discovered.

Louisa has a long list of places first discovered in books that she wants to visit, and every so often she overcomes her loathing of jet lag and takes a trip that charges her imagination. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she whines about the weather for most of the year while secretly admitting she’ll probably never move.

Drop her a line at, and join the Facebook group for daily shenanigans.
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For early access to chapters, bonus material, and artwork, follow her on Patreon.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

🌸 Catherine Bybee πŸ’² ALL OUR TOMORROWS πŸ’° The Heirs #1 πŸ’


Catherine Bybee

• 18 June 2024
• Book #1 in the The Heirs Series

4.5 Stars

From New York Times bestselling author Catherine Bybee comes the story of a reluctant billionaire who takes on his father’s empire, its dark secrets, and a fiery assistant he can’t get out of his head.

When Chase Stone’s estranged father dies, leaving his multibillion-dollar business to his children, no one is more surprised than him. Growing up outside of the high-stakes world filled with human vultures, Chase and his sister, Alex, are less than enthusiastic about stepping into their father’s shoes. That is until they learn of a half brother they didn’t know existed, and must find to share their inheritance with.

Piper Maddox was the elder Mr. Stone’s ΓΌbercapable assistant—abruptly fired two weeks before his death. She knows everything about Stone Enterprises and the man who built it. But Piper has no desire to work for another member of the Stone family. Even one as down to earth as Chase.

Desperately needing financial security, Piper agrees to return so long as kissing up to Chase and accepting unwanted advances were not part of her job description. A task that becomes a serious hurdle for both of them. Piper and Chase scramble to find the third Stone sibling before the media does, sharing secrets along the way. Secrets that can bring them together or tear them irrevocably apart.

Piper + Chase

Chase's estranged billionaire dad just died and he and his sister Alex inherited EVERYTHING! They didn't expect a single penny and now they have to run this huge business. But that's not all. They need to find their until recently unknown half brother - who inherited a third of everything too. And they don't want him to sell his shares to all those old board friends of their dads!
Chase desperately needs the help of his dad's old assistant. Unfortunately she was fired two weeks ago.... 

Let the fun times begin...

That was so super cute. I adored it!
Piper is so sweet and capable and tough and sad and I just loved her and her dog!
And Chase is adorable with his newfound billionaire-ness. Too cute.
They're so perfect together, but of course... what would people say!? Especially the few idiots on the board who would use every excuse to get dirt on the new owners.
I loved reading this.
We have so many adorable and sweet and funny and just too cute new-billionaire moments. But we also have some very serious and heartbreaking moments.
I just loved it and I can not wait to get the next two books! I need to know who Alex will find her happy end with and of course I need to know everything about the new brother!

ALL OUR TOMORROWS was such an adorable + funny + sweet + sparky + moving + just beautiful romance - I loved it! Run to your nearest book dealer for your own Chase - this one is mine!

ARC received for an honest review

Time to dive into a new series from Catherine Bybee, and she has not disappointed with All Our Tomorrows.

This was a cute read, with a bit of family drama and intrigue thrown into the mix.

Add in a fantastic sister, and we had a pretty darn enjoyable book.

Piper is so good. She runs this book like she runs Stone's life lol - without blinking an eye, she has everyhing organised, even when her life is a bit topsy turvy.

Of course we get our HEA, but now I am so invested, I need for Alex to find hers, and am intrigued with the new brother.

Looking forward to the next in the series, I am.

↓ Links to the Book & Author ↓

Pre-Order Book #2 - 12 November

The D'Angelos Series Book #1

Book #2

Book #3

Book #4

Stalking Catherine ...

New York Times bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating from high school, she moved to Southern California with hopes of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full-time and has penned the International Bestselling Not Quite series, the MacCoinnich Time Travel series as well as the Internationally Bestselling Weekday Brides series.