• 21 December 2017
• erotic M/M Romance!
• The FINAL book #6 in the Temptation Series
... but don't worry - our bar darling Robbie & Logan & Cole's lawyer partner Priest ... and a third someone, will get their own series soon!!!
• erotic M/M Romance!
• The FINAL book #6 in the Temptation Series
... but don't worry - our bar darling Robbie & Logan & Cole's lawyer partner Priest ... and a third someone, will get their own series soon!!!
5 Fangirl Stars
True - adjective: That which is accurate or exact.
I dare you to try.
I think you’re my truth.
Terrify me.
Marry me.
Marry me.
Marry me...
Four years ago, Logan Mitchell walked into Tate’s life and challenged him to see it differently.
He dared Tate to try a kiss, when normally he wouldn’t have.
He begged him to take a chance, when he probably shouldn’t have.
But most importantly, he asked Tate to trust that he would love him, and he did. From that moment on, Tate realized exactly what his life had been missing—Logan.
Happily-ever-afters come in many different forms. But for Tate Morrison, there’s only one ending he wants. The one where the guy marries the guy and true love conquers all.
Now all he has to do is tell Logan.
Join Logan and Tate as they finally realize what the rest of us knew all along. That they belong together for better or worse—always.

ARC received for an honest review
That up there? That was me when True turned up on my Kindle.
Logan and Tate are my guys - I wouldn't care if the entire book was L&T reading the phone book, I would adore it.
True was no exception. It follows on right from the bombshell that ended Tate - you know what I am talking about if you are up to date with this series.
I completely and utterly adore my boys in True. Their relationship is wonderful, the love between them absolutely leaps off the page. They are fun and flirty, and oh so sexy as heck.
I love that there is no drama for dramas sake. My guys have been through all that, and this now is just the icing on the cake as they move towards their til death they do part.
What really gripped me around the heart were the scenes with Logan and Cole. Oh my swoon!
And don't get me started on Tate's dad Will!
I really wanted to read True slowly, devouring each and every word, delayed gratification and all that. But I couldn't . I needed to turn each page, needed to know where my guys were at.
But that's OK too, I have a couple of week off work where I can reread.
It is always bittersweet when a favourite series comes to an end. I am over the moon happy with where Logan and Tate ended, but I don't want to let them go.
Fingers x they will make frequent appearances in the new series which features my favourite bar boy, Robbie
Logan and Tate are my guys - I wouldn't care if the entire book was L&T reading the phone book, I would adore it.
True was no exception. It follows on right from the bombshell that ended Tate - you know what I am talking about if you are up to date with this series.
I completely and utterly adore my boys in True. Their relationship is wonderful, the love between them absolutely leaps off the page. They are fun and flirty, and oh so sexy as heck.
I love that there is no drama for dramas sake. My guys have been through all that, and this now is just the icing on the cake as they move towards their til death they do part.
What really gripped me around the heart were the scenes with Logan and Cole. Oh my swoon!
And don't get me started on Tate's dad Will!
I really wanted to read True slowly, devouring each and every word, delayed gratification and all that. But I couldn't . I needed to turn each page, needed to know where my guys were at.
But that's OK too, I have a couple of week off work where I can reread.
It is always bittersweet when a favourite series comes to an end. I am over the moon happy with where Logan and Tate ended, but I don't want to let them go.
Fingers x they will make frequent appearances in the new series which features my favourite bar boy, Robbie
So for now it is time for our lovelies to say goodbye - hopefully not forever!

We're back with our darlings Logan & Tate!
If you haven't read TRY & TAKE & TRUST & TEASE & TATE you should definitely do it now, before reading TRUE - because it's the final book in the series!

We start exactly where we left them in the last book.
At the winery for Logan's birthday. Tate finally says YES!
And now it's time to tell the family on Thanksgiving.
And then there's planning to do. Someone wants a fast and small wedding, and someone wants a huge thing!
Then there's family and friends and work and clients and tiny little drama moments - nothing majorly bad though - I loved that!!!
Lots and lots of exciting and sexy and adorable and sweet and moving and frustrating moments happening to our two darlings in their last book!
But I'm pretty sure we haven't seen the last of them.
Bar Boy Robbie will get his own books soon! Can't WAIT!!

But back to TRUE!
I just LOVED this book.
I never want this series to end! Can't we just make a Netflix show out of it and watch it every day for the rest of eternity?
But this is the end - even though Logan and Tate's happily ever after is only beginning!
TRUE was so very sexy, funny, moving, adorable ... Just perfect!
Some tiny little tears might've been shed.
I just love this series. Those boys and their family and friends - the moments with the nephews and niece and with Cole and Tate's Dad - just AMAZING!
Also, I want to be Tate and Logan when I grow up!
I loved every single adorable and funny and sweet and moving and erotic moment of this book!
And I wanted more ... so much more ... of everything. But of course we can't be with them for every second of their lives - and every series has to end sometime. But I am sure we'll be seeing those boys again one day!
If you haven't read this series yet - why are you even reading my review??? Hurry to amazon and buy TRY!!!
And I wanted more ... so much more ... of everything. But of course we can't be with them for every second of their lives - and every series has to end sometime. But I am sure we'll be seeing those boys again one day!
If you haven't read this series yet - why are you even reading my review??? Hurry to amazon and buy TRY!!!

LOVE. IT’S FUNNY how one four-letter word can bring on such
an onslaught of emotions. Happiness, desire, anger, even fear, Tate Morrison
thought, as he sat at the tiny table in the empty bar of the Lynley Winery and
tried to calm his erratic heartbeat. It could make those who were the most
honest with their emotions run scared, while at the same time bring forth a
determination in the most unlikely of people.
That was something he had discovered ten minutes ago back in
their suite when Logan had stood before him naked and uttered, “Just tell me
how you want me, Tate. I’m yours.”
That was when he’d run.
Tate had practically tripped over his feet in his hurry to
be free of the suddenly suffocating confines of that bathroom. And now, as he
sat alone replaying Logan’s words, he stared down at the crumpled paper he’d
grabbed from his wallet and studied the words in his shaking hands.
His stomach knotted, then flipped over on itself time and
time again, and Tate willed himself to breathe. The last thing he needed was to
pass out from a panic attack, but that was exactly what was happening. He was
panicking. And the reason? The reason was as clear as day. He was the dumbest
motherfucker on the planet. Yeah, he was.
Fucking hell. He’d heard that love made people do some
stupid shit before, but this… God, what if I can’t fix this? What if Logan
doesn’t want me like that anymore? The thought made him want to be sick. He squeezed
his eyes shut, trying to stop the room from spinning, but all that did was
bring to mind Logan back in the bathroom, beautiful as always, looking at Tate
for some kind of indication of what was running through his head. And what had
Tate given him? Nothing. He’d just fled.
Damn it.
Tate shoved the piece of paper into his pocket, along with
the pen he’d grabbed from the side table back in their suite, no longer able to
look at it. What had he done to them? How had he let fear of the unknown
possibly ruin this? And as the memories flooded him again…
I dare you to try.
I think you’re my truth.
Terrify me.
Marry me.
…he was more than aware that it was that one, the last one,
that didn’t have the right ending. He’d really messed this up, but he could make
it right and wanted to, more than he wanted his next breath.
He placed his head in his hands and shut his eyes, trying to
gather some semblance of control so he could go back, find Logan, and do the
one thing he realized he should’ve done all along. It wasn’t until he heard the
sound of padded feet on the hardwood floor that he looked up to see that he
didn’t need to go and find Logan, because he had tracked Tate down instead.
With the fire flickering behind him, the sharp angles of
Logan’s cheeks and jaw only enhanced a face Tate loved more than he thought
possible, and when Logan pulled out the chair opposite him and reached across
the table to take his hands, Tate couldn’t believe it had taken his brain this
long to catch up and get to where it now firmly was.
“Hey,” Logan said, his eyes roaming over Tate’s face, no
doubt for signs, clues as to why he’d run away.
“Hey,” Tate replied, and then lowered his gaze to their
hands, marveling over the strength he found there when they were joined.
Exactly…together, not apart. Always and forever, together.
“What are you doing out here?” Logan asked, and Tate
swallowed as he felt Logan tighten his grip.
“I, uhh…”
“Tate?” Logan said before Tate could give any kind of
response. “What are you doing out here?”
Tate withdrew his hand and ran it through his hair, and as
Logan continued to watch him, he felt his nerves kick in. “Back there in the
bathroom…” he started, and then stopped. As he thought over his words, Tate
wondered if there was even a way to explain how badly he’d screwed this all up,
but knew the only way he’d ever know was to try. “I had a thought. It was more
of a moment, I guess. A flash of us. Of all we are and will be and— Shit, I
sound crazy, don’t I?”
Logan’s eyes narrowed, but he shook his head. “You don’t
sound crazy. But you are freaking me out a little. Were the things you were
thinking good things, at least?”
Tate frowned and then shot Logan an apologetic look. The
last thing Tate wanted was to worry him more—it was the exact opposite. “Yeah,
of course. I should’ve probably started with that. Everything about you was
good. Perfect, really, but me…”
“What about you? You’re pretty fucking perfect from where
I’m sitting. And back there in that bathroom, trust me, you looked better than
any of those naked statues on the wall.”
Tate tried for a smile but knew he didn’t quite pull it off
when Logan asked, “What is it, Tate? Come on; you know you can tell me
Okay, this is it, Tate thought, as he swallowed and then
shifted in his seat, glancing over at the fire for a moment to gather his
nerve. Then he turned back to Logan and asked, “Am I too late?”
At Logan’s confused expression, Tate knew he didn’t
understand what he was asking. So he reached into his pocket where he’d shoved
the piece of paper, and then put it on the table. He smoothed his hand over it,
lovingly tracing his fingers over the name he now wanted as his own, and then
pushed it over in front of Logan.
As Logan stared down at it, Tate watched him read over the
words on the paper, waiting for a reaction, and when Logan looked up, Tate
asked again, “Am I too late?”
Logan blinked several times, and Tate held his breath,
wondering if he was too late. But then something miraculous happened: Logan
shook his head.
The blood rushing around Tate’s head made his ears ring as
he tried to comprehend what Logan was telling him, but he still hadn’t said a
word, so Tate pulled the pen from his pocket and leaned over to circle the name
he hadn’t been able to stop looking at ever since he’d found the piece of
As Logan looked down again, Tate saw a huge grin
split his lips. “So what do you think? Can the world handle two Mr. Mitchells?”and now an edit I made - do NOT look at it if you haven't read the book yet!!!!
if you haven't read the first 5 books yet - DO IT NOW!! Preferably before reading the last one☺ (free on kindle unlimited!)

Ella Frank is the author of the #1 Bestselling Temptation series, including Try, Take,and Trust and is the co-author of the fan-favorite erotic serial, Sex Addict.
Her Exquisite series has been praised as “scorching hot!” and “enticingly sexy!”
A life-long fan of the romance genre, Ella writes contemporary and erotic fiction and lives with her husband in Portland, OR.