I know this because I diagnosed myself.
I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology from a very prestigious university.
I am charming, attractive, and you probably want to sleep with me.
I take what I want, when I want, and I enjoy picking the most tragic of all my patients to experiment with.
I have no remorse, I am unrelenting in my pursuit of tragedy, and I am about to meet my match.
Her name is not important, I am only allowed to call her Mistress. She is a femme fatale, a patient, and now an obsession.
She will destroy me, I will do anything to get inside of her.
I can already feel her inside of me.
About Jaden
(stolen from smutlandia.com)
Jaden Wilkes is the pen name for a girl living on the prettiest farm in BC. After a lifetime of love, lust and adventure, she is happily settled down with her second chance, the love of her life.
New to the world of fiction, but not writing, Jaden has won prizes for poetry, published research articles and essays, and maybe even a thesis or two.
A life of travel, adventure and keen observations of human nature allow for the creation of rich worlds and...
Fuck it, I need to keep it real. I have done a bunch of stuff, met a lot of people and lead an interesting life. That's it! I am passionate about my art, my work, my family and my friends, not necessarily in that order. I love writing fiction, I've spent years hearing things like "you should write a book" or "ZOMG you're so funny, write that shit down". And now I am. I hope you enjoy my words as much as I enjoy laying them down.
I've been an archaeologist (ethnographic research as well as human skeletal remains specialist), a GIS geek, a teacher, a city planning nerd and a photographer. New to that list, author. I am damn proud of this designation and hope that it will keep spurring me on to greater and better things. Every work I produce will be better than the last, so if you liked this first one, you will love the rest!
Thank you for joining me on this crazy journey. Along the way I hope I am able to offer you some laughs, some succor for the soul and some tingles in your soft places. ;)