Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Release Day Blitz ~~ Five Miles by LilI St Germain


My father taught me the importance of an eye for an eyea cardinal rule, ingrained in every club member.

A life for a life.

Seven lives in payment for an unimaginable list of sins.

People might wonder why I
m doing this. If this vengeance is borne from some noble cause, that Im trying to prevent others from suffering at the hands of Dornan Ross and his sons.

But I
m no vigilante.

m doing it for me. Im doing it because I want to. Because the look on Maxi and Chads faces when I killed them was a balm to my soul.

This is the fate they have earned. The penance for their crimes.

Two down, five to go.

Time to send some of these brothers off with a bang.

Five Miles is the third book in the Gypsy Brothers series. The series should be read in the following order:

Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers, #1)
Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers, #2)
Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers, #3)

Four Score, #4 in the Gypsy Brothers series, releases on May 26th, 2014