Tuesday, 31 March 2015

✜ The Virgin ✜ Tiffany Reisz ✜ #7 ✜

© Bianca ✰ 

• 400 pages
• release date: 31 March 2015
(UK Release 23 April)
 • ORIGINAL SINNERS Series Book #7
(The Original Sinners - The White Years - Book #3)
• Nora & King's POV
• Book #8 THE QUEEN will be out 27 October 2015 ☺
5 big & fat Stars

The controversial story before the story continues in the critically acclaimed and award-winning series The Original Sinners.

For years, Kingsley Edge warned Eleanor the day would come when she, the mistress of a well-respected Catholic priest, would have to run and hide. She always imagined if that day came she'd be running away with Søren. But instead, she's running from him.

Knowing Søren and Kingsley will their use their influence to bring her back, Eleanor alone, penniless and scared takes refuge at the one place the men in her life cannot follow: the abbey where her mother has taken orders. Behind the cloistered gates of the convent, Eleanor hides from the man she loves and hates in equal measure

She cannot, however, hide from her true nature. When Eleanor befriends a young virginal nun, she faces a startling sexual awakening. But Eleanor can't stay forever, and the lure of her real life beckons beyond the locked gates. But to follow her fate means to leave Kyrie behind, a sacrifice Eleanor refuses to make

The lure of the forbidden. The temptation to sin. The price of passion has never been higher, and Eleanor will have to pay it if she ever wants to go home again.

"It was a dark and stormy night...."

 It's 2015 and Søren, Nora & Kingsley have very important, life-changing 'business' to do in Scotland. That's where they are. In an old scottish castle.
(I'm not telling you what it is that they're going to do there - it would spoil too much ☺ - even though you can read it in the very beginning of the book!)

And that night, while King is running away from a Kilt-and-sex-addicted Juliette, he hides in the Priest's and Nora's bedroom. Where the three of them start to talk.

They talk about the THAT YEAR.
That horrible year when Nora left
Søren. And Kingsley - too afraid of what the Priest will do to him or Nora, leaves too. They were both gone for a year. And they never talked about that dark time before.
But now, because Nora accidentally told
Søren that she once had and affair with a nun, he wants to know what happened to his two loved ones back then. Even though it might hurt to hear it.

"I will never reach the end of you. Every time I think I've seen it all, you lead me to a hidden door and open it."

And so it begins....


We hear the story from both Nora and King's POV.

Nora has just aborted King's baby and, we don't know what happened, wether it was physical or with words, but
Søren hurt her pretty bad that morning. And so she decides to leave. Forever.

She also feels guilty for aborting a baby that Kingsley wanted more than anything in life.

Kingsley was more dark knight than white knight, but whatever his sins, he had one bright, pure and beautiful hope - that he would be a father someday.

So, she leaves. And she ends up in the 'Abbey of the Sisters of Saint Monica', where her mother is a nun. Because that's the only place where her Priest and her King could not get to her...

No Men Beyond This Point. No men allowed. Not even priests.

She's allowed to stay.
And that's where she meets Kyrie. A young, not-yet-nun, who falls in love with her. And who helps her decide what to do with the rest of her life.

And Kingsley....

He travels around the world for a while and ends up in Haiti.
Where he finally meets the woman of his dreams. Juliette.
But she's not free to love him and to be with him.

What will happen to the Priest & the King & Nora?
What will happen during that year that will change their futures forever?
Will everybody survive this book?
Will there be a Cliffhanger?

Nope - I'm not telling you anything!!!  ☺



I was soooo HAPPY to find THE VIRGIN on my kindle weeeeks before the official release - I might have broken out into a spontaneous Carton-Banks-Dance!!!

I couldn't wait to get started ... I missed Nora, Søren and Kingsley.
Even though I'm horribly anti-religious - I'm a tiiiiiny bit of a groupie ☺

I was a bit scared at first - about the whole Nora & her lesbian experience thing. That's not really my thing. But Kyrie was such a cute girl and it was all so sweet and it all helped Nora so much with her life and her future. I loved Kyrie.

And I realllly loved how we finally hear about King & Juliette. Because I have to admit that Juliette wasn't really on my radar all that much in the previous books. She was always there, but somehow, for me, she was a bit in the way of a happy-ever-after for King & Nora & their Priest.
But now that we hear that story, we fall in love with her too, just like King did. And it was sooo adorable to read - the way he falls for her and wants to save her.

And of course all through the stories that Nora & King tell Søren, we are sooo sorry for the Priest too. Because whatever he did, and if he meant it or not - he's the one who's been left behind. All alone. The two people he loves most in the world gone. Maybe to never come back again.
I cried a lot while reading.

I wish this series would never end. Or that maybe somebody would make a TV-Show out of it, so that we could stare at Kings & Priests all day long ☺




Thank you for giving us this glimpse of past events, that were really needed to understand the whole thing!!!! ♥

and now PLEASE HURRY - I need to read THE QUEEN ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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 7 THE VIRGIN March / April 2015
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Tiffany Reisz is the author of the highly acclaimed series The Original Sinners. Her first novel, THE SIREN, won the RT Editor's Choice Award for Best Erotic Romance of 2012. Slightly shameless, Tiffany dropped out of a conservative Southern seminary in order to pursue a career as a writer. This move, while possibly putting her eternal salvation in peril, has worked out better than she anticipated. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her boyfriend, author Andrew Shaffer.

Monday, 30 March 2015

✤ Holding Strong ✤ Lori Foster ✤ Ultimate #2 ✤

© Bianca Janeane

• MMA Fighter Romance
Ultimate Series #2
• release date: 31 Marcch 2015
• 480 pages
• Book #3 Tough Love will be out in August!
check out my reviews for book #0.5 & #1

5 Stars

An up-and-coming MMA fighter wants more than just one night from a woman fleeing her past in Lori’s irresistible new novel.

Heavyweight fighter Denver Lewis plays real nice, but he doesn’t share. That’s why he’s been avoiding top-notch flirt Cherry Peyton. But a man can only resist those lush curves for so long. Their encounter surpasses all his fantasies, bringing out protective urges that Cherry’s about to need more than she knows

Denver’s combination of pure muscle and unexpected tenderness has been driving Cherry wild. Yet no sooner does she get what she’s been craving than old troubles show up on her doorstep. And this time, Cherry can’t hide behind a carefree façade. Because the man by her side is one who’ll fight like hell to keep her safe
if only she’ll trust him enough to let him

We all remember Denver & Cherry from the first books in the series.
Denver is one of the fighters in Cannon Colter's gym in Warfield, Ohio. Denver recently signed with SBC, the big fighting association, but is still living and training in Warfield. Cherry is the roommate of Colton's sister Merissa.
Both Denver & Cherry have been totally attracted to each other ever since they first met....but Denver never tried anything because he thought Cherry was too much of a partygirl and a flirt... she talked and flirted to all the guys at the gym.
But she's not interested in any of the guys - she's totally in love with Denver.
And when they both meet at a bar in a town two hours from home, after one of Armie's fights, they finally both give in to the attraction.

They spend an amazing night together....and it could've been an amazing morning too, but two things happen....
First, Cherry must've caught the bug that's been going around lately; fever and all....but Denver, and Armie too, take care of her and bring her medicine etc.
And then there's the problem with her 'Family'. Three dangerous looking guys have been asking about her. But she's scared and doesn't want anything to do with them. But there's still more that she's not telling Denver...

And of course we also hear a lot about Armie and how ex-fighter Havoc tries to get him to sign with the SBC....but for whatever reason, Armie doesn't want to.... plus he's still totally in love with Cannon's sister and then there's the other fighter Stack, who's had a crush on Vanity ever since she came to town - we'll get to hear their story soon!!!!!!


I'm not telling you that of course ☺



When you've read the prequel to this new series: HARD KNOCKS, and then Cannon's story NO LIMITS, you already know all about the fighters and their possible future girls.
Now we finally get to hear Denver & Cherry's story.
And what a HOT story it was.
Unlike many romance novels this one already starts really sexy.
They meet at the bar and end up in bed...phew!!!!!
And Denver is such a hot guy - and a nice guy - and a smart guy ..... grrrrrr

I really loved the story. There was so much sexiness in it and the suspensy parts with those three bad guys and all the funny moments with Armie and the guys. ...
I loved how it wasn't this horribly long story before they finally get together - this is a book where they almost get together in the first chapters....Yeah, there are lots of problems to overcome with both their families, but I really enjoyed reading that all.

Something I especially enjoy about this series...this FIGHTER series...is, that it's not really about the fighting - we barely see any professional fighting or any kind of fights, other than with the bad guys in the suspensy parts of the books ☺ I'm not such a huge fan of the whole MMA or boxing or wrestling thing ☺

PLUS - we get a tiny little Cannon Bonus Scene at the end ☺☺☺

HOLDING STRONG  - was an amazingly beautiful & verrrry sexy & suspensy Romance!
You'll love it!!!!!

I WOULD SOOO LOVE IT if someone would make a TV-series out of the Ultimate Series - just so we could stare and fangirl at Cannon & Denver & Stack & Armie etc. all day long!!!! Oooh and don't forget Rowdy and his buddies from the previous series and Havoc and colleagues from Lori's older fighter series - they're around in Holding Strong too ☺☺

Now I can't wait for the other books in this series!!!
TOUGH LOVE will be book #3 - coming soon.

....and after that - whoooooopeeeee: FINALLY ARMIE'S & MERISSA'S BOOK!!!!! ♥

ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

If you have read the first two books in this series, you will already know a bit about our man Denver and his lust for Cherry.

Well, fasten your seat belts and keep arms and legs inside the carriage, as you are about to get taken on one heck of a ride!

Denver Lewis has been pining/lusting/drooling/panting over Cherry Peyton since the first time he saw her, and finally, FINALLY a move is made... by Cherry!!

You know what I really liked about this installment of the Ultimate series?  Our main characters got together early on in the pieces.  None of this will they or won't they bizzo - since it has kinda sorta played out in the previous book.  Nope, they get things sorted pretty early in the piece - thank you Ms Foster!

But while they do get it on early in the book, there is so much going on around Denver and Cherry that will keep you intrigued.  Lots of suspensey kinds of things that are going on, things from Cherry's past that are coming back to haunt her.

I love that this series is not all about the MMA fighting.  Yes, all our hotties are MMA fighter, but they are so much more, and so are their stories. Don't get my wrong, I love watching MMA!  But these guys are sexy, smart, funny... did I mention sexy?   And what I think is one of the sexiest things about them all is the care for each other and they way they all look out for each other.   

You can't help but fall in love with all the guys and gals.  Especially Armie.  What are we going to do about Armie?  He is just the best.  He is rude and crude.. and we love him for it.  I wish it was his book next.

Not that I am complaining though as we get Stack and Vanity next, and man oh man the build up to their story.  You just know it is going to be steamy.

Now, off to Youtube some MMA to get my perv on!





Since first publishing in January 1996, Lori Foster has become a USA Today, Publisher’s Weekly and New York Times bestselling author. Lori has published through a variety of houses, including Kensington, St. Martin’s, Harlequin, Silhouette, Samhain, and Berkley/Jove. She is currently published with HQN.

Lori hosts a very special annual “Reader & Author” event in West Chester, Ohio. Proceeds from the event have benefited many worthy causes, including the Hamilton County YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter, the Animal Adoption Foundation, The Conductive Learning Center for children with spina bifida and cerebral palsy, and The One Way Farm, Children’s Home.

Each year Lori donates all proceeds from one book to charity. You can see the benefit romance books here: http://lorifoster.com/benefit-books/