Sunday, 21 May 2017

✪ The Bad Guy ✪ Celia Aaron ✪ Release Blitz & Giveaway ✪

Title: The Bad Guy
Author: Celia Aaron
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: May 21, 2017


My name is Sebastian Lindstrom, and I’m the villain of this story.

I’ve decided to lay myself bare. To tell the truth for once in my hollow life, no matter how dark it gets. And I can assure you, it will get so dark that you’ll find yourself feeling around the blackened corners of my mind, seeking a door handle that isn’t there.

Don’t mistake this for a confession. I neither seek forgiveness nor would I accept it. My sins are my own. They keep me company. Instead, this is the true tale of how I found her, how I stole her, and how I lost her.

She was a damsel, one who already had her white knight. But every fairy tale has a villain, someone waiting in the wings to rip it all down. A scoundrel who will set the world on fire if that means he gets what he wants. That’s me.

I’m the bad guy.

ARC received for an honest review

"Every bad guy is the hero of his own tale."

Hmmm not sure how to review this one. I signed up for this one as it was a Celia Aaron book and I didn't have much detail about it at the time.

I really liked the premise of the story, the bad buy and the good girl.  I enjoyed the writing  and how the story played out.  

Sebastian and Camille's story isn't an easy one.  I mean, a story with a kidnapping can never be an easy one, right?  

However, and this might just be me, but I felt that our unlucky lady Camille just, I don't know, gave up?  Where was her fight or flight instinct?  Where was the kicking and screaming and fighting?

Sebastian, whilst yes he is not the knight in shining armour we get in our romances, he is not the dark I was expecting.

Sure, there were dark aspects, but at times Sebastian was quite a teddy bear.   Maybe it is that I have read other dark romance that are dark AF, that is why this didn't come across as dark for me? Some of the darker aspects felt like they were a little glossed over for me also.

Now don't get me wrong, the story is a good story, but it had more of a contemporary romance feel to it than dark romance - again, this could just be me because of the other dark romance I have read in the past - to others, this could be really dark. To me it is more shade of grey than dark.

I liked the arc of the story, and though I had trouble connecting with Camille for the first half of the book, I did in the later half.  The writing was good, however this just wasn't one meant for me.


Celia Aaron is a recovering attorney who loves romance and erotic fiction. Dark to light, angsty to funny, real to fantasy—if it’s hot and strikes her fancy, she writes it. Thanks for reading.