Friday, 3 February 2017

❤ Somebody Like You (Darling, VT #1) ❤ Donna Alward ❤

A kiss to last a lifetime

Aiden Gallagher was only five years old when he appeared in a photograph on the Kissing Bridge. The town of Darling, Vermont, has used Aidens image on the famed bridgelocal legend has it that a kiss there results in everlasting loveas part of its tourism campaign. Now, twenty years later, Aiden is asked to recreate the moment with the woman he once kissed: Laurel Stone.

Recently divorced, theres nothing Laurel wants less than to pretend happily-ever-after with Aiden. As teenagers, their romance was no fairy taleand Laurel has never quite forgiven Aiden for breaking her heart. But now that she is back in her hometown, and keeps bumping into police officer Aiden, Laurel cant deny that theres still a strong flicker between her and her old flame. Could it be that the Kissing Bridge is working its magic on Laurel and Aidenand that all true love ever needed was a second chance?

ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

After the pretty crappy week I have had, Somebody Like You was just the thing I needed to cheer things up a little bit.

Aiden and Laurel's story is sweet, adorable second chance at love story.  They have a history since early childhood and now as adults they are thrown back in each other's lives.

I love the snark and bite, especially from Laurel.  I can hold a grudge with the best of them, but wowee Laurel is the master!

I am not going to lie, Laurel did annoy me at times.  She would lash out at people who didn't deserve it, she was good at closing herself off from those who love her.  I get why, I do, but she still frustrated me.

But Aiden, he's that guy.  Knows he messed up, knows he's gotta fix it, and goes above and beyond to do it.

I loved how their relationship grew throughout the story, even with tall the small town meddling (believe me I live in a small town and boy can they meddle and gossip!)  It takes a while for our lovelies to get there but get there they do.

There are some great secondary characters, but I was left with many questions at the end of this book - but knowing there are a couple more books to come I know they will be answered all in good time.  But I need to know now!!

Ms Alward has written a beautiful, descriptive story that has me hankering to visit Vermont.  Not wure what it is about Vermont lately, but in the past couple of weeks I have read so many new stories set there!

Now I am impatiently awaiting the second book, Somebody To Love.