Monday 27 February 2017

❤ How Not To Fall In Love, Actually ❤ Catherine Bennetto ❤


Emma has a job in television which is distinctly less glamourous and exciting than it sounds. Shes managed to claw her way up the ranks from Tea-Maker and Rubbish-Collector to 2nd Assistant Director (heavy on the assistant. Even heavier on the 2nd).

So when she finds shes accidentally very pregnant and at the same time accidentally very sacked (well, less accidentally: she did tell her boss to stick his job up his bum), she knows things are going to have to change.

Luckily shes also accidentally the heir to a lovely cottage in Wimbledon, with a crazy Rottweiler-owning octogenarian as a neighbour and a rather sexy boy as an accidental tenant. But this baby is coming whether she likes it or not, and she needs to become the sort of person who can look after herself let alone another human being and quickly.  


ARC received from Simon & Schuster Australia for an honest review

I really didn't know what to expect when I started reading How Not To Fall In Love, Actually, but I was pleasantly surprised by what was inside.

This book is not so much a "how not to" story, but more of a "how to" book. How to stand up for yourself.  How to believe in yourself.  How to take those leaps and not rely on other people.

Emma's story is sweet, funny and quirky.  I laughed, I cried, I screamed at the book as Emma takes us on one adventure (or should that be misadventure) after another.  No matter what happens though, she falls on her feet.

She is surrounded by equally quirky and (mostly) lovable characters who really are a big part of who she is and who she is becoming.  Not going to lie, for most of the story I thought that Emma's boyfriend was a bit of a d!ick (big part dick, small part lovable loser). 

It did take me a little while to get into the story, but once things ramped up, I couldn't put it down.  I was late to a party yesterday, as I needed to finish reading!  

How Not To Fall In Love, Actually is Ms Bennetto's debut novel, and whilst it is quite predictable, it is a light and fun read.  I am looking forward to seeing what she brings us next.