Friday, 5 August 2016

❤ Fool Me Once (Foolproof Love #2) ❤ Katee Robert ❤ Blog Tour & Giveaway ❤

Sparks will fly on this roadtrip from hell...Fool Me Once is the second novel in the Foolproof Love series from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Katee Robert and Entangled Publishing. 

Title: Fool Me Once
Author: Katee Robert
Series: Foolproof Love #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 1, 2016
Publisher: Entangled Brazen

They say opposites attract, but this is just ridiculous.

Aubry Kaiser doesnt like peopleactually, thats not right. She loathes people. With her crippling anxiety, theres no way she can demo her favorite video game at a convention with five thousand other people. Maybe if she brings someone to act as a shield

But the only person available is the sexy cowboy she cant stand.

Quinn Baldwyn is in a mess of his own. Hes been dodging his wealthy familys matchmaking attemptsand life advicefor years, but with his sisters wedding on the horizon, he needs of a shield of his own.

He and Aubry can barely hold down a civil conversation, but in bedfireworks. And the closer they get to Quinns sisters wedding, the more he realizes that he might actually like Aubry.

Now its up to him to convince her she might actually like him, too.


Copy received via Netgalley for an honest review

We met Aubry and Quinn in Foolproof Love (doesn't matter if you haven't read it, but why would you want to miss out?) and now we get their story.

They say opposites attract - and you can't get any more opposite than Aubry and Quinn!  They couldn't be any more wrong for each other... which makes them so right!

They say they can't stand each other, but when a mutually agreeable arrangement is made between them, things really start to heat up.  Sparks fly.  There is sexual tension by the bucketload.

And fighting really is foreplay.

Fool Me Once is a hot and sexy read, with a dose of the swoonworthy thrown in.  There are laughs, there are fights, and then there are the sexy times... wowsers!

From the start I wanted, no I needed them to be together.  Even when they were hating, there was just something between them, and they weren't hiss and snark.

I have adored all that I have read by Ms Robert so far, and can't wait so see what she brings us next.


You know, Ive been thinking—”

Good God, dont strain yourself.

“—and Im thinking that I need a better nickname for you. Sweet cheeks might be accurate, but no one in my family is going to believe Id call the woman Im in a relationship with something thatlowbrow.

She tilted her sunglasses down to stare at him over the top of them. It made her amber eyes stand out all the more. How about you call me nothing at all? Because that sounds ideal from where Im sitting.

Nah. Ive always been a fan of pet names.

OneI can tell. Twosave your pet names for your actual animals.

Shed left that one wide open, but he chose to ignore it. Just this once. He twined her hair around his finger again. I was thinking bunny.

You can call me bunny if you want to provoke me to actual physical violence.

Yeah, it didnt fit, either. He relaxed back into his seat, starting to enjoy the idea of this. Cherry.

Hard pass.


No way.

He wondered when shed noticed that he was still stroking her hair. He hadnt been lying when he said they would have to put on a good show for his family. That meant he had to get her used to him touching her, at least in these innocent ways. Or that was what he told himself as he kept playing with the ends of her hair.

And touching in the not-innocent ways?

To distract himself, he said, Peaches. No, dont look at me like that. You got to pass on threethats your limit. And you smell like peaches. He leaned a little closer, keeping one eye on the road, and adopted his best Nicholas Cage voice, I love peaches. I could eat peaches for hours.

Ew, gross.

He sat back and laughed. You have a problem with a man worshiping you that way?

I have a problem with Nicholas Cage comparing my lady bits to a fruit and, frankly, the image of him down there is enough to kill any desire the act would cause.

She sounded so horrified that he laughed again. Or he started to. The problem with teasing her like this was he was now picturing himself between her thighs. Quinn shifted, trying to get his instant physical reaction under control. His cock wasnt in a cooperative mood, though, and his brain kept serving up images of Aubrys back arching, her fingers digging into his forearms, her head thrown back in ecstasy he was giving her.

Jesus Christ.

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpas knee. She found romance novels at age twelve and it changed her life. When not writing sexy contemporary and speculative fiction romance novels, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her wee ones, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Connect with Katee at: