Tuesday, 14 June 2016

★ Last Kiss (First & Last #2) ★ Laurelin Paige ★

Bianca Janeane

First & Last #2
• release date:
14 June 2016
400 pages

4.5 Stars

Emily Wayborn has made a decision.

She might not fully trust handsome and deadly Reeve Sallis, but he is the one person that gives her what she needs. With Reeve she can finally be herself. Submitting to him is the only thing keeping her grounded as the rest of her life falls apart. But the hotelier is a master at keeping secrets and as she continues her quest for answers someone is making sure she doesn’t find them.

Time is running out and she is questioning everything she thought she knew about friendship and love. She must now make an impossible choice that will determine if she will survive with her heart
or at all.

After this HUGE Cliffy in book #1 we're finally back with Emily and Reeve - and Amber too. Yup, Amber has finally been found and she's really badly hurt. This greek human traffic mafia guy (aka Reeve's uncle) beat her up and left her for dead. But Emily's PI Joe found her and brought her to the Ranch.
And poor Emily is so happy to have her back, but she's also horribly afraid of what Reeve might think. He knows who she is to Amber, has probably known all along, and Emily has no idea how he will react ... for now he's just hovering over Amber. Which makes Emily jealous as hell.
And poor Reeve - he's fallen in love with Emily, but he still cares about Amber too. And also, Emily doesn't yet trust him, she doesn't trust anyone, but he needs her trust more than anything.
Lots of feelings, a bad greek mafioso and we have a long way to go before we might see a happily ever after on the horizon...☺

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO Emily & Reeve & Amber???
WILL THEre be a Happy Ever After for all of them??

I'm not telling you that

No cliffy this time - it's only a 2-book series ☺

I hate Cliffhangers!!!! I was so looking forward to finally reading this 2nd book....

And I loved this final book in Reeve & Emily's tale.

This story had everything I love in my books:

Suspensy & mysterious & exciting & sad & frustrating moments!!!

You want Emily and Reeve to get their Happy Ending asap but of course with his uncle making problems and Amber wanting to get back with Reeve and ugh - so many problems to overcome.
The reader can just hope they'll get there by the end of the book. ☺☺

LAST KISS was an amazingly beautiful & erotic & exciting romance!!! The perfect ending to Emily & Reeve's story!

If I had to say something negative... it's probably that the book was a tiny bit too long for my tastes. Some moments were just unnecessary / redundant.
I sometimes caught myself in the middle of skipping whole paragraphs where nothing really happened. I wanted to skip forward to when Reeve would talk... ☺
I think a dual POV book wouldn't have been a bad idea here. I would've loved it more.
But I still loved the story...mayyyybe we could've edited a lot out of both books and put them in one long book - I think Laurelin should do that.

ARC received for an honest review

Woohoo!  Finally we have the second and final installment of the First and Last series (that "finally" makes me sound bitchy and makes it sound like we have been waiting years for this book but it hasn't been that long - but long enough!!)

Last Kiss starts up where First Kiss finished, and it is full steam ahead from the minute I read the first page the second I finished the last.

Last Kiss is full of action and danger, is sexy and suspenseful.  There is so much going on in Reeve and Emily's lives, so much to tear them apart, or will they get their crap together and make a go of things.  

I was kept on the edge of my seat (well, my couch since I was lazing on there!) right until the end.

After First Kiss, I was so glad that Amber had been found and saved.  And I was that for a little while during Last Kiss.  But ugh, please tell me I am not the only one who wished she was gone again!

By about half way through the book I was wishing and hoping every page that she would go away!  She is a manipulative, conniving, self centred piece of work (though we kind of got that in the first book I guess) and I just wanted to b!tch slap her nearly every time she was on the page.

I adore Emily and Reeve together - then again, who isn't go to love a sexy bad ass like Reeve.

Last Kiss was a perfect ending for Emily and Reeve's story - I always knew it wasn't going to be easy for them to get where they are, but boy what a rollercoaster Ms Paige has taken us on.

Now, all I can hope is that one day we get more of Joe's story.


If you haven't read #1 yet - DO IT NOW!!
here's our ► review


USA Today and New York Times Bestselling Author Laurelin Paige is a sucker for a good romance and gets giddy anytime there’s kissing, much to the embarrassment of her three daughters. Her husband doesn’t seem to complain, however. When she isn’t reading or writing sexy stories, she’s probably singing, watching Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead, or dreaming of Adam Levine & Michael Fassbender. She is represented by Rebecca Friedman.