Monday, 20 June 2016

✪ Cassandra Giovanni ✪ Faded Perfection ✪ #BeautifullyFlawed2 ✪ Blog-Tour: Excerpt & Giveaway ✪

© Bianca Janeane

Cassandra Giovanni
• release date: 14 June
our ►reviewfor book #1
• book #3 FINDING PERFECTION will be out in October


4.9 Stars


That’s all it takes to have everything ripped away from you.
No one knows this better than Adam Beckerson and River Ahlers.

Each is fighting a losing battle with the death of Bobby and the fallout it causes. Adam loses a brother; River her best friend.

And while Adam finds himself fading into the bottom of a bottle, River finds the only thing she can do is run away from everything-- including Adam.

Sometimes when you lose everything, you lose yourself. The important part is finding your way back again.

Book #2 starts right where we left Adam and River in the first book.


Ok - Bobby and Tara have been in a car accident and Bobby died. Tara is in a coma and it doesn't look good. :/

Now it's all about how Adam and River deal with Bobby's death.
Bobby was Adam's only real family. His parents only ever cared for Bobby, but Bobby and Adam loved each other, like good brothers are supposed to. They were best friends.
Just like River was Bobby's best friend. He wanted more - he was in love with her his whole life - but River was always in love with Adam.

And now it's only River and Adam.
And they can't deal with the loss.
River tries. She tries to be there for Adam, she goes back to work and tries to start life again.
But Adam. He's not doing great. He's losing himself in alcohol, and River doesn't know how to deal with that on top of her own grief.

And then towards the middle of the book, things change - you could call it a plot-twist...
And suddenly nothing is as it was before. The chances for a HEA seem to get smaller every day....


Nope - I'm not telling you ☺



OY! How long we had to wait to hear how River and Adam's story will go on...
And now here they are.
And it's so heartbreakingly sad to watch them fight through their grief.
I just wanted them to get over it faster and to go talk to a therapist and to fight more...But it's really hard. For both of them. Adam is 'dealing' with/through alcohol and not talking to River. And River, she's trying so hard to keep everyone and everything together. But she's not dealing with her own grief. She's getting lost trying to help Adam and Tara.

I loved the story and finished it in one night.
Now I can't wait to see what will happen in the next book!!!!

Where there some things I didn't like?
Hm, in the first book, the sexiness was missing a bit. I think Cassandra is a bit afraid of writing explicit sex scenes! ☺ I would've loved to see them in the first book and I would've loved to see them here - even though it's not really appropriate here with the whole grieving mood. But still, I missed it. I didn't even know there were still books out there without sex in it. Other than christian romances!

Another thing.... this plot-twist kind of thing - am I allowed to talk about that?? Hm, not sure if it would spoil too much. Let's just say that another male character appears. And we like him a lot. But.... Adam??!?!? We love Adam and we wanted that Happily Ever After for them.
But there's still one and a half books left, so there might be hope still....

I love their story and I SOOOOO need the next book asap!!!!

FADED PERFECTION was the perfect second book in this great series. A book about two grieving people who should be there for each other, but have a really hard time with everything. Go and buy the book to see what will happen. ☺



• Click to ENTER to WIN a KINDLE FIRE •

West's lips parted, but he seemed at a loss for words. "You can't not have friends­­ you're so­­"

"Nice, but driven and being driven tends to drive people away. In college I drove away all my friends by the end...except..." My voice faded, and I swallowed, glancing out at the dimly lit yard.

West reached across the table and put his hand over mine. "The tattoo?"

I bit my lip nodding.

He squeezed my hand and leaned back, his thumb drawing soft circles over my skin. "What about family? In my experience, they're kind of hard to drive away."

I scoffed, shaking my head as I looked down at our hands. "I see my dad once a week­­ he

comes up on Saturdays, and we spend the day watching TV, having dinner and talking."

"That sounds nice­­so why do you seem so angry about it?" West's voice was soft, his words said slowly, as if he was afraid to insult me.

I fought the urge to stand up and sit in his lap­­to be in the warmth his smile sent me­­ to be wrapped in his natural happiness.

"My dad comes secretly. My mom and I... I'm not on good terms with her. I guess we were never on good terms but last year on Thanksgiving she crossed a line and I haven't been able to get passed it," I said, and my eyes moved up his hand to his arm spiraling with color ­­waves, koi fish, lotus and cherry blossoms. Mom would die if she saw him. If I was skanky, he was an absolute man­slut.

Jesse did say he's a womanizer. And you're a man­eater.

"Doesn't agree with your choices?" West asked as he lifted his wine up to his thin, very kissable lips.

My chest rose as I nodded.

"Well, let's say you'd probably go into shock if you met my family­­ blue collar, nose in the air, house on the vineyard people. Very un­tattooed."

"And how do they take to­­" I signaled to his arm and collarbone, my pulse hitching as he winked at me.

"You haven't even seen them all," he replied, and his eyes locked on mine, devious in their

twinkle as if he knew I wanted to know where the others were. As if to say it's only a matter of time.

I swallowed hard, looking down at my pasta.

"Let's just say they got used to it...and my mom tries to think of it as art­­my dad tries to think of it as proving I have a high pain tolerance and a talent with my hands."

My eyes shot up at that, and he leaned back laughing. My face burned, and my mind raced to places it should definitely not be.

"Do you now?" I managed to stutter.

Flirt. You're such a damn flirt.

I wasn't sure if I was chastising him or myself in my head­­or worse, neither.

He reached across the table and flipped my arm, running his fingertips up to the tattoo he gave me and traced its outline. The tingling started from somewhere other than my arm, and I bit hard on my cheek as he sat back, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah," I said as I leaned forward and grabbed my glass of wine. "You're talented alright."


 STALK Cassandra ON:

Cassandra doesn't remember a time when she wasn't writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character's stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. Besides being a writer, Cassandra is a professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England with their dogs, Bubski and Kanga.
Cassandra Giovanni is published by Show n’ot Tell Publishing based out of Connecticut, USA.