Monday, 7 September 2015

✤ Unbroken ✤ Lisa Renee Jones ✤ Amy Bensen #4 ✤

© Bianca Janeane


• release day 7 September 2015
The Secret Life of Amy Bensen #4

Before you start reading this review - please read the whole
Amy Bensen Series

5 Stars


From New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones comes the fourth and final part in the sexy, suspenseful The Secret Life of Amy Bensen series—finally revealing the long-awaited wedding between Amy and Liam. But with the explosive secret they’re hiding, will their enemies ever let them live happily ever after?

For six long years I lived on the run, in fear and devastated by loss. That began to change the day I met Liam Stone, who is so much more than his money and power, and even the protection he has offered me. He is passion. He is friendship. He is love and happiness, and the man who made my enemies his own. And now with his help, the secret that drove me into hiding is buried, our enemies contained. Liam and I can finally start our life and put this behind us.
The nightmare is over. Unless…it’s not. matter how alpha, how dominant, there's a broken part of Liam that understands and fits with the broken parts of me.



Ok - we basically start off where we left our darlings in Forsaken  ....
Chad made sure all the bad guys were in jail, and he had this idea of 'The Circle' - a group of twelve people world-wide, who each own their own piece of information about the cylinder.
Should that all word out the way Chad planned it, it would make Amy and everybody connected to him safe.
And it looks like it's working - but there are still some loose ends ... like Jared, their former friend and hacker...
So Liam is working hard to make sure that they can live a happy and secure and free live from now on.

And with all the troubles still out there, there are also some happy moments...
Christmas is just around the corner...and some guy might propose to some girl .... 
All very cute and romantic - in the midst of their still very unsure future.....

What will happen to Amy & Liam?
Is Jared one of the bad or the good-ish guys?
Will there be a HEA?
Will everybody survive???


Ugh :(((((( so sad. This was the last we'll ever hear from my darling Liam.
I was sooo in love with the first book in this series - Escaping Reality.
The bar was a tiny bit too high for the next three books. They just couldn't convince me the way the first book had...but I still loved them. You just have to. You needed to know how their stories would end.
And now that it's over, I can't wait what LRJ will come up with next!!!!

UNBROKEN was such a cute final novella.
It had this whole Christmas-epilogue feeling to it.
I loved it.

”Sometimes you’re the only reading I do breathe, Amy Bensen.
But let’s make a deal. From now on, let’s breathe together.”

A bit of suspense, mystery, excitement, romance, sexiness, love, hot-chocolate, fun and lots of adorable and sexy guys. Perfect ending to an amazing series!!!!!


ARC received for an honest review

Sigh..... the last Amy and Liam book, what am I going to do now/

You will need to have read the first 3 books in the series, as this follows on from where Chad's story in Forsaken ends.

I have to agree with Bianca up there, where she says that the first book was exceptional and my expectations were very high for the rest of the series.  Whilst they did not quite get to the dizzying heights of Infinite Possibilites, I still loved the whole series.

There is so much going on in this novella-sized story, I was not sure how everything was going to be able to be tie up all the loose ends.  Mostly things were cleared up and all the questions that were raised were answered.

However, I did feel that there was more to Jared's story than was told in Forsaken and Unbroken, and I felt that this was a loose end left dangling,  making me want more.  Maybe it is just me though who thinks Jared's story feels unfinished?

This is a suspenseful but also sexy short story, drawing me back into the wonderful world of Amy and Liam.  Now I am left wanting, no needing to know what Ms Jones will give us next.



About Lisa Renee

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT TRILOGY which has sold to more than ten countries for translation with negotiations in process for more, and has now been optioned by STARZ Network for a cable television show, to be produced by Suzanne Todd (Alice in Wonderland).

Since beginning her publishing career in 2007, Lisa has published more than 30 books with publishers such as Simon and Schuster, Avon, Kensington, Harlequin, NAL, Berkley and Elloras Cave, as well as crafting a successful indie career. Booklist says that Jones suspense truly sizzles with an energy similar to FBI tales with a paranormal twist by Julie Garwood or Suzanne Brockmann.

Prior to publishing, Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by Dallas Women Magazine. In 1998 LRJ was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Lisa loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at and she is active on twitter and facebook daily.