Tuesday, 15 September 2015

✤ A Desperate Man ✤ Volume 3 ✤ Ella Frank & Brooke Blaine ✤ #Giveaway & Excerpt

© Bianca Janeane

Volume Three

• release date: 13 September 2015
 • A Desperate Man #3
• the ebook containing THE COMPLETE SERIES will also be released on 9/13 ☺

5 Stars

Sex. Addiction. Lies.

One night changed everything.

With the sins that stand between Evan and Reagan, can a relationship emerge from a past that is so broken?

Or will the weight of their deceptions crush any hope of redemption?

Volume 3 is the final installment in the Desperate Man series.

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken pieces."
-Ernest Hemmingway

This last part of Reagan & Evan's story is told from both their POVs.
The 2nd book ended with our darlings being mad at each other :/
Reagan was mad at Evan because she thinks he had sex with a prostitute and Evan is mad because Reagan lied to him from the beginning. He just found out that she's little Jennifer - the girl he played with when he was ten. Whose family his parents cheated out of lots of money.

Can all those lies and secrets and whatnots be overcome?
Can those two have a happy ever after with everything that's happened?
Will a fun comment on a coffee cup be the start to making it all okay again? ☺
LET'S HOPE FOR THE BEST - because those two need to be together - they're perfect for each other!



♥ Evan is back!!! Finally.

Now we (hopefully) get to find out if those two can forget every bad thing between them and live happily ever after. ☺

I really enjoyed those 3 novellas - and I'm happy for all new readers - you are now able to read all 3 in one sitting - they're available in one book now! So hurry along to your next amazon store and buy it!

THE FANTASY Vol.3 was another really sexy & perfect Novella!
The Perfect Ending to this adorable story!
You will sooo want for Evan & Reagan to get their HEA with each other!!!
You won't waste your money when you one-click it

ARC received from authors for an honest review

My man Evan James is back! Woohoo!

After the way things ended in part 2, I wasn't sure how things were going to go with Evan and Reagan. Secrets and lies never turn out well, but boy oh boy I was Team Reavan!

It was a beautiful thing to watch this pair realise what they really were to each other, how much they wanted and needed each other.

The chemistry is off the charts. The attraction, the sexy times.

But can they forgive and forget? Get their HEA?

I adored how we got to learn more of their childhoods, more of their families, more of their connection.

I have loved this series by Ella and Brooke, and hope they collaborate more in the future.


Excerpt from A Desperate Man: Volume 3

© 2015 Ella Frank & Brooke Blaine

** WARNING: Contains SPOILERS if you have not read Volumes 1 & 2. **

“SO LET ME get this straight.” Dr. Glover lifted the end of his pen to his lips as his eyes

narrowed on Evan over the top of his glasses. “The woman we’ve been discussing over

the past few weeks finally shows you that she wants more, and you left her in an

emotional heap in her office. Did I get that right?”

Evan stretched his long legs out in front of him. She thinks I fucked a prostitute

the day after I left her apartment, so, yeah, that’s about right. Sighing, he leaned back

into the worn leather couch. “You left out the part about her being a liar. And not

someone I met in the last few weeks. She had an agenda.”

“And what the hell was that?”

“You wanted to fuck her.”

“Jesus, you get right to the point, don’t you?”

“Well, that’s what you do. Isn’t it?”

I thought it was until I became obsessed with a leggy fucking blonde. Evan glared

at the man whose eyes he swore fucking twinkled. “Even if it is, what therapist talks like

you do? I’m positive they don’t teach you that in Patient-Client Relations 101.”

“I’ve always been a firm believer in no bullshit. I told you that the day you

walked in and tried to lie to me. We aren’t going to make any progress if you don’t trust

“Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re just—”

Evan waved him off. “Nothing. I guess I’m still trying to process the fact that

Reagan is that little girl from so long ago. A whole fucking life ago. It’s… I don’t know,”

he said, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. “It’s disconcerting. She knew

“And that bothers you.”

“Fuck yes, it bothers me. I was ten years old the last time I saw her. Innocent.

“You’re awfully hard on yourself. I wonder if you’re upset over what you’re

saying or over Reagan thinking bad of you.”

And there it was. The truth he didn’t want to admit. Reagan accusing him of being

with anyone hours after he’d been with her had infuriated him. Which was ridiculous,

because he knew what he was. The demons he’d been trying to fight. Why would she

assume anything but the worst? But with that anger came embarrassment and shame. He

hated that she’d seen him on that corner. Hated that she’d seen him with Layla. But how

the fuck could he ever convince her otherwise? And why would he even want to?

“She’s a liar,” he said.

“And you’re a sex addict. Fantastic pairing.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway




Ella Frank is a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author. She writes both contemporary and erotic fiction and is best known for her Exquisite Series, and Temptation Series. 

The minute she began her love affair with reading, she became and avid supporter of the romance genre and has never looked back. 

Ella is Australian born and bred but currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband.


You could say Brooke Blaine was a book-a-holic from the time she knew how to read; she used to tell her mother that curling up with one at 4 a.m. before elementary school was her ‘quiet time.’ Not much has changed except for the espresso I.V. pump she now carries around and the size of her onesie pajamas.

Her first solo novel, a romantic comedy, is due out in early 2015, but first, she thought she’d write a raunchy story with her best friend that would scar her conservative southern family for life.

If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find - just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for ten years.