Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Release Day Blitz and Giveaway - Kaleidoscope by Kristen Ashley


When old friends become new lovers...anything can happen.

Sexy, gifted, and loyal, PI Jacob Decker is a tall, cool drink of perfection who had Emmanuelle Holmes at "hello." His relationship with Emme's best friend kept them apart for years, but things have changed. Now that a case has brought him to Gnaw Bone,
Colorado, the road is wide open for Emme and Deck to explore something hotter and deeper than Emme dreamed possible. So why is she sabotaging the best thing that's ever happened to her?

It isn't easy to catch Deck off guard, but Emme does just that when she walks back into his life after nine long years. The curvy brunette had her charms back in the day, but now she's a bona fide knockout . . . and she wants to rekindle their friendship. Deck, however, wants more. Emme's always been the one; she excites Deck's body and mind like no other woman can. But a dark chapter from Emme's past overshadows their future together. Now only Deck can help her turn the page-if she'll let him . . .


Sometimes, Chace started, and his tone was cautious, girls like her, girls like she used to be who turn into girls like she is now, get a guys attention, a good-lookin guy like that, and they can go—”

Deck cut him off.
Chace, you know Emme. You know thats bullshit. Shes always known her own mind. And shes always been cool. Even when she wasnt a knockout, she wasnt that kind of person.

Its been years, Deck, Chace reminded him. A lot of them. People change, and it isnt lost on either of us she has in a big way.

Yeah, and I just met her on the street. Im havin dinner with her tonight and she looks good, man, but she acts the same. And her man is a dick but hes also a moron. So hes no boss, Deck declared and looked at Shaughnessy. And you just got yourself a maverick.

The mood in the room shifted. It had been alert. Now it was relieved.

Shaughnessy was the only one who didn
t want Deck stepping in.

The rest of them, after all they
d seen for the past few years, wanted this done, and they were willing to take risks to get that.

Terrific, Shaughnessy muttered, his eyes moving through the room.

Decker, this needs to be discussed, Douglas stated, and Deck looked to him.

You want me on the team, we talk money. Ill give a discount, see this shit sorted. Ill want a full brief. Ill want the entire file. I wont take orders. Ill keep you in the know of what I do and what I find. But, just sayin, that woman means something to me. He threw out a hand toward the whiteboard. So even if you dont put me on the team and pay me, Ill still be seein her clear of this shit.

You cant let her know were investigating her boyfriend, Carole said swiftly.

This isnt my first rodeo, Deck returned. Whats goin down, I wouldnt fuck your investigation. But shes still clear and shes clear in no more than a week. Not months. Not as long as itll take you to track this crew, the way youre goin, and stop their shit.

As contract to this task force, you cannot engage in illegal activities. We cant prosecute with fruit from the poisonous tree, Douglas told him.

Again, not my first rodeo, Deck replied.

You have a crew or do you work alone? Henry asked.

This, Ill be bringin in my crew, Deck answered.

Theyll all need to see me, Douglas stated. Contract is signed, you all work for my department until the case is done.

Deck nodded and his eyes went to Chace.
Want a picture of that board, want the file.

Deck, not sure this is a good idea. You got a conflict of interest with this—”

Deck again cut Chace off.
This is Emme.

I know its Emme, Chace shot back, concerned for Deck and losing patience because of it. Until just now, I had no idea youd react the way you have when you saw it was Emme. So Emmes the goddamned conflict of interest.

You know her, Deck whispered, also losing patience, and he watched his friends face. Definite concern but also indecision.

He knew Emme.

Chace went from the academy into Carnal
s Police Department and stayed there but that didnt mean Deck didnt spend time with Chace throughout all Decks travels. Chace had met Elsbeth. Chace had spent time with her. And with Elsbeth came Emme. So Chace had spent time with Emme too.

Her change is remarkable, Deck, Chace noted again. Thats something to take into account.

At his words, Deck felt the ghost of her fingers digging into his shoulder through his coat. Saw the dimple. Heard her call him honey.

And he knew her history. Elsbeth told him. He knew what she
d survived. He knew what made her what she was.

He didn
t know what made her what she was now, but he was going to find out at dinner.

Last, he knew Emme would not be a part of a crew who burgled homes across an entire county and recruited high school students to do it. Not for the attention of the likes Dane McFarland. Not for money. Not for power. Not for anything.
Shes up first. I investigate her. Clear her. Then clear her of this shit, Deck stated.

You work that with me, Chace returned.

Suit yourself. But dinner with Emme tonight is just her and me.
Chace studied him.

Deck took it then looked to
Douglas. You got a file for me?

Itll be delivered to your house by three thirty, Douglas replied.

Contracts will be emailed to you by then. My crew will be in tomorrow at eight to be deputized, Deck replied.

You gonna be with them? Douglas asked.

Wouldnt miss that shit for the world, Deck answered, cut his eyes through the people in the room, noting Henry Gibbons looked amused, Mick Shaughnessy looked annoyed, Carole Weatherspoon looked reflective and Chace still looked worried.

Then he walked out of office, out of the station and to his truck.  

I was born a middle class white child in Gary, Indiana, USA. One of the last of a dying breed. I nearly killed my mother and myself making it into the world, seeing as I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck (already attempting to accessorise and I hadnt taken my first breath!). Mom says they took me away, put her back in her room, she looked out the window, and Gary was on fire (Dr. King had been assassinated four days before). She remembered thinking it was the end of the world. Quite the dramatic beginning.

Nothings changed.

All Ive ever wanted to do was write (well, and be the Queen of the World, but you gotta start small) and Ive published a gazillion books and counting (and a gazillion is a lot! shoo!).You can learn about my titles that have been released or that are soon to be released in the Titles section of the website.

Even though I jump genres, there is always a theme to my bookshumor (hopefully), engaging characters (again, hopefully) and romance (definitely).

My loves are movies, music, food and fashion and I partake of all of them as often as I can (the middle two more than the others, the former, which takes time I dont often have and the latter, which takes money I rarely have). In fact, I love food so much, I like to share my good fortune so I put my recipes on offer for you on this page (see top menu and don't miss them, they're awesome!).

I grew up in Brownsburg, Indiana and have lived in Denver, Colorado and the West Country of England. Thus I'm blessed to have friends and family around the globe. My family was (is) loopy (to say the least) but loopy is good when you want to write and growing up it was large and multi-generational. We all lived together on a very small farm in a small farm town in the heartland. I grew up with Glenn Miller, The Everly Brothers, REO Speedwagon and Whitesnake (and the wardrobes that matched). Needless to say, growing up in a house full of music, clothes and love was a good way to grow up.

And as I keep growing up, it keeps getting better.
So here I am, thank goodness.

a Rafflecopter giveaway