Tuesday, 5 November 2019

✪ Unspoken Words ✪ KM Golland ✪

Release Date:  11th November 2019

This is a story of unspoken words and how loud they can be.

Connor Bourke and I met when we were twelve years old. He was a quiet boy with so much to say and only one way to say it—through song. He’d lost his best friend to cancer, so I showed him there was love and life in loss, and to hold on to his memories, always.

Eloise Mitchell was a blazing fire when my world turned dark. She’d shined so bright and burned so fierce that the wall I’d built around myself simply melted to the ground at her feet.

We shared everything together:
Our first kiss,
first love,
first mistake,
and first regret.

She taught me to speak,
to forgive,
and to never forget.

Through his music, he could say all he needed to say except for, ‘I love you’.
I could never tell her those three words.

Yet, I knew he meant them, that he loved me beyond all measure, beyond time
… beyond a broken heart.

I loved her more than anything.

Our bond was unbreakable.
Our love was ever after.

But, then, we tend to destroy the ones we love the most.
And all bonds break, especially when the heart is what holds them together.

ARC provided for an honest review

KM Golland, this book absolutely blew me away.  

A wonderful story of first love, first heartbreak and finding a way back to each other over distance and time.

Connor and Eloise - "Ellie" had me drawn into their story from the very first word to the last last.  Though I may have been reading those last words through leaking eyes!

Every turn of the page had me filled with another emotion. I laughed. I loved. I hurt.

There were twists and turns throughout the book that had me - and my emotions - all over the place.  There were definitely a few WTF moments! Ms Golland would rip my heart out, put it back together- only to do it all again.

Make sure you have alcohol and tissues handy throughout!

Beautiful, heartbreaking, loving.  There are not enough words to describe how much I loved this book.

Buy it. Read it. Love it.