Friday, 1 November 2019

✪ The Plus Ones ✪ Kayley Loring ✪

Love changes people.
I’m the first to admit that I, Keaton Bridges, used to be an immature, entitled ass.
Okay, maybe I’m the second to admit it—after Roxy Carter.
That loudmouth.
But I’ve seen what true love has done for my friends, and I want it for myself.

Somehow, I’m the only single guy left.
Somehow, she’s the only single girl.
The only time Foxy Roxy hasn’t been a loudmouth?
That time we were making out at our best friends’ wedding.
And every time we’ve seen each other in the five years since then,
because she refuses to talk about it.

Well, she’s going to have to talk to me now.
It’s the dead of winter, and our six best friends were planning a getaway
at a Caribbean couples-only resort.
One of the couples had to drop out, and I refuse to be left out in the cold.
All Roxy and I have to do is pretend to be in love for one week so we can
spend some much-needed time with our favorite people.
And all I have to do is pretend I’m not dying to kiss her again.

Copy received for Audible review

I like the friends to lovers trope.  Gotta love a bit of that action.  Throw in a fake relationship (that you know is going to turn real) and I am all in.

This was my first Kayley Loring story, so even though I wasn't all up to date with the other couples in this series, I enjoyed it.

I absolutely loved Keaton.  He was kind and caring and has all the feels.

Roxy on the other hand I just couldn't with.  She is a 35 year old woman, yet she acted out like a belligerent 13 year old throwing a tantrum for most of the book - she did get better in the last 20% of the book though.  She finally grew up!

It was fun seeing the two "third wheels" become a real couple though, especially when putting on the act in front of strangers.

I enjoyed the push/pull between our lovelies - I just wish that Roxy wasn't such a cow to Keaton.

I did like the narrations.  Teddy Hamilton is one of my favourite male narrators out there.  He brought Keaton to life.  I don't think I have listened to Mackenzie Cartwright before, she does have a lovely voice for story telling.

I would look out for more of this series in the future.