Friday, 20 September 2019

✪ Cold Storage ✪ David Koepp ✪

Available 24th September 2019

For readers of Andy Weir and Noah Hawley comes an astonishing debut by the screenwriter of Jurassic Park: a wild and terrifying adventure about three strangers who must work together to contain a highly contagious, deadly organism

When Pentagon bioterror operative Roberto Diaz was sent to investigate a suspected biochemical attack, he found something far worse: a highly mutative organism capable of extinction-level destruction. He contained it and buried it in cold storage deep beneath a little-used military repository.

Now, after decades of festering in a forgotten sub-basement, the specimen has found its way out and is on a lethal feeding frenzy. Only Diaz knows how to stop it.

He races across the country to help two unwitting security guards—one an ex-con, the other a single mother. Over one harrowing night, the unlikely trio must figure out how to quarantine this horror again. All they have is luck, fearlessness, and a mordant sense of humor. Will that be enough to save all of humanity?

ARC received for an honest review

This is David Koepp's debut novel, however you can see the screenwriter in him shine through in his story.

Cold Storage is an entertaining, if at times farcical sci-fi/horror story about a killer fungus that could take over the world.

Now, I am not sure if this book was supposed to be funny or serious, however I found it had many laugh out loud moments.  I know it is fiction and supposed to stretch our belief, but gees, come on sometimes it was just u eye-roll worthy.

I found that the story flowed well, but it did lack character development.  They were all a little 2 dimensional for me.  I felt that they would probably come across better on the screen than the page (not surprising though with the author's background).

The highlight of the story for me was a character called "Teacake".  I don't want to spoil anything, however is quite delightful.

So, whilst this isn't the heaviest of reads, I did find myself picking it up each lunch time to dive a little more into this fantastical adventure. It's not the greatest book out there, however it was enjoyable enough for me to keep reading.