Tuesday, 18 October 2016

✪ Erin Watt ✪ TWISTED PALACE ✪ #Royals3 ✪

© Bianca

ROYALS trilogy #3
release day 17 October
• 400 pages

5 Stars

These Royals will ruin you

From mortal enemies to unexpected allies, two teenagers try to protect everything that matters most.

Ella Harper has met every challenge that life has thrown her way. She’s tough, resilient, and willing to do whatever it takes to defend the people she loves, but the challenge of a long-lost father and a boyfriend whose life is on the line might be too much for even Ella to overcome.

Reed Royal has a quick temper and even faster fists. But his tendency to meet every obstacle with violence has finally caught up with him. If he wants to save himself and the girl he loves, he’ll need to rise above his tortured past and tarnished reputation.

No one believes Ella can survive the Royals. Everyone is sure Reed will destroy them all.

They may be right.

With everything and everyone conspiring to keep them apart, Ella and Reed must find a way to beat the law, save their families, and unravel all the secrets in their Twisted Palace.


This 3rd book starts right where we left Ella & Reed in the last book.

Reed was just arrested for the murder of Brooke.
And at the same time Ella's long-lost-DEAD father came back!

Steve has no idea who Ella is, he can't remember the letter he got from her mom telling her about Ella. He's literally been stranded on a tiny island where only twice a year a boat comes to bring food.
But now he's back.

And poor Reed. He's been released on bail. But everybody is horribly against him and whispering behind his back.

'I'm a Royal baby. I don't run. I fight.'
Steel hardens his eyes.
'I didn't kill anyone, and I'm not going to prison for something I didn't do. I promise you.'

Reed has to deal with being a murder-suspect and Ella has to deal with her new Dad and his horrible wife...

Lots of verrrry exciting, sad, sexy, funny, moving, frustrating moments until the Royals plus Ella can finally have their Happily Ever After.

What will happen to the Royals in this last book?
Will Ella & Reed get finally get their HEA?
Who killed Brooke???

Eeeeeeeep - finally book #3 in this amazing series!!!


This book is told both by Ella & Reed.
We hate how both have to go through this horrible time. And there's nothing they can do to really help each other. Ugh - so sad and frustrating. We just want them to fast forward to their HEA!!!

But of course it's not as simple as that.
We have to find out who killed Brooke.
We have to deal with New-Dad-Steve and his sudden & strict Daddiness. ☺
Even though I want them to deal with all that and leave all the bad stuff behind them....I also want this series to never end. I would love for Hollywood to come knocking and to make a TV show out of those Royals. I would SO watch that every week!

 It was the last book in the series - but I'm not giving up hope! There are some more boys left to find their Happily Ever After Girl.☺

Great book - amazing series!
There's so much love and hate and grief and sadness and hope and dreams and pain and joy and adorableness in this series- you can't help but be in love with all of the Royals plus Ella!

And you better have your heart medicine close by, because the whole book is just so very exciting. We don't know how Reed will get out of this mess, it doesn't look good.... grrrrr☺

TWISTED PALACE was the perfect finale in this amazing series. Run to your nearest amazon to find out who killed Brooke and how Ella & Reed will fight for their HEA! ☺  

And now I'm excited for whatever else these Erin Watt ladies have coming for us!☺


Book #1 ► Our Review

Book #2 ► our Review

Stalking Erin Watt:



A USA Today bestselling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a B.A. in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer, and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager.

Elle currently writes for various publishers. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!