Friday, 7 August 2015

✮ Obsidian Mask (Lion Security #2) ✮ Scarlett Dawn ✮

The best-selling mafia series, by NYT Times bestselling author, Scarlett Dawn, continues with Obsidian Mask, where stakes are raised in passion and devotion--not just guns...

Elizabeth Forter tamed the head of the Russian mafia, Daniil Kozar. Or so she thought. But the mafia has nothing on her parents--the preacher and anti-gun conspirator. The Lion Security team is thrown for a loop when Mr. and Mrs. Forter decided
Key West is their next destination to save their daughter from her 'down-slide' into the darker side.

Elizabeth is busy distracting her overbearing parents...her lover is watching her. Because she lied. And lying to the Russian mafia can only cause groundbreaking shenanigans. The sort of trouble Elizabeth isn't prepared for, ultimately tying her to the gun-waving killers.

Perhaps Elizabeth and Daniil should have watched their backs, instead of each other. Two lovers can be blinded by their own wants. So what happens when the very air you breathe is poisonous? You put on a gas mask...and pray.

ARC received from author for an honest review 

Obsidian Mask continues on where Obsidian Liquor ended, so you will need to have read it first.

Wow, there is a lot going on in this installment of the Lion Security series!

Beth's life has never been dull, but things have certainly ramped up since she became involved with Daniil, head of the Russian mafia!  HMS Relationship is going full steam ahead!

Obsidian Mask has a bit of everything.  Love. Laughter. Violence.  Happy tears.  Sad tears.  Whilst it is mainly based around Beth and Daniil, other family and relationships are also brought to the foreground.

It is also a lot more emotional than book 1, Obsidian Liquor - I may have shed a couple of tears. There were some wonderful, D & M conversations had in this book.

Just as things were getting real interesting - we were cliffhangered (though having read Ms Dawn's other works, this did not come as too much of a surprise to me).

I am really looking forward to seeing where Ms Dawn takes Beth and Daniil's story in book 3, Obsidian Music.