Monday, 18 November 2013

❁ BLOG TOUR ❁ Infinite Possibilities ❁ Lisa Renee Jones ❁ Review and giveaway ❁

© Bianca & Janeane


• release date - 11 November - 2013
• 250 pages

Infinite Possibilities

Secrets and lies. They are everywhere: haunting her, tormenting her. In the midst of it all, he’d been her escape, her passion. The only person she’d trusted in six years. And then he’d made her doubt that trust, cutting her deeply. But as she’d once told him, she was damaged, not broken. She is ready to fight and not just for survival. She is fighting for the truth and she won’t stop until she has it, not even for…him

Raw and honest. That is what Liam Stone claimed he wanted from me, but that is not what he gave me...
I cannot risk trusting him, or anyone for that matter, at least ot until I confront the past someone wants me to forget...


The book starts right where Escaping Reality left off.
Remember? Amy overheard Liam talking to Derek, about her and about how Liam could handle her and the situation etc.
So, what does Amy do? Now that she's pretty sure she shouldn't have trusted Liam? She runs again. Or at least she tries - because Liam is trying his best to follow her.

"Run to me, not from me."

But she manages to get away from him. She ends up in New Mexico, working in a little diner for a few weeks. That's where Liam finds her.
But he's not the only one looking for her. The bad guys are hot on her trail too.
But are the others the bad guys? Or is Liam the bad guy? She just doesn't know what to do, who to trust.
She wants to believe that Liam is one of the good guys...but if he is, she would put him in danger by staying with him.

Clinging to Liam, I cannot do anything but trust him and pray he's worthy of that trust.
...but ... if my story was a book and someone was reading it, would they call me naive and stupid?

But she can't do it alone. She wants to find out what happened to her family six years ago. Why everybody had to die, and why people are still looking for her.
So she decides to trust Liam.

...maybe he's my last hope. Or maybe, he's my final destruction.

Liam takes her with him to New York - into his very secure apartment.
And while Liam is still positive that they should hide Amy somewhere safe in Asia, where he has contacts - Amy wants to do some more research into her past. She needs to know what happened and she can't just let Liam take over and send her away.
She still has her black-outs / flashbacks and more and more details come back to her.
We find out more about the bad guy(s) and what her brother might have had to do with it all.

Lots of sexy and romantic and moving and suspensy scenes await you☺

But I'm not telling you any more details  ☺ it would totally spoil your reading pleasure ;)


I was soooo looking forward to reading this second book!!!!
I loved loved loved Escaping Reality SO MUCH - and I think that unfortunately my expectations were a tiny little bit too high! So my 5 FAT Stars for Escaping Reality are now only 4.9999225 Stars for Infinite Possibilities. And that's really not a bad thing at all, it's just that I was soooo much in love with the first book that this second one didn't really stand a chance.

I really loved it though.
The suspense plays a much bigger part here than it did in the first book.
But that was to be expexcted - we had to get to the bottom of the whole situation of Amy's past.
But I think by putting so much suspense in here, Liam and Amy were kind of forgotten a little bit.
There's still a lot of them in it - lots of sexy scenes and moving romantic scenes - but with Amy being on the run at the beginning and with all that suspensy stuff happening there was just not enough time for the Love-Story-part of the book.
Hm that sounds stupid - there IS Love in it - but with a 250-page book there wasn't enough room for anything deeper I guess. OK, no, I think I'm totally confusing you now. There are LOTs of scenes with Liam & Amy and lots of feelings and crying and fear on both sides. Forget about the last few lines ☺ Just read it yourself! If you loved Escaping Reality you will definitely LOVE this book too!
Just like I did - it's just that I had too high expectations! ☺



I couldnt get enough of Liam and Amy in Escaping Reality, and I was really looking forward to Infinite Possibilities.

And I was not disappointed.

Amy and Liam have hit a rough patch in their relationship, and she is one confused woman.  
Who can she and cant she trust?  Is Liam trying to protect her or harm her?  What does Derek have to do with things?

Run to me,  not from me.

And then there are the other people who come into her life to confuse her even more.  Who can she believe?  What does Jared have to do with things/

Amys past plays a much bigger part in Infinite Possibilities than it did in Escaping Reality, and though I thought it took away quite a bit from the Amy/Liam romance side of things,  It was quite suspenseful, and at times I was on the edge of my seat wondering who was up to no god.

 I was glad that we got further into Amys psyche through the events of her past.  This made some of her current decisions make a lot more sense.

Saying that, there is still a lot of the Liam/Amy love story.  There was still plenty of this

and maybe talk of here...

and of course looking at this
I did love that we also learnt more of Amy's family.  There were a few tears as we learnt of what happened to them. What happened was so much a part of Amy now,and how she has survived is testament to the strong woman she is.
 And the epilogue was a true moment of

I. Need. More!!

Escaping Reality #1

But Lisa doesn't yet have any idea when she'll be able to release it....
we'll let you know as soon as we find out!





New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT TRILOGY which has sold to more than ten countries for translation with negotiations in process for more, and has now been optioned by STARZ Network for a cable television show, to be produced by Suzanne Todd (Alice in Wonderland).
Since beginning her publishing career in 2007, Lisa has published more than 30 books with publishers such as Simon and Schuster, Avon, Kensington, Harlequin, NAL, Berkley and Elloras Cave, as well as crafting a successful indie career. Booklist says that Jones suspense truly sizzles with an energy similar to FBI tales with a paranormal twist by Julie Garwood or Suzanne Brockmann.
Prior to publishing, Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by Dallas Women Magazine. In 1998 LRJ was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.
Lisa loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her through her website and she is active on twitter and facebook daily.




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