• 352 pages
• release date - 29 October - 2013
5 big and fat Stars
In the third book in the Beautiful Bastard series, an agreement between a venture capitalist and a bookish woman quickly becomes a very NSFW version of My Fair Lady.
When Hanna “Ziggy” Bergstrom moves to New York City for graduate school, Will Sumner thinks his responsibilities to his best friend’s nerdy little sister will be limited to the occasional dinner and check-in. Little does he know that Ziggy is ready to break out of her bookworm academic shell and move more into bombshell territory. Of course she figures the gorgeous womanizing venture capitalist Will is the best person to help mentor her in this new field of study: dating.
Will takes on the challenge with more than a healthy dose of skepticism and humor, but soon finds that Ziggy just needed a tiny push, not a world of change, to reveal a woman every man seems to notice. Soon “Ziggy” is gone and the unfiltered, innocently seductive Hanna Bergstrom is hijacking his dreams, his moods, and even his orderly no-strings-attached dating life—beginning the night his mentoring activities move between the sheets.
Hanna 'Ziggy' Bergstrom has been living in New York for the past 3 years - and for most of that time she hasn't left her beloved lab. She's a bio-med grad student and it's taking up all her time. That's why her Dad and oldest brother Jensen come to the rescue. They tell her to go out and have fun and enjoy life while she's still young! Jensen tells her to call up his best college buddy Will to take her out and introduce her to some people.
That's what she does ☺ Calling the guy she's had a crush on since she was 12 years old!!!
William Sumner! Sexy Scientist & Business Man!
They meet for a run in Central Park and they click immediately - instant friendship ☺ (don't know about you guys, but I have this sudden urge to go jogging!! ~~J~~)
William loves how funny and different and pretty and interesting she is - but she is still his buddy's little sis. Still - he can't stop staring at her boobs - and it doesn't help that Hanna has NO idea how to censor her nerdy thoughts and comments - she talks about SEX and BOOBS and Blow Jobs and Penises and Will just loves it ☺ She wants him to teach her everything he knows and learned in the sex and seduction department being a big Ladies-Man (Player)☺
Will never really had a girlfriend - he has Lady-Friends who he calls when the need arises ☺ But lately he only feels the need for this one nerdy girl ☺
Soon they start to do more than just running and talking about SEX theoretically ☺
BUT is Will ready to commit - to his buddy's sister?
And is Hanna ready for something serious? Are they both ok with this 'friends-with-benefits' thing?
I don't want to spoil your reading pleasure ☺
OMG how can one tiny little book have sooooo much great stuff in it???
I LAUGHED soooo much!!!
Hanna's comments made me laugh out loud so often!
And super-hot-tattooed-business-man Will??? OMG how can one guy be this amazing???
Thank you Christina & Lauren for putting Bennett and Max in this book too - I would've totally forgotten about those 2 hotties!! WILL IS SOOO AMAZING!!!
And the sexy parts of the book??? OMG!!!
There's no real sex for a while but what those 2 do without having 'real' sex is SOOO EFFING HOT - jeeeeezus potato!!!!! No Words!
Of course we meet Max & Sara and Bennett & Chloe again.
And we meet Hanna's family!
And then there's this really sweet quote that someone might draw/write on someone's body:
I can't put into words how much I loved this book!
If you liked/loved the first Beautiful will SOOOO FALL IN LOVE WITH WILL & HANNA!!!!
Just three little words:
I tell you now, I thought it would to beat Max Stella, but Will Sumner over took him like a bullet and left him in his wake!
In the previous books, Will has been in the background as the player, the last man standing amongst Bennett, Max and himself. He has scheduled "dates" with numerous ladies, the love 'em and leave 'em kind of arrangement that his always worked.
Until he reconnects with Hanna. Super smart, sexy scientist. She turns his world its head and there is nothing he can - or wants to do about it.
This book has it all! I laughed sooooo hard soooooo much (but not so much I peed my pants - at least not that I am telling you!!)
Hanna is hilarous - her conversations with Will about porn had me in stitches!
And don't get me started on the boobs. Will is a total boob man, and there are some fantastic conversations about and with Hanna's boobs. Like this one:
“I hate to ask the obvious, but what are you looking at?”
He tilted his head, studying me from a different angle.
“Your boobs look different.”
“Your boobs look different.”
“Don’t they look awesome?”
I took one in each hand.
“As you know, Chloe and Sara helped me pick out new bras. Boobs have always been sort of a problem for me.”
I took one in each hand.
“As you know, Chloe and Sara helped me pick out new bras. Boobs have always been sort of a problem for me.”
Will’s eyes widened.
“Boobs are never a problem for anyone. Ever.”
“Says the man without a pair. Boobs are functional. That’s it.”
He loks at me with genuine fire in his eyes.
“Fucking right they are. They get the job done.”
“Fucking right they are. They get the job done.”
I laugh, groaning.
“They aren’t functional for you, frat boy.”
“They aren’t functional for you, frat boy.”
“Wanna bet?”
“See, the problem with boobs is if you have big ones, you can never look thing. You get these burns on your shoulders from bra straps, and your back hurts. And unless you’re using them for their intended purpose, they’re always in the way.”
“In the way of what? My hands? My face? Don’t you blaspheme in here.”
He looked up to the sky.
“She didn’t mean it, Lord. Promise.”
Ignoring him, I said,
“That’s why I had a reduction when I was twenty one,”
which is when his expression morphed into one of horror. You’d have thought I told him I made an amazing stew from tiny babies and puppy tongues.
“Why on earth would you do that? That’s like God giving you a beautiful gift and you kicking him in the nuts.”
I laughed.
“God? I thought you were agnostic, Professor.”
“I am. But if I could motorboat perfect tits like yours, I might be able to find Jesus."
I felt my blush warm my cheeks.
“Because Jesus totally lives in my cleavage?”
“Not any more he doesn’t. Your boobs are now too small for him to be comfortable in there.”
He shook his head, and I couldn’t stop laughing.
“So selfish, Ziggs,”
The sexual tension between Will and Hanna is so thick you could cut it with a knife. And even when they are not doing the deed, the sexting is hot as hell
Will is just the whole package. Smart, sexy as hell, funny, all tattooed under them business suit, oh and did I mention sexy?
I loved that we got more of Bennett and Chloe, Max and Sara. Their lives intersect so much that the story just wouldn't be complete without their insights into Will's relationships.
We also meet Hanna's family, and while at times I wanted to throttle them for being so in Hanna's face about her life, I was glad they did.
I only read this book a couple of days ago, and it am still in Will Sumner mode. I could go read this again right now and not get bored.
If you haven't read the Beautiful series - why not, and why are you still reading this? Get to it!
(US/Canada ONLY!)