Tuesday, 7 May 2024

πŸ”΄ Sarina Bowen πŸ“š THE FIVE YEAR LIE ⚫

   ©  Bianca ✰ Janeane 


• 7 May 2024
• Domestic Thriller

4.5 Stars

Bestselling romance author Sarina Bowen’s debut thriller, about one woman’s search for the truth after receiving a text from her deceased ex.

Dead men don’t send texts . . .

On an ordinary Monday morning, Ariel Cafferty's phone buzzes with a disturbing text message.
Something’s happened. I need to see you. Meet me under the candelabra tree ASAP. The words would be jarring from anyone, but the sender is the only man she ever loved. And it's been several years since she learned he died.

Seeing Drew’s name pop up is heart-stopping. Ariel’s gut says it can’t be real. But she goes to the tree anyway. She has to.

Nobody shows. But the text upends everything she thought she knew about the day he left her. The more questions she asks, the more sinister the answers get. Only two things are clear: everything she was told five years ago is wrong, and someone is still lying to her.

The truth has to be out there somewhere. To safeguard herself
and her sonshell have to find it before it finds her. And with it, the answer to what became of Drew.

For fans of Laura Dave and Julie Clark, but with a heart-stopping romance that only Sarina Bowen can execute, The Five Year Lie is a page-turning, spine-tingling thriller that will have you guessing until the very end.

ARC received for an honest review
Holy sh!@tballs Sarina Bowen!

When you move away from your usual genre, you do it amazingly!

I love a good mystery/thriller, and The Five Year Lie is a great one.  I spent the whole time thinking this one did it. No, it was this one.  I was messaging a friend who had already read the book with a stream of what the hells and oh heck nos haha.

There are lots of curve balls along the way, and all the while I had that hope, that Drew was out there somewhere.

Also, if this doesn't give you the icks about where AI could go, then, well, yeah.

As much as I love Sarina's hockey books and True North world, I definitely would not mind reading more romantic suspense in the future.

Ariel is a 30 year old single mom living in Maine and working for her family's Door-Bell-Camera company.
The father of her four year old son Buzz - Drew - left her without a word when she was only a few months pregnant. He never knew he was going to be a dad because he died a short while later. 
But now she suddenly gets a text from him! To come meet him by their favorite tree in the park.
He's not there ... but what is happening? Is someone pranking her? Or is something dangerous going on?? 


Something completely different from Sarina Bowen.
And I loved it.
At first I wasn't so sure about things. I have no idea why, but when I started reading I had the feeling that I was somewhere in the past. Like 1989 or something like that. It felt a bit oldish. No idea why.
You immediately like Ariel and Buzz and you want them to get that happy end with Drew. He might be alive, right? But it doesn't look good at all. And with every new thing Ariel finds out ... a happily ever after seems more and more impossible.
But still we need to find out what happened. Who was Drew? Why did he come to town back then?
It's all so very interesting and mysterious!
And all through the book we never lose that tiny bit of hope for that happy end...

I really enjoyed reading this!
I will definitely want to watch this on TV one day!
There were a few .. not really plot holes .. but a few things that I would've changed or just written a bit differently or more mysteriously or .. no idea.
I loved it reading it!

Great mystery with a great cast of people and I wouldn't mind if Sarina retired her hockey romance writing for more mysteries or romantic suspensies and a few Vermont romances!! LOL!

THE FIVE YEAR LIE was a really great mystery! I loved reading it! Run to your nearest bookdealer to find out all the things!


🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏 Sarina's True North Series πŸŽπŸπŸŽπŸπŸŽ




Book #4

Book #5

Book #6


Book #7



Giltmaker Series #1

Pre-Order Book #2 - 16 July 2024

YA Rockstar Romance-ish


Hockey Guys #1


Hockey Guys #2







Moonlighter - Hockey Spin-Off


Good Boy

Sarina Bowen writes steamy, angsty Contemporary Romance and New Adult fiction from the wilds of Vermont.

She is the author of The Ivy Years, an award-winning series set amid the hockey team at an elite Connecticut college.

Waiting for more Ivy Years? You can read more about upcoming volumes in the four book series at http://www.sarinabowen.com/theivyyears

Also, the Gravity series.

Sarina enjoys skiing, espresso drinks and the occasional margarita. She lives with her family, eight chickens and more ski gear and hockey equipment than seems necessary.

To be kept abreast of new releases, please feel free to sign up for the mailing list at http://www.sarinabowen.com/contact.

Or visit the her Facebook page, or tweet her @sarinabowen.