Sunday, 9 April 2017

✪ Head-Tripped (Ad Agency #2) ✪ Nicole Archer ✪ Release Day Blitz ✪

Violinist Effie Murphy moves to New York to pick up the pieces of her life. After six months though, shes still broken, not to mention flat broke. But everything changes one weird night, when she meets Elias Lovaro, a.k.a. El Love, lead singer of one of the hottest bands in the world. Except she doesnt know that. She also doesnt know hes leaving the country that week.

Elias hates life in the celebrity spotlight. So when he meets Effie at a random party, he masquerades as an unemployed deadbeat musician. Why not? Hell never see her again. Except he cant stop thinking about the wild woman who helped him write new songs that night.

Next thing you know, theyre touring Europe together, along with a needling Anime character, a weepy Hulk Hogan lookalike, a closeted bassist, the evil Queen of Hearts, Ralph Macchio, Bob Ross, a couple of Spanish gypsies, a turtle, and a banana-hammock wearing French Discobus driver named LeStrange. The trip turns out to be a crazy dream-come-true for both of them.

But once their conflicting pasts surface, will the music fade out at end of the summer?


Copy received from author for an honest review

You could read Head-Tripped without reading the first book Road-Tripped, but so many characters cross over that you should read Road-Tripped to get the full effect of book 2.

It is no secret that I adored Road-Tripped last year, but with Head-Tripped, Ms Archer has turned things up a notch.

Effie is Callie from Road-Tripped's twin sister, and while at times they are as similar as twins can be, at other times there couldn't be a bigger gap between them.

I adored Effie from the get go. She is kind of a free spirit, go with the flow kind of woman. Musical genius, can pick up any instrument and learn it in days - this made me feel that she could possibly be on the Autism Spectrum?  But that could just be me, as I have friends on the spectrum who can do the same with music and instruments?

I loved that she is in a darker place than her sister (that sounds terrible, doensn't it) but she is fighting every day against her demons and to make a better life for herself.  It felt real, gritty, raw.

Enter Elias - from the get go I loved that he didn't play on his fame.  In fact hiding it just made him all the more adorable.  

I loved the connection between Elias and Effie right from their first meeting, both drawn to the other.

There is so much going on between our lovelies, but also so much going on around them, conspiring to keep them apart.  There are some characters that I loathed - hated them so much that I was mentally wishing harm on them so they would go away!

I couldn't help but hope that Elias and Effie could make it through all the road blocks they were faced with.

"This wasn't going to last.  Bliss never lasted - it disappeared in an instant."
Head-Tripped kind of was a head trip.  It was funny and sweet, but dark and twisted at the same time.

I can't wait to see what Ms Archer brings us next.

Nicole Archers lengthy career as an advertising copywriter not only polished her writing skillsit provided a lifetime of book material. Many months her book purchases are as high as her mortgage. As a full-time, working single mom of a beautiful boy, she has little time to do much else, but work, write, read, drink wine, and breathe. In real life, she lives in Dallas, Texas, but shed rather live in Switzerland. Maybe if the book takes off.