Monday, 14 March 2016

❥ Love, Chloe - Alessandra Torre

© Bianca Janeane


• release date: 14 March 2016
• Standalone Romance

4.5 Stars

From NYT Bestseller Alessandra Torre...
The sexy serial that exploded on is now a full-length, standalone novel.

Chloe Madison. That’s me. A former NYU princess who just fell from grace, right off my pampered Manhattan throne and onto the unforgiving steps of Nicole Brantley, socialite and queen bitch. Now, I walk her dog and mix her smoothies. Try to navigate my own problems while fixing all of hers.

I want what every New York girl wants. A career, an apartment, and true love, preferably in a smoking hot package.

It turns out I’ll have to fight for all of it.

 Know that TV show 2 Broke Girls?
That's basically what happens here.
NYU student Chloe is happily sleeping in her NY apartment - paid for by her parents - when the FBI is suddenly standing in her bedroom and tells her she has to leave. All her parents' assets have been frozen. The apartment now belongs to the government.
Chloe is now homeless and moneyless and jobless - and degree-less, because the NYU won't hand out her degree until someone pays Chloe's debts.

Through her mom's contacts she lands a job as personal assistant to Nicole Brantley - condom heiress and wannabe Hollywood-star-socialite!!!
The most important part of her job is to babysit Chanel - who is not a baby, but a tiny little spoiled dog!

And don't even ask about her love life!
Non-existent ever she sent her ex Vic packing, after she found him screwing the maid.

What will happen to Chloe?
Will she be able to live without her parents money?
Will there be a HEA???? Romantically & financially?

I'm not spoiling anything!!! ☺


Such an adorable story!
Like I already mentioned, it instantly reminded me of Caroline in that TV show.
Only Chloe doesn't find work and a crazy best friend in a diner in Brooklyn. ☺
She finds a job with a slightly crazy, cheating heiress.
And she also finds Carter.
I was a bit worried about the romantic side of this book - until the 20% mark we didn't really know if Chloe will find a guy.
But yup - there's Carter....the hot maintenance guy she met at the New Year's Eve party...
And he's phew....really hot a tux and in dirty workmen's jeans!

But there's also her ex Vic - the guy who cheated on her, but also the guy she probably still loves....

This book has 99 chapters!!!! That's a lot - and it gives the reader lots of bathroom and snack breaks ☺
I loved how Alessandra also puts in lots of Instagram pics between the chapters - pics of Chloe and her life in NYC.
This story was a bit different than most book we read these days.

And I loved most of it!
I felt the romantic part between Chloe and Carter was to ... meh.... I didn't get this amazing IN LOVE vibe between those two ... probably because Carter enters the picture too late and because Vic is in it too much!
I didn't like Chloe's ex Vic. Not him the guy, but rather how he was written into the story.
For the reader to really hate him and for Chloe to end up with Carter, Alessandra should've made Vic a bit more unlikeable. He cheated, yes. But he seems a bit nicer now - more grown-up. He doesn't come across as this cheating rich asshole...but he should. I wanted a clear break between asshole Vic and amazingly adorable Carter :/ Vic is in this book too much in my opinion :/
Also - while I loved his character - the Joey scenes were too much. He doesn't need to be in this book - he can SO have his own book please, but he really doesn't have any business in this book :/
But those are just tiny thingies that I PERSONALLY felt were a bit too much...
I really enjoyed reading this book - and looking at those adorable Instagram pics!!!

LOVE, CHLOE was a really refreshing, funny & sexy New York City Love Song. About a former rich girl trying to find her place and her Happily Ever After in this new life! ♥

I would SO watch the movie!!!!!


ARC received for an honest review

2 Broke Girls meets Gossip Girl with a hint of Sex and the City thrown in for good measure - that was the feel that I got with this book.

Chloe, I adored her from the get go.  After all that has happened to her, she pulls up her big girl pants and goes and does what she has never had to do before.... apply for a job.

I loved how she struggled with becoming "the help", dealing with things like paying the rent and buying food, things she has never had to do before.  The spoilt little rich girl could have come through with her, but instead I saw the strong, capable woman that she would become shine.

I worried for a while that now that she was down on her luck that she would be out of love too.  It seemed to take a while for her to warm up to the charming janitor/super Carter - but when she warmed up, things heated up.

Oh Carter - what was there not to love about him.  Sexy, funny and works it in a tuxedo or a boiler suit - or shirtless in a boiler room!

Chloe's ex Vic also plays a large part in this story.  I don't care how rich he was, but right from the start he annoyed me.  He liked to bully himself into people's lives and it made me want to punch him!

So can this new, and I must say improved Chloe get the job and get the guy.  And if she gets the guy, who will it be/

For that you are going to have to read for yourself.

One thing I really did enjoy was the "instagram updates" at the beginning of the chapters - they were a cute insight to her thoughts at the time.

 Love, Chloe is a sweet, adorable story that I didn't want to put down once I started, and I would love to see these characters again some time in the future.



A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Alessandra Torre has written eleven novels, five of which have become #1 Erotic Bestsellers.
Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, was a breakout hit, rising to the top of the ebook charts on Amazon where it attracted the interest of major publishing houses and garnered Torre her first print deal with Harlequin HQN. Less than twelve months later, Torre signed a second print deal, this time with Redhook (Hachette) for the Deanna Madden series, an erotic suspense series.
From her home on the Emerald Coast in Florida, she devotes several hours each day to various writing projects and interacting with her fans on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happily married and with one son, she loves watching SEC football games, horseback riding, reading and watching movies.
Torre has four books slated for release in 2016. To stay informed, consider subscribing to her popular monthly newsletter.

Age: 31
Location : Destin, Florida, USA
Available for: Book Signings, Interviews, Promotional Events
Agent: Maura Kye-Casella, Don Congdon & Associates, Inc
Contact her at:

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