Monday, 22 June 2015

✪ Wild Pitch (Homeruns #1) ✪ Sloan Johnson ✪


Theres never been any question in Sean Tuckers mind that hed do whatever it took to make it to the major leagues and be one of the best pitchers of his time. The day he acknowledged to himself that he was gay was also the day he vowed to stay in the closet in order to chase his dreams. The problem is, he never counted on Mason Atley.

Sean showed rookie short stop Mason Atley the ropes, both on the field and off. The two forged a friendship which continued as both of them moved through the ranks of the farm system and into the majors. Unfortunately, there
s always been one secret Mason never felt he could share with Sean. Until now.

For seven years, Sean lived with the fact that he loved a man who would never reciprocate. When Mason admits that he
s always known hes bisexual but has never allowed himself to pursue a relationship with a man, will Sean be able to put aside his reservations about starting a relationship with the friend hed always assumed was straight? And more importantly, will they be able to find a way to stay together when their careers keep them apart more than they can be together?

ARC received for an honest review

There are plenty of friends-to-lovers books out there, heck I have read so many of them in my time - but this is my first m/m friends to lovers romance.

And I have to say, Sloan Johnson has hit a home run with this one!

Sean and Mason have been friends for years, but they have been keeping secrets from each other.  When these secrets start to come out, things could change for the better or worse for them both.

I adored Sean and Mason.  I had a smile on my face most the time whilst reading - I couldn't help myself!  It was such a heartwarming story.

I think though, that it was all about Sean for me.  I loved who he was, what he did for his relationship with Mason.

There were a few twists and turns along the way, but nothing too over the top silly.

I loved getting to know some of their family, friends and workmates, and hope to learn more about them in the next books.

Wild Pitch is a sweet romance that once I started I just couldn't put down.

I feel that Ms Johnson has found her niche with the m/m genre, and cannot wait to read what she has for us next.

Sloan Johnson is a big city girl trapped in a country girls life. While she longs for the hustle and bustle of New York City or Las Vegas, she hasnt yet figured out how to sit on the deck with her morning coffee, watching the deer and wild turkeys in the fields while surrounded by concrete and glass.

When she was three, her parents received their first call from the principal asking them to pick her up from school. Apparently, if you arent enrolled, you cant attend classes, even in Kindergarten. The next week, she was in preschool and started plotting her first story soon after.

Later in life, her parents needed to do something to help their socially awkward, uncoordinated child come out of her shell and figured there was no better place than a bar on Wednesday nights. Its a good thing they did because this is where she found her love of reading and writing. Who needs socialization when you can sit alone in your bedroom with a good book?

Now, Sloan is a tattooed mom with a mohawk and two kids. Shes been kicked out of the PTA in two school districts and is no longer asked to help with fundraisers because shes been known to lose herself with a good book and forget she has somewhere to be.