Tuesday, 23 June 2015

✜ J. Kenner ✜ ON MY KNEES ✜ #StarkInternational2

©  Bianca  ✰  Janeane 

 • Book #2 in the new Stark International Trilogy 
• 320  pages
• Release Date: 23 June 2015
• Book #1 SAY MY NAME has been released 7 April 2015
• Book #3 UNDER MY SKIN will be out 25 August 2015

You haven't read any of the Stark Books yet?? o.O
It's not really neccessary - (but why wouldn't you want to read all those amaaaaazing books? ☺) -
but you should read PLAY MY GAME before starting with this series - because we're being introduced to Jackson in Damien & Nikki's Valentine's Novella ☺

5 Stars

Jackson Steele and Sylvia Brooks continue to thrill in the second novel of a scintillating, emotionally charged new trilogy that returns to the world of J. Kenner’s beloved Stark novels: Release Me, Claim Me, and Complete Me.
I never thought I’d lose control, but his desire took me right to the edge.
Powerful, ambitious, and devastatingly sexy, Jackson Steele was unlike any other man I’d ever known. He went after what he wanted with his whole mind, body, and soul
and I was the woman in his sights. One touch and I surrendered, one night together and I was undone.
Jackson and I had secrets, dark pieces of our pasts that threatened to swallow us both. We couldn’t outrun our demons, or the people trying to tear us apart. But in our passion we found salvation, and in each other’s arms we found release.
I was scared to trust Jackson fully, to finally let go. Yet no matter the dangers that lay ahead, I knew I was his
and now that we’ve laid claim, there’s no more holding back.

Alright, finally back with Jackson & Sylvia ☺
At the end of the first book, Jackson had just been arrested, because he beat up this horrible Reed person. The guy who wants to make the movie about that house & its family in Santa Fe - but more importantly, the guy who sexually molested Sylvia when she was a teenager.
And added to all that drama of course, is the whole 'Damien-is-my-half-brother'-thing that Jackson just told Sylvia.
And we're pretty sure that Damien won't welcome any son of Jeremiah Stark with open arms...
Will they tell Damien? Because this could probably cost Jackson his island-resort job.

Then there's still Jackson's need to go 'underground-fighting' whenever something bad happens - and Sylvia's need to have control about all things - or will she be able to give up some of her hard-won control in some very private areas?? ☺

Lots of problems and secrets still to survive until Sylvia & Jackson can have their happy ever after...

What will happen to Sylvia & Jackson?
Will there be a HEA?
Will everybody die at the end?
Or will there be a horrible Cliffhanger?

I'm not telling you that of course ☺
l don't want to spoil anything
OK - yessss - this time we have a tiny little (aka huge) Cliffy  ☺ 



I loooved the first book so much, and this sequel did not disappoint for one second!!!

We pick up right where Say My Name ended... and we're not nearly at our HEA...
Lots of very exciting things happen - frustrating things - suspensy things - funny things .... Damien Stark things ☺

Nikki Stark: "Men fuck up, you know. Except for Damien," she adds with a completely straight face. "He's perfectly perfect." ☺

... moving things - sad things ...but especially - my favorite.... SEXY SCENES!!!!!!

This series is just soooo effing erotic!!! Phew!!!!

There are so many amazingly erotic scenes in this book - some people might think it's too much - but pfffff - soooo not too much. I loved every single second of every single sexy part of this story.

...and of course the book is not all sex ...
it's an amazing story.... about secrets and family and pasts and futures and love and hate and forgiveness...

This new series in the Stark-world is another amazing piece of work by Julie Kenner...you sooo need to read it!!!

On my knees was an extremely erotic and moving & exciting romance. About secrets, about the past & the future, about family & friends, about having and giving-up control, about love & hate & forgiveness.... 

...and even if the story wouldn't be interesting at all - you still don't want to miss reading it - you'll sooo fall in love with Jackson Steele too☺ ☺ ☺

Now please hurry with book #3 - I NEEEEED to know how Jackson & Sylvia's story will end!!!!


ARC received from publisher via Netgalley for an honest review

Jackson Steele is back baby, and I couldn't wait to dive right in!

On My Knees starts up right where Say My Name finished, so you will need to read that one.

Just as we think secrets from both Jackson and Sylvia's past have all been revealed - BAM - we get more.  It seems that we still have a fair way to go before we get to their HEA - if they get one?

As we learn more about what has happened in the past, what is still happening today, my heart just breaks for both Jackson and Sylvia - for different, but just as difficult reasons.

Oh boy, the spark between our lovelies are still going strong, and this makes for a sexy, sexy story.  Hearts are put on the line, and as their relationship keeps developing, there is more and more at stake.

Jackson and Sylvia sexy times are off the charts hot! Phew, still fanning myself! 

I loved that we got a lot more of Damien and Nikki from the original Stark series.  Whilst they aren't in a lot of scenes, they are an integral part of Jackson and Sylvia's story.

There are a couple of biiiiiig questions that are going to need to be answered in the 3rd and last book, and even though I have a thought about one of the answers, I am sure that Ms Kenner is going to make that thought look silly when I get to the 3rd book.
Now I am impatiently waiting for book 3, Under My Skin, to find out how our lovers story ends.


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J. Kenner is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Release Me, Claim Me, and Complete Me. She spent more than ten years as a litigator in Southern California and central Texas, using her rare free time to indulge in her passion of writing. She lives in Texas with her husband and daughters.