Tuesday, 18 November 2014

♪ Review ♪ Undesired Lust (Reckless Beat #3) ♪ Eden Summers ♪


They used to be the perfect team.

Two years ago, songstress Sidney Higgins ruined her life by sleeping with not one, but two of the famous Reckless Beat men, Mason Lynch and Sean Taiden. Their night of intimate celebration turned into a worldwide sensation when the video Mason vowed to keep private was uploaded to the internet, destroying her squeaky-clean reputation and turning the world against her. Now she
s broken and left without hope, trying to find the one thing that can get her back on her feet.

A mistake neither one of them is willing to forgive.

When the sex tape went viral and his best friends held him accountable, Mason bore the stigma of asshole with pride. Now, bitterness has destroyed him, driving away his muse and making him worthless in the industry he loves. There
s only one option left to reclaim his creativity, but that would mean collaborating with a woman who wants to castrate him with a plastic knife.

A palpable chemistry even hate cant diminish.

Forced to work together, neither one of them is prepared for the undesired lust which immediately takes hold. The lies fade away, exposing the truth; however, it also awakens a threat from their past. The person responsible for tearing them apart is back to ensure they don
t rekindle a spark. With their safety in the balance, Sidney and Mason need to determine what theyre willing to risk to reclaim a relationship they wish theyd never lost.

 ARC received for an honest review

I was over the moon to receive an advanced copy of Undesired Lust.  I love my rock stars, and the boys of Reckless Beat are no exception.

During the last full length novel and the Vegas novella, it was alluded to that Mason and Sidney's friendship went south fast after an incident, but we never really knew the details.

Well, now we do! And wowsers!  Hose me down because that was hot!!
I have always liked Mason, even with all the smart arse talk and man-whoring around.  He is more than just a rock star.  There has always been that something, you knew there was more to him than that.  And Sidney is that something.

My heart broke for her when we found out what had happened and what it had cost her.  Ugly tears were shed.  And I couldn't help but feel for her as she and Mason reconnect, knowing how much it is hurting her that she still wants him.

The sexual chemistry between Mason and Sidney is off the charts, through the roof crazy!  It it like lightning whenever they are near each other.  You just want them to get their crap together and practice making babies!!!

The surprise in all this for me was Sean.  As the other half of the terrible twins, he surprised me a lot in Undesired Lust.  Now I can't wait for his story because I just know it is going to be nothing short of amazing.

I loved that we got more of Mitch, Blake, Ryan, Leah and the rest of this motley crew. And the more I learnt about the people in Sidney's life, the more I am glad we didn't meet any of them.

There is a bit of suspense and mystery in Undesired Lust, and while I guessed who the trouble maker was pretty early on in the pieces, the where's and what for of it all kept me on the edge of my lounge right up until the end.

Thank you Ms Summers for giving us the boys and ladies of the Reckless Beat family, I can't wait for more - so this is what I need you to do...