The Final book in the Stark Series (#2)
• 291 pages

• 291 pages
• release date: January 31, 2014
• Please read Book #1: Layers first ☺
• check out our Review of ► Layers
• Please read Book #1: Layers first ☺
• check out our Review of ► Layers
5 Stars
5 Stars

When Hayley makes a resolution to take
back the control over her life, and declare their relationship R.I.P, it’s all
good in theory…
That is until Daniel decides to prove her wrong and get her back.
Together, Hayley and Daniel seem to have it all. But can love ever be enough when two strong personalities collide and while reality takes the lead?
Faced with more obstacles than she could have ever bargain for when it comes to Daniel, struggling to keep her own identity while sharing a life with her man. Buds of doubt start rooting in Hayley’s confidence, making her rethink her decision.
And just when it seems that they might make it together after all, life happens. Bringing a threat that neither Hayley nor Daniel could ever anticipate, a threat that could break them apart forever . . .
That is until Daniel decides to prove her wrong and get her back.
Together, Hayley and Daniel seem to have it all. But can love ever be enough when two strong personalities collide and while reality takes the lead?
Faced with more obstacles than she could have ever bargain for when it comes to Daniel, struggling to keep her own identity while sharing a life with her man. Buds of doubt start rooting in Hayley’s confidence, making her rethink her decision.
And just when it seems that they might make it together after all, life happens. Bringing a threat that neither Hayley nor Daniel could ever anticipate, a threat that could break them apart forever . . .
Remember? Hayley left San Francisco and Daniel after he accused her of betraying him by selling his story to the press.
It's been 2 weeks now and Hayley is miserable. To top it all off there was a suicide bomb close to where her brother is stationed and they haven't heard anything yet.
The night before she finally broke down and tried to call Daniel, but the phone died on her...that's how we left things in book #1 ☺
After hearing what maybe happened to Hale's brother Daniel uses his contacts in Washington to find out about Steven.
And now he's standing in front of Hayley at her parents' house in Chicago.
And now he's standing in front of Hayley at her parents' house in Chicago.
Hayley is overjoyed but she's still scared of the future - and first of all she wants Daniel to apologize for blaming her.
Which, surprisingly, he does. ☺
Everythig could be back to normal now.
Hayley might think it's going too fast again - because already he's asked her to move in again!
Hayley might think it's going too fast again - because already he's asked her to move in again!
But first he has to meet THE PARENTS ☺
Hayley's mom seems to immediately like him, but her Dad ☺☺☺
Mr. Grace only knows that his little girl came to Chicago all sad and full of heartbreak and he doesn't want this guy to hurt her any more.
Not a good time to tell him about the 'sexy time' they just had in her old bedroom? ☺☺☺
Back in San Francisco.
LOTS of sexy times for Daniel & Hayley of course.
But she refuses to move in with him. It's just too soon.
But fate is working against her: her best friend Ian has been thrown out of his apartment and needs a place to stay....aka her room ☺
That's how Hayley ends up moving in with D. ☺
Daniel is very busy with a deal he's trying to work out.
Every time they talk Daniel seems to want to tell her something, but he never does.
Hayley and we, the readers, are a bit worried now!
Hale's other best friend Natasha is newly in love and sooo happy.
BUT - as it turns out, not only did her new guy Brad have sex with Hayley ages ago. He's also Daniel's worst enemy!
Not the most perfect situation for any of them!
Haley & Daniel quickly get used to living in the same house - BUT everything is not all that easy. There are problems coming from all directions.
There will be very SAD and very suspensy moments...

But we know they both belong together - they just need to overcome all their problems and find their happy ever after...
"I'm not playing Hales. I am all in, baby.....Like I said before, I found the one."
Will they make it?
I'm not telling you of course ☺☺☺
I really enjoyed it.
I really loved the first book - LAYERS - and this second book was just as great.
The only thing missing was the third book ☺ I would've loved to read more about Daniel & Hayley ☺
But INNER CORE was perfect.
Yes, you want to do this with one or more of the characters a few times...
but pfff ☺ that's part of the story ☺
We meet all those great people again: Ian, Tasha and of course Hales & DANIEL ♥♥♥
It's funny, sexy, erotic, sad, moving, scary! PERFECT!
I'm really sad that it's over now ☺ but it was really great!
We learned to love Daniel & Hayley in LAYERS and in INNER CORE we get to know them even better - all their fears and inner and outer scars and all their problems. It's just a joy to read how they 'fight' their way to a HEA ☺
If you like sexy & interesting & moving Romances....
...you won't regret it.
I'm really excited to read what comes out of Sigal's computer/head/typewriter next ☺
Back in San Francisco.
LOTS of sexy times for Daniel & Hayley of course.
But she refuses to move in with him. It's just too soon.
But fate is working against her: her best friend Ian has been thrown out of his apartment and needs a place to stay....aka her room ☺
That's how Hayley ends up moving in with D. ☺
Daniel is very busy with a deal he's trying to work out.
Every time they talk Daniel seems to want to tell her something, but he never does.
Hayley and we, the readers, are a bit worried now!
Hale's other best friend Natasha is newly in love and sooo happy.
BUT - as it turns out, not only did her new guy Brad have sex with Hayley ages ago. He's also Daniel's worst enemy!
Not the most perfect situation for any of them!
Haley & Daniel quickly get used to living in the same house - BUT everything is not all that easy. There are problems coming from all directions.
There will be very SAD and very suspensy moments...

But we know they both belong together - they just need to overcome all their problems and find their happy ever after...
"I'm not playing Hales. I am all in, baby.....Like I said before, I found the one."
Will they make it?
I'm not telling you of course ☺☺☺
I really enjoyed it.
I really loved the first book - LAYERS - and this second book was just as great.
The only thing missing was the third book ☺ I would've loved to read more about Daniel & Hayley ☺
But INNER CORE was perfect.
Yes, you want to do this with one or more of the characters a few times...
but pfff ☺ that's part of the story ☺
We meet all those great people again: Ian, Tasha and of course Hales & DANIEL ♥♥♥
It's funny, sexy, erotic, sad, moving, scary! PERFECT!
I'm really sad that it's over now ☺ but it was really great!
We learned to love Daniel & Hayley in LAYERS and in INNER CORE we get to know them even better - all their fears and inner and outer scars and all their problems. It's just a joy to read how they 'fight' their way to a HEA ☺
If you like sexy & interesting & moving Romances....
...you won't regret it.
I'm really excited to read what comes out of Sigal's computer/head/typewriter next ☺