Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Complete Me - J. Kenner - Stark Trilogy #3

© Bianca  + Janeane


 Stark Trilogy  #3

320 Pages

release date -  30 July - 2013 

5/5 Stars

goodreads says:
This sexy, emotionally charged romance continues the story of Damien Stark, the powerful multimillionaire who’s never had to take “no” for an answer, and Nikki Fairchild, the Southern belle who only says “yes” on her own terms.

Our desire runs deep. But our secrets cut close. Beautiful, strong, and commanding, Damien Stark fills a void in me that no other man can touch. His fierce cravings push me beyond the brink of bliss—and unleash a wild passion that utterly consumes us both.

Yet beneath his need for dominance, he carries the wounds of a painful past. Haunted by a legacy of dark secrets and broken trust, he seeks release in our shared ecstasy, the  heat between us burning stronger each day.

Our attraction is undeniable, our obsession inevitable. Yet not even Damien can run from his ghosts, or shield us from the dangers yet to come.

We start the book three weeks after we left Damien and Nikki in the Kempinski Hotel in Munich, Germany. They are still there, waiting and preparing for Damien's murder trial. Nikki thinks he is trying to slowly push her away from him. He spends most of his nights in the Hotel-Bar drinking Scotch.

He could save himself by just telling the court about the abuse he suffered as a kid, but he refuses. He wouldn't be able to live with himself once the truth is out in the open. He values his privacy too much, fought too hard to get to where he is today. Nikki wants to yell at him to do something, to defend himself, but he just won't.

After finding him in the Bar again one day, Nikki decides it's time for a bit of fun. So she rents a Lamborghini and Damien drives them out of the city on the Autobahn - to a little lake, a place he loved as a kid.

"Not afraid?...Is that really what you think? Jesus Christ Nikki, I'm terrified of being ripped away from you. Of not being able to touch you. To kiss you. To hear you laugh, to look at you. To be with you."

"How dare you be afraid Damien....when you could make it all go away."

On the first day of the trial at the Criminal Justice Center in Munich ... things happen ☺

But - I will leave that for you to read on your own!

I don't want to spoil anything .... only a few not-too-spoiling-points:

- Nikki's relationship with her best friend Ollie is still not back to what it used to be
- Damien and Nikki - very sexily - visit a Munich night club

- there will be another club night in LA with Nikki pretty drunk ☺
- we meet Nikki's other best friend and room-mate Jamie again, and Evelyn, Giselle and Lisa...
- Sofia is still making problems for Damien and Nikki

- Nikki is thinking about opening her own business - thinking - and doing something about it ☺

- some new secrets come to light
- Nikki receives some very unpleasant letters and gifts

  Sticks, stones, gossip - I will weather it all if he is at my side.

- we possibly go on a trip to Lake Arrowhead

 - there might be a Karaoke Bar with one of the main characters singing on stage

- a couple of cars might not survive this book
- something might happen towards the end of the book that will make Damien and Nikki go their separate ways :(
- BUT of course there's also the HUGE possibility of a Happy-Ever-After ♥

What Bianca says:

I loved Book 1 and 2 but I can honestly say that I absolutely L.O.V.E.D. this one. The beginning had me almost on the way to the hospital for heart and stomach problems!!! I don't really know what it was - but it felt sooo intense - the trial and the time before and after. It was like sitting in front of the TV watching the most exciting Mystery-Thriller. I love Damien - I always had a thing for tennis players ☻ He's been through so much in his life and he took all the bad and made it into something huge. The same with Nikki - the way she constantly fights with herself not to cut. And she doesn't do it - she thinks it's only because Damien is at her side, but that's not it - she would be just as strong on her own. But who wouldn't feel better with Damien at their side? ☺♥☺

I loved the whole book, lots of exciting things happen and lots of SEX happens and lots of things that made my eyes a bit wet ☺ 

Only a few little things I didn't like - I already noticed that in book 1 and it's still there in book 2 and 3. The whole story, and the locations and characters have a 1985-feel to them. It might only be my imagination - but I have the feeling as if Ms. Kenner wrote the book in the 80s or 90s and then just re-made them to fit into the new millenium ☺ That doesn't, of course, mean that I didn't like the series ☺  

What Janeane says:

I have loved this series since book 1 Release Me, continued the love in book 2 Claim Me but boy, I LOVED Complete Me.
Complete Me starts where Claim Me left off, 3 weeks after Nikki rushed to Damien's side in Munich, where Damien is charged with murdering his tennis coach when he was 14.
The court case is about to start, my heart was in my throat for a great portion of the book, and Damien's behaviour did not help this.  In fact, I spent a large part of the beginning (well, most of, actually) of the book wanting to do this to him:

Add to the mix Damien's exes, Sofia still causing troubles, stalkers and the media frenzy that surrounds the court case, and I was like this:

Watching the man she loves struggle with his past, all the while seemingly pushing her away, brings Nikki's demons to the forefront.  She has struggled for years with "cutting" herself to deal with the pain, and as much as he has helped her stop this, Damien causes these demons to come back with a vengeance.

You can practically feel Nikki's heart break a couple of times.

Nikki's best friends Jamie and Ollie are back in book 3. Nikki and Ollie's relationship is still on shaky ground, and Jamie is going through some relationship and career dramas of her own.  It is good that Nikki and Jamie still lean on each other.

Nikki thinks she is strong because of Damien, but is it because of him or is she stronger than she thinks despite him.

The sex is hot - and there is a lot of it!

Do Nikki and Damien get their happy ever after? 
You will just have to read Complete Me to find out!

5/5 stars


Click here to purchase the Kindle e-book at amazon.com 

Click here to purchase the paperback at amazon.com 

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Click here to purchase the paperback at Barnes & Noble 

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J. Kenner