Friday, 23 February 2024

❤ Tempting Promises (Whitlocks #3) ❤ Corinne Michaels ❤



What’s the worst thing you could do when you’re stranded in the woods with your rival? Sleep with him. That’s what.

Not only is Rowan Whitlock my sister’s ex, but we’re both vying for the contract that would save my family farm.

So why did it have to be Rowan who came to the rescue after I fell on a remote hiking trail? When the weather turned unexpectedly, we were forced to find shelter and ride out the storm. Only that wasn’t the only thing I ended up riding.

We promise ourselves what happens at the cabin stays at the cabin, but when we get back to Sugarloaf, it’s impossible to stay away from him. Those blue eyes captivate me, his strong body comforts me, and he makes me feel beautiful.

Which is crazy, right?

If only my stupid head would listen and stop this before my heart gets involved, but I keep going back because I’m already in too deep.

I should’ve known that the temptation wasn’t worth the risk because when it all falls apart, our promises are broken, and I’m afraid my heart will never recover.



 ARC received for an honest review

Here's something that is going to be hard to believe... Tempting Promises was my first Corinne Michaels read *pauses while jaws are picked up off floor*

And what a way too start with this new to me author.

There is the saying that fighting is foreplay, so Rowan and Charlotte have had some reeeeaaaal extended foreplay!

And when the MCs start as adversaries, that means there is going to be a lot of bark (and some bite... hopefully) and our lovelies do not disappoint.

What I didn't like about it though, was what caused them the dislike each other.  I just wanted to scream at Charlotte to not believe everything she has been told.  And man, there was not one thing that I ended up liking about her sister.  What a petty, vindictive little spoiled beach she was *rant over*

I loved how they overcame outside pressures to do what was best for themselves... and it just happened to be each other haha

This has made me want to go back and read the first two books in the series, as I kinda liked all of those characters too, and I want to learn more 







Corinne Michaels is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of romance novels. Her stories are chock full of emotion, humor, and unrelenting love, and she enjoys putting her characters through intense heartbreak before finding a way to heal them through their struggles.

Corinne is a former Navy wife and happily married to the man of her dreams. She began her writing career after spending months away from her husband while he was deployed--reading and writing were her escapes from the loneliness. Corinne now lives in Virginia with her husband and is the emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun-loving mom of two beautiful children.




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