✰ Bianca ✰
4.25 Stars

Since the death of his twin brother, Oliver’s caught between
pleasing his fans and finding himself. Emery finds him first.
Emery has never felt more alone. Raising her daughter is both
her pleasure and her pain as she struggles to hold on to her job as a bartender
and keep a roof over their heads. With no one to help them—no support system—any unexpected
expense or late bill could turn their whole world upside down.
Reeling from the death of his twin brother and bandmate, rock
star Oliver Smith is trying to drink his problems away. Apparently he isn’t
very good at it; they follow him wherever he goes. Also in hot pursuit are the
paparazzi, who catch Oliver at his lowest low.
He could have walked into any bar in California, but he walked into hers. Emery helps Oliver lose the crowd, and they find themselves alone: two people whose paths are marked with loss and pain. However, they hold an unshakable hope for healing. They find solace together, but can their love withstand the world?
A very heartbreaking rock-stary love story drama.
I didn't love the many religious moments. That's a hard limits in my books. There was too much praying and talking about religion.
THE MIXTAPE was another beautiful Brittainy Cherry love story. Heartbreaking. Funny. Romantic. Adorable. Full of music, good food, hope and love.
Run to your nearest amazon for your own Oliver - this one is MINE! ☺
Sometimes the world didn’t make sense. No parent should’ve
ever had to bury their own child. I couldn’t even imagine that kind of pain
that raced through her heartbeats on a daily basis. If I could offer up only
one set of prayers for the remainder of my life, it would be for the parents
who had to say goodbye too early on to their own.
Those hearts would always beat a little slower in my mind.
“I’m so sorry, Michelle.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.” She reached out and patted my hand,
and I knew it was because she needed a hand to hold. So, I wrapped both of mine
around hers. “The mourning doesn’t get easier. It just get quieter. Some days,
I still cannot get out of bed, but I’m blessed. Because Richard stays in bed
with me and my quietness. Then, when it’s time for me to get up, he pulls me to
my feet, and we dance. A piece of advice—find yourself a man who would dance
with you even when your heart is broken.” Her eyes flashed with tears and she
held my hands tighter. “You want to know a secret?”
“I thought I was going to lose Oliver, too. He kept everyone
so far away. So, when I flew out here, I prepared myself for the worst. I
thought he’d be in a drunken slumber or, worse…so much worse. Last time I came
a few weeks ago, he wasn’t doing too well. But this time? This time I came back
and he’s smiling.”
“That’s so good.”
She smiled brightly up at me as tears freely danced down her
cheekbones. “So thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything,” I swore.
“You’re the only difference in his life since I came back.
Plus, there’s the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. Now, sweetheart,
I don’t know what you did, but I’m almost positive that you helped bring my son
back to life after he was holding death’s hand. Call it my mother’s intuition.
So, thank you for helping him. Even if it’s just by being his friend.”
Now I was tearing up, and I pulled her into a tight hug.
“You’re an amazing mother,” I whispered, and she began to cry harder.
“You have no clue how hard it is to believe that each day.”
I think all mothers thought that. The ones who doubted her
mothering skills, were sometimes the ones who were trying their best day in and
day out. I didn’t expect the conversation with Michelle to go the direction
that it had, but I was glad it had taken that path, because it was clear we
both had some healing corners of our heart that had to be touched that evening.
“Oh, don’t tell me you two are wine drunk and emotion,”
Richard cut in, walking in our direction. “We were just picking out a song for
two seconds and we turn around to find you both moping.”
“Oh hush, Richard. Can’t us girls have a moment every now
and again?” Michelle remarked, standing to her feet.
“Yes, but for now, we dance to The Spinners, my lady.”
Richard reached out for his wife and took her into his arms as they began
swaying to the song, Could It Be I’m Falling In Love. Richard serenaded
Michelle as she smiled and melted into him like a perfectly fit puzzle piece.
Oliver came to stand beside me as we both watched his
parents fall more and more in love with one another.
“This was their wedding song,” Oliver mentioned. “Dad
recorded it, and they danced to it for their first dance.”
“Oh my gosh, how sweet is that,” I swooned. True romance.
“They dance to it every single night. On the good days and
bad days. Especially on the bad days.”
“They’re what I want my love to look like,” I confessed. Oliver gave me a tight smile but didn’t say anything. I shifted around for a minute before looking toward him once more. “Do you want to dance with me?”

Eleanor & Grey

Landon & Shay Book #1

Book #1
Book #2

Book #4