4.9 Stars

Marek Fabritis is used to delivering blows, not receiving them. But when he gets tipped off by an anonymous email about his ex-girlfriend, the news leaves him ice cold—and it’s not because Gracen Moore is getting married to a total jerk. It’s the fact that Marek has a three-year-old daughter he never knew about. Now he’s going back home, not to play knight in shining armor but to make damn sure that no man takes what’s his. For the first time, there might be something more important than hockey.
We're back with the hotties from the Carolina Hockey team!
In the last book he found out that his ex is getting married to the biggest idiot in their home town. He ran back home to stop the wedding. And bam. Suddenly he finds out he has a three year old daughter. Lilly.
Gracen never told him about her because he left to concentrate on becoming a famous hockey player.
But three years are enough time without his kid. He packs up Gracen and Lilly and takes them home with him.
Gracen is happy about that - she never fell out of love with Marek. Plus, Owen, her almost-hubby, is blackmailing her into marriage, by threatening her parents' bank loan.
Can Marek help? Does he even want to?
He seems to be in a very hateful mood towards her. But he wants to be a good daddy for Lilly....

A new book in this adorable Hockey series. YAY!
This is not much of a hockey romance - the season is over. But, the new season almost here.
It's a really cute romantic second-chance drama!
I really enjoyed reading it.
We want Marek to get his happily ever after with his two girls. But he's still so mad at Gracen for not telling him about Lilly.
And Gracen has all that stuff with Owen back home. He's already sending threatening texts that she should come back to get married asap! And he's also mad at Marek for leaving her to become a hockey star.
They have a bit of a way to go until we'll get that happily ever after!
Great book!
I had some problems with the writing...as with every Sawyer book. It's Sawyer's and my THING ☺ It's only me who has those problems with her writing. So please don't be worried or just scroll down and don't read the following...
I have a HUGE AS problem! ☺ You know the AS's I'm talking about? The AS that could/should be exchanged for a SINCE or a BECAUSE or just a comma/dot/pause/whatever.☺ It's a British and or legal thing (if it's a thing at all!) and it doesn't have anything to do in an American book by an American author. I would be ok with it if one (British) character would use it, but everyone uses it! I really don't want to insult Sawyer. I love her books, but ... please stop doing it. But pfff who am I to tell her what to do, so just forget I said anything! It doesn't stop her books from being great!
MAREK was another super-adorable, sexy addition to this great hockey series!
Run to your nearest amazon for your own MAREK - this one is MINE!!!!!
... and now hurry Sawyer - I want the new Hockey series asap!!!!!
Another hockey-hottie? Sign me up!

Woohoo, time to head back to North Carolina and spend some time with the hockey hotties from the Cold Fury.
Any my, look at that cover. I keep going back to look at him lol
Now, the way we were introduced to Marek at the end of Reed, we we knew that this wasn't going to be a light and fluufy store.
I mean, there is no much hockey involved in this one since it is mostly set in the off season, however Marek, Gracen and Lilly's story was full of heartbreak and frustration and so much love.
But really, their story is a bit of a sh!t fight! I can understand both sides of the story and can understand the actions on both sides but boy! It felt at times they were rehashing the same thing time and time again and I wanted to clonk their heads together and tell them to

Woohoo, time to head back to North Carolina and spend some time with the hockey hotties from the Cold Fury.
Any my, look at that cover. I keep going back to look at him lol
Now, the way we were introduced to Marek at the end of Reed, we we knew that this wasn't going to be a light and fluufy store.
I mean, there is no much hockey involved in this one since it is mostly set in the off season, however Marek, Gracen and Lilly's story was full of heartbreak and frustration and so much love.
But really, their story is a bit of a sh!t fight! I can understand both sides of the story and can understand the actions on both sides but boy! It felt at times they were rehashing the same thing time and time again and I wanted to clonk their heads together and tell them to