Tuesday, 1 May 2018

✪ The Greatest Risk (Honey series #3) ✪ Kristen Ashley ✪

A woman unable to connect, struggling to hide another part of her. A man burning to learn her truth, and make her whole. Through explosive passion and deep exploration, they are about to take the greatest risk of all. But will they be able to take that leap, and come out on the other side together?

In this next passionate novel in the Honey series, New York Times bestselling author Kristen Ashley delivers a stunningly romantic and intensely sexy novel that will stay with you long after you turn the final page.

ARC received for an honest review

I have been impatiently awaiting Stellan and Sixx's story from the minute I finished reading The Farthest Edge, and Ms Ashley has not disappointed.

I knew even before I started that their story was going to be a rough ride - and that Stellan and Sixx would love it that way, as I would too.

S & S are a fascinating couple, one that I have been curious about for a long time.  There were times I wanted to shake some sense into her, to stop her from doing some silly things, however I also knew why she was doing what she was doing.  A right conundrum!

Stellan.... le SIGH!  That man is all that and a bag of chips!  I love his persistence, he was sweeter than I thought he was going to be - though I guess I knew he was going to have to be all kinds of wonderful to win over Sixx.

Their journey together was both heartbreaking and beautiful.

I love love love that we got more of the Leigh and Olly (though, still can't connect with Leigh at all) and Branch and Evangeline and the sexploits of the Honey.

I did find myself skimming in the last 15% of the book - nothing to do with S & S, I just thought that there was too much time given to some very minor characters.

The Greatest Risk is a wonderful ending to the Honey series.  Now I can't wait to see what Ms Ashley brings us next.