Friday, 25 May 2018


Dear BJ's Book Blog Followers!

Because of those new GDPR guidelines (General Data Protection Regulation), every Blog with a newsletter is required to send out a notice regarding how we use and store your information.  

You are receiving our emails because at some point, you have signed up to receive them.
We only use your information to send out a summary of our blogposts. Nothing else.

If you're seeing this in a Newsletter - and you DON'T WANT TO KEEP ON RECEIVING THIS NEWSLETTER - please scroll down to the bottom and click the UNSUBSCRIBE link. And if you'd like to stay - THANK YOU! ☺

If you're seeing this on our actual blog, you're probably not signed up for our Newsletter - so this doesn't really concern you ;) But if you want to sign up for it - you can do it right now. Don't worry - we're not spamming you with stuff. We're just sending out emails with our blogposts in case you don't have time to show up on our blog every day!
Sign up here → BJ's Book Blog Newsletter

P.S. you can find ALL the new GDPR info here →

THANK YOU FOR LISTENING - Have a great reading day!
Bianca & Janeane