Wednesday, 24 September 2014

♦ Little Dove ♦ Jaden Wilkes ♦ Beast #3 ♦

© Bianca

The Beast #3
• release date 23 September 2014
• 400 pages

5 Stars

How can you ever hope to find normal when your life is anything but?

Determined to make amends for his past, and show Columbia he truly is a changed man, Dimitri sets out to right wrongs and decimate those who bring nothing but sorrow to the world.

Something goes wrong and Columbia is taken, spirited away into the underground world of sex trafficking and international crime syndicates.

Dimitri must fight his way across the Europe to find her and bring her home. He would rather see the world burn than live without her in it.

He will tear the world apart looking for his little dove.

This is a tragic story exploring the consequences of daring to love in the midst of chaos and terror.

****As with The Beast, this book contains graphic depictions of physical abuse, rough sex and dubious consent. It may contain triggers for several different reasons, so please read with caution. That being said, it is also a book filled with hope, love and light in the dark.


She was his equal, his superior, his submissive, his beautiful little monster. She was his everything.

LITTLE DOVE takes us all over Europe!
We start with a prologue - remember that girl Ioana, who has been living with her boyfriend Boian - the leader of the Bucharest Underground - she was kidnapped and sold by sex traffickers? She's still being forced to do unimaginable things ... and she might cross paths with our Columbia - and there's another girl with connections to everybody else ☺
The story is told from Ioana's POV and of course from Dimi's and Columbia's.

The book starts with Dimi in Bucharest - he wants to right some wrongs. He wants to give some money to the son of a woman who helped him years ago.
And that boy is none other than Ioana's baby-daddy. But, he's too stubborn and proud - he doesn't want Dimi's money.

After Bucharest we're back in Malta - Dimi & Columbia & Nico live a relatively happy life in their island paradise - with the occasional threesome. ☺

But Sergei still needs to be found and killed!
And Columbia wants to be the one to do it.

Then there's Columbia's little sister Eden who's coming to visit ....


while the three of them take a little trip to Rome, she gets them all into all kinds of trouble....

Back in Malta Columbia finds out what kind of human-trafficking things Dimi had to do to survive his years with Sergei and she comes up with an idea: rid the world of all the scum who prey on innocent girls and boys.

But interfering in bad people's business is not something those bad people won't tolerate for too long....


I'm not telling you that of course ☺ just have to buy the book to find out ...
and please do!!!!! Because....

Yay, finally the third book!

♥ I missed Dimi and Columbia and Nico and their special kind of love and life...

I really enjoyed reading LITTLE DOVE!
It's such a great, sweet, cute, adorable, sad , moving, very suspensy and EROTIC story...

Little Dove was more of a romantic suspense thriller than the first two books in the series - but I loved it - I couldn't stop reading. You HAVE to know what will happen - who will die or if anybody will die and what horrible things will be done to whom - ugh - it was really amazing.

Dimi is soo adorably sweet ☺ hehe - yep - the big bad russian killer with his killer-intern-girlfriend. But they're really perfect for each other!!

 "He always knew what to say to her, to make her feel completely and utterly the best way possible."

 They still need each other to heal. And to be able to live.


 Just like THE BEAST& PERFECTLY NORMAL, LITTLE DOVE was an amazing dark and erotic and suspenseful Love Story about 2 lost souls who are finally finding a way to make a life for themselves despite everything that happened in their pasts .... even if it's in a, for us unimaginable, way. For them it's perfect.

It might not be for everybody - it's violent and really dark and twisted - but those things really need to be in the book!!!! Just try it - but don't leave a horrible review because something in it is against your 'religion' ☺☺☺


I really hope there will be more!!!! It wasn't an open ending - but there are possiblilities!!!

somebody might have a bad boy sibling......




(stolen from

Jaden Wilkes is the pen name for a girl living on the prettiest farm in BC. After a lifetime of love, lust and adventure, she is happily settled down with her second chance, the love of her life.

New to the world of fiction, but not writing, Jaden has won prizes for poetry, published research articles and essays, and maybe even a thesis or two.
A life of travel, adventure and keen observations of human nature allow for the creation of rich worlds and...

Fuck it, I need to keep it real. I have done a bunch of stuff, met a lot of people and lead an interesting life. That's it! I am passionate about my art, my work, my family and my friends, not necessarily in that order. I love writing fiction, I've spent years hearing things like "you should write a book" or "ZOMG you're so funny, write that shit down". And now I am. I hope you enjoy my words as much as I enjoy laying them down.

I've been an archaeologist (ethnographic research as well as human skeletal remains specialist), a GIS geek, a teacher, a city planning nerd and a photographer. New to that list, author. I am damn proud of this designation and hope that it will keep spurring me on to greater and better things. Every work I produce will be better than the last, so if you liked this first one, you will love the rest!

Thank you for joining me on this crazy journey. Along the way I hope I am able to offer you some laughs, some succor for the soul and some tingles in your soft places. ;)