Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Blog Tour and Giveaway - Burn (Spark #2) by Brooke Cumberland

**Review by Janeane**

Just when Velaney thinks she is safe againher worst nightmare comes back to haunt her.

Eric is dealing with his own insecurities as he tries to accept Velaney
s decision to help the enemycan he get past it? Will they be there for each other in the end?

Eric struggles to step aside and trust Velaney...but will his past keep him from doing so? Can he let go in order to move forward?

Velaney and Eric had their fair share of ups and downs in SPARK
their love was undeniable and intense. Just when you think they could get their happily ever afterpasts collide and merge togetherwill they fight for what they want?

Or will their love crash and burn?
Review - ARC received for honest review

Burn sarts off right where Spark ended, so make sure you read Spark first.  And wow, what a way to continue Eric and Velaney's story.

Eric and Velaney have been through a lot to get where they are today - on a plane for Velaney to meet Eric's family.  Velaney has never had the great family upbringing, so she is scared about this meeting.

Spark was a book full of relationship ups and downs, but Burn is an 
from beginning to end.

Velaney has made some difficult decisions regarding her family in the past, but now they are coming back to haunt her.  Her childhood and teen years were miserable and now she thought she was rid of them for good.

Ugh what a family she has.  As bad as her brother Aidan is (and boy, is he bad), her parents are worse.  I have never despised characters in a book as much as I do them.  I just want to throw something sharp at their heads  hard!

Velaney has grown so much since the start of Spark, however her family can bring her right back to her teen years.

I love how Eric tries to protect Velaney from her family - and herself.  He loves her so much, warts and all, and it kills him to see her putting herself through what she does.

In Burn we get a lot more of Eric's POV.  He is such a beauitful man, a beautiful human being.  He is always there for Velaney, now matter how much she pushes him away - and she does do that a LOT (seriously girl if you don't want him, ther,e's a queue forming behind me for him!!!).

We also learn a lot more about Eric's past, and the things that brought him to this point in his life.  We find out the tragedy that drives him.

As much as I despised Velaney's family, I LOOOOOVE Eric's.  His crazy female cousins are like the sisters we all want, and his male cousins - well, that is something different all together.

Burn is full of twists and turns, some a lot more unexpected than others.

And then there is Velaney's best friend Carissa.  She is a hard as she is sweet.  She will defend you to the end of the world if you are being wronged, but will not hold back if you are being stupid or making the wrong decisions.

I am really looking forward to reading more of Carissa's story in book 3, Flame.

Brooke Cumberland hasn't failed me yet, and is again on a winner with Burn.

Author Bio:
Brooke is a midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She's a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons) and a black fury dog. She's studied psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she found her love for writing. Most days you can find her reading or writing, or just hanging out with her family! She loves movies, cooking, and shopping! She's addicted to Starbucks, Coach purses, and wearing yoga pants.
 Connect with Brooke here:

Purchase Book #1 Spark here
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