Tuesday, 8 June 2021

πŸ–€ Cat Johnson ⭐ SHADOW PAWN ⭐ Shadow SEALs #1 πŸ–€

 ©  Bianca ✰ Janeane ✰ 

• 8 June 2021
• standalone

Book #1
4.5 Stars

He'd spent his career hiding in shadows. Now they want to send him back into them. The question is, who are they? Is this job his saving grace or has he just made a deal with the devil?


When the military makes Navy SEAL sniper Adam Nichols their sacrificial lamb just two years shy of his retirement, he has no more reason to follow their rules. So the offer the shadowy figure representing an undisclosed organization makes him looks pretty good.

In exchange for more money than he ever made working for the command that betrayed him, Adam is to use any means necessary to free an American woman held hostage in China, without backup and without causing an international incident in the process.


With the promise of possible redemption, in addition to his obsession with the intriguing damsel in distress who kicks his protective side into high gear, his choice is clear.


But who is the tawny-skinned, sophisticated, captive beauty in the photo who rouses feelings he's long denied? The impeccably-dressed, ebony-haired stranger with the intelligent yet secretive golden-brown eyes who seems so completely opposite from his own beastly rough nature.


He's to rescue her, and protect her, and nothing else. Easier said than done. And after he does free her, is he handing her over to the good guys, or the bad? Or, perhaps, she’s the one he should be worried about. He only knows one thing for certaina SEAL whos lost the ability to trust his gut instincts is, quite simply, lost.

Angela + Adam

Adam was happy being a Navy SEAL for half his life. But now - for reasons we don't yet know - he's been forced to 'retire'.
Uncle Sam let him go with no money, no insurance ...nothing. He does some carpentry handywork to be able to afford his tiny roach-infested apartment.
Then he gets a call from a lady who knows way too much about him and his situation ... and she offers him a job he just can't say no to.
Rescue this CEO woman from chinese kidnappers in Shanghai.
That woman is our leading lady Angela.
She was supposed to take it slow at work. Not travel so much anymore. Her private life has changed recently and she wants to be home more.
Just this one deal in China and then she can stay at home for a while.
Yup. That didn't work out quite as planned ....

I really enjoyed reading this.
A real suspensy ex-SEAL action-movie kind of love story.
We immediately like Adam and Angela and we don't know if we can trust this lady on the phone... Who are the bad people here? 
We'll find out!
And we'll do that while falling for each other obviously. 😍
It's all very exciting and suspensy and mysterious - but also very sparky and sexy and adorable!
I just adore SEALs and their books!!

SHADOW PAWN was an exciting and mysterious and sexy and adorable Navy SEAL love story! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Adam - this one is MINE!

Copy received from author for an honest review

Cat Johnson had me at SEAL - like she always does.

Shadow Pawn is a very suspenseful, action packed, SEALy story that I just adored.

I liked Angela and Adam right from the start, and we are taken on a Bourne-like international adventure, never know who you can trust..

I kind of guessed who the bad guy was about half way through, but until it was all revealed, I could not really be sure.

I was thinking of Jack from Speed (is there ever a bad time to think of Keanu Reeves) as their relationship grows - you know how he says " I've heard relationships based on tense experiences never work" - and all you can hope is that Adam and Angela are the exception.

Ms Johnson could write me a SEAL story every month, and I would never get sick of them,  I loved seeing some of her OG SEALs make an appearance.

Can't wait for more in the future.




Cat's Mudvill Rom-Coms
Book #1


 Book #2


Book #3


Book #4

Book #5

 It all started in first grade when Cat Johnson won the essay contest at Hawthorne Elementary School and got to ride in the Chief of Police's car in the Memorial Day Parade...and the rest, as they say, is history. As an adult, Cat generally tries to stay out of police cars and is thrilled to be writing for a living. She has been published under a different name in the Young Adult genre, but released her first romance in 2006.

Today, she is a NY Times & USA Today best-selling, award-winning author of contemporary romance and contracted with Kensington and Samhain Publishing. She's also sponsored real live bull riding cowboys.

--from the author's website