• 12 May 2020
• Book #4 in the Slay Quartet
• Book #4.5 - Slash - will be out 25 August (Edward's sister's story!)
• Book #4 in the Slay Quartet
• Book #4.5 - Slash - will be out 25 August (Edward's sister's story!)
• Fixed series Spin-Off
This is a complete standalone series ... BUT - if you want to really experience the WHOLE THING - I suggest you start with the first Fixed book!! Celia plays a pretty big part in Hudson's story! Plus ... book 1 is ► FREE ◄
JOIN the ► SLAY RECOVERY GROUP ◄ when you’re done reading!!Enter at your own risk however!! There WILL BE spoilers!!
JOIN the ► SLAY RECOVERY GROUP ◄ when you’re done reading!!Enter at your own risk however!! There WILL BE spoilers!!
4.125 Stars
4.125 Stars

The stakes have never been higher, and she's full of the
Edward Fasbender is my husband.
Together, we brought down powerful men.
Now we have a chance to start over. To be the family neither
of us ever had, to leave the past in the past where it belongs. Edward has a
choice to make.
It will decide if we fall into the flames--or rise together.
The final book! Yes!
It's been a long while since book #3 and again I forgot everything! LOL!
Damn #Bookalzheimers! But then I remembered that it ended with Celia telling Edward she's pregnant! BAM! And suddenly I remembered everything again! ☺
And so we start. Edward is a 'bit' angry at the whole thing. Plus he's still mad she won't tell him who A is in her journals.
And Celia is mad at Edward for ignoring her. But she's so happy about the baby. Adorable! Seeing our old mean girl like that.
How will this book end?
Will Edward find out who A is?
We hope not. We want them all to survive!☺
We want all of them to get their happily ever after!
Edward's sister will get hers too in the next book! (SLASH - a novella, coming in August!)
This was a great finale for a great series.
I wouldn't have minded much if this would've been only one longish book instead of four. But it was okay the way it was. I liked it. I didn't think I could ever like Celia, but I do.
There was a tiny bit too much business talk for my tastes. And talk in general. There were too many words and sentences that could've been cut. It was too wordy - that's why I would've preferred one book instead of four!! ☺ BUT! Great romance with lots of sexy times and lots of feels and frustration and excitement!

It's been a long while since book #3 and again I forgot everything! LOL!
Damn #Bookalzheimers! But then I remembered that it ended with Celia telling Edward she's pregnant! BAM! And suddenly I remembered everything again! ☺
And so we start. Edward is a 'bit' angry at the whole thing. Plus he's still mad she won't tell him who A is in her journals.
And Celia is mad at Edward for ignoring her. But she's so happy about the baby. Adorable! Seeing our old mean girl like that.
How will this book end?
Will Edward find out who A is?
We hope not. We want them all to survive!☺
We want all of them to get their happily ever after!
Edward's sister will get hers too in the next book! (SLASH - a novella, coming in August!)
This was a great finale for a great series.
I wouldn't have minded much if this would've been only one longish book instead of four. But it was okay the way it was. I liked it. I didn't think I could ever like Celia, but I do.
There was a tiny bit too much business talk for my tastes. And talk in general. There were too many words and sentences that could've been cut. It was too wordy - that's why I would've preferred one book instead of four!! ☺ BUT! Great romance with lots of sexy times and lots of feels and frustration and excitement!

SLAY FOUR: RISING was a great finale in this crazy & sexy quartet! I'm really happy with the way it all ended!
Hurry to your nearest amazon asap - Edward will be sold out in no time!!!
Hurry to your nearest amazon asap - Edward will be sold out in no time!!!
ARC received for an honest review
I have terrible bookzheimer's, and it has been a while since book 3 in this series, so me being me, I had no idea what I was diving into.
I have terrible bookzheimer's, and it has been a while since book 3 in this series, so me being me, I had no idea what I was diving into.
However, once I started reading, things started to fall into place in my brain and I slowly remembered things.
And boy oh boy, were we taken on one heck of a ride.
Now, listen very closely, as I will never say this again...
For the first time since I first read the Fixed series all those years back - I hated Hudson Pierce.
Shocking, I know, however in this part he was such a douche, that I just couldn't with him and his sanctimonious BS. I was talking to my Kindle, telling it how dare he act all holier than thou when he was involved in all this stuff, heck he started it all.
And I thought Edward was so much more the man than Hudson in this one. You could have knocked me down with a feather when I came to this realisation hahah.
I don't want to give anything away, as you need to go into this with as little knowledge of what happens after the first three books - you owe it to yourself to just dive in.

Just in case you haven't yet read the FIXED series - START RIGHT NOW! Book #1 is FREE!

Stalking Laurelin ...
With millions of books sold worldwide, Laurelin Paige is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author. She is a sucker for a good romance and gets giddy anytime there’s kissing, much to the embarrassment of her three daughters. Her husband doesn’t seem to complain, however.
When she isn’t reading or writing sexy stories, she’s probably singing, watching Game of Thrones or Letterkenny, or dreaming of Michael Fassbender. She's also a proud member of Mensa International though she doesn't do anything with the organization except use it as material for her bio.
She is represented by Rebecca Friedman.