Evie Tice won’t kiss her ex, Jay Endicott, ever again. But she wants to. Burns for it. Half the adult population of the world does, because he’s a rock god who can apparently light up the stage. She wouldn’t know. When he quit on her, she made sure to block him from her life and stick to easy breezy hook-ups.
But Jay is back, sexier than ever, with the first leg of his global tour and her brothers’ band opens for him. As their social media manager, Evie can’t avoid Jay, but she can use him, to get off and get even like he once used her.
We all remember Evie from Teela's book.
She's working for her three brothers - as their band's social media manager. Plus she's running her own little growing managment company.
The family band will go on tour with Evie's ex over the summer.
The ex who left Evie and the band ten years ago to become a world famous rock star.
Everybody is still hurt over whatever happened back then. Especially Evie. But the family band needs that tour and the money and publicity. Evie has to stay strong. She will not fall for Jay again!
And she will not forgive him for what he did! But was it really his fault??
Let the fun times begin...
What will happen with Evie & Jay?
Will there be a HEA?
Will there be a HEA?
Read the book to find out! ☺

Eeep! Rock-Star-Romance!
Our favorite kind of book!
I loved Evie and the brothers and the other guys in the bands and Jay. Jay!
He's our rock god and he's still so very drawn to Evie. The love never really went away - for either of them. But of course they're enemies now, right? Both don't really know what happened ten years ago!
I really adored reading this cute and funny and sexy and rock-stary second-chance love story!
Ainslie's book are often a bit ... different. Which is not a bad thing.
She has this completely different writing style - she uses lots of words and expressions that are too complicated for my weird (and non-australian) head. And she uses lots of inner thought and not enough conversation for my tastes ... But I still love her books and her stories.
Can't wait to read Grip's story!
ONE KiSS FROM THE KiNG OF ROCK was an adorable & funny & sexy & australian second-chance-rock-star-love-story! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Jay - this one is MINE! ☺
Copy received from the author for an honest review

I loved Evie in Teela's book, One Night With the Sexiest Man Alive, and love her even more in One Kiss From The King Of Rock.
I mean, rock stars are my weakness! Mention in the title or the blurb and BAM, I need that sucker!
I adored Evie and Jay's second-chance story. That's another trope that I am a fan of.
Secrets, mistruths, betrayals - and none of them the fault of our lovelies. Gah, I wanted to throat punch people as I was reading. I knew that things were going to work out, but that doesn't mean I don't get to hate people along the way hahah
I love love love the Aussie-ness of Ms Paton's stories. I love stories set in my home city of Sydney. And love even more when she refers places/places are inspired by places I lived my misspent youth (I'm pointing to you, Fiddler!)
One Kiss From The King of Rock is a fun, flirty and sexy read. I am not impatiently awaiting for the next installment.


Pre-Order Book #3

Love Series

Book #2

Sidelined Book #1
Book #2
Book #3

Book #4

Paton always wanted to write stories to make people smile, but the need
to eat, accumulate books, and have bedclothes to read under was ever
present. She sold out, and worked as a flack, a suit, and a creative,
ghosting for business leaders, rabble-rousers, and politicians, and
making words happen for companies, governments, causes, conditions,
high-profile CEOs, low-profile celebs, and the occasional misguided
royal. She still does that. She also writes for love and so she can buy
shoes, and the good cat food.