• True North series #7
• 28 January 2020
• standalone - but PLEASE read the amazing first 6 books too! ☺
• 28 January 2020
• standalone - but PLEASE read the amazing first 6 books too! ☺
• check out our ► Review ◄ for book #3
• check out our ► Review ◄ for book #4
• check out our ► Review ◄ for book #5
• check out our ► Review ◄ for book #6
• check out our ► Review ◄ for book #4
5 Stars

An emotional friends to lovers romance full of risky secrets and late-night lessons in seduction.
Dylan is my best friend, and the only person in my life who understands me. He doesn’t mind my social awkwardness or my weird history. The only glitch? He doesn’t know that I’ve been hopelessly, desperately in love with him since the first day we picked apples together in his family’s orchard.
But I know better than to confess.
Now that we’re both in college together, I’m seeing a new side of him. College Dylan drinks and has a lot of sex. None of it with me. Until the night I foolishly ask him to tutor me in more than algebra…and he actually says yes.
But the cool morning light shows me how badly I’ve endangered our friendship. And I don’t know if anything will be the same again.

Dylan Shipley. We all remember him from his siblings' stories!
And Chastity - we remember her too. Two years ago - with only 19 - she escaped the same cult that the Shipley's neighbors Leah & Isaac escaped from some years before.
Now both Dylan and Chastity are away at college.
Chastity has kinda been in love with Dylan forever. But Dylan is not one for relationships. He's twenty and away at college - and he wants to live like that too. Girls, booze, pot.
Chastity is his best friend and his new business partner too. And she's incredibly pretty. But what would she want with a player like him. Plus they're both still way too young for something serious! Right?
And Chastity - we remember her too. Two years ago - with only 19 - she escaped the same cult that the Shipley's neighbors Leah & Isaac escaped from some years before.
Now both Dylan and Chastity are away at college.
Chastity has kinda been in love with Dylan forever. But Dylan is not one for relationships. He's twenty and away at college - and he wants to live like that too. Girls, booze, pot.
Chastity is his best friend and his new business partner too. And she's incredibly pretty. But what would she want with a player like him. Plus they're both still way too young for something serious! Right?
What will happen to Chastity & Dylan?
Will there be a Happily Ever After?
Will there be a Happily Ever After?


Chastity & Dylan!
This book was just as beautiful and adorable and funny and sweet and sexy and heartbreaking and farmish and Vermontish as the other books in this amazing series!
I adored Dylan and Chastity.
The poor girl missed out on so much growing up in that horrible cult!
And she wants allll the things now. Chocolate. Netflix. Sex. Dylan.
And poor Dylan wants all that too - but he wasn't thinking about a serious relationship with his best friend from back home. He's too young and she's his best friend. His family would kill him!

I loved this book. I loved alll the people - the Shipley's and the neighbors and Dylan's roommate Rickie! I so need to read his book next please!
(Did anyone else get massive Win from the Myron Bolitar series by Harlan Coben vibes from Rickie??)
I never want this series to end!
What more can I say. I just love this series. I loved this 7th story. And I need these books to be on Netflix asap! PLEASE!
If I had to find something I didn't love? The cover. That guy is way too muscly for my tastes! And that face does not fit the body. Dylan is muscly, yes, and yes, he is only 20, but this face looks like that of a 14 year old little boy and the young Schwarzenegger body plus that face is just too much in my opinion. I don't like it at allll! Most of the covers in this series look like these books are shapeshifter vampire romances!
BUT - I ADORE this series! I love the books, the characters, the stories. Just not the covers. I really love the different colors for each book, but most of the people on it and the dark woods - not my thing! But that's just my personal opinion - don't mind my weird taste - most readers will either love the covers or they just don't care about book covers at all!
HEARTLAND was such an adorable & beautiful & funny & sexy & collegy & vermonty & farmy & goaty love story!
I adored every little thing about it!
Run to your nearest amazon for your own Dylan - he'll be sold out in no time!!! ☺
I adored every little thing about it!
Run to your nearest amazon for your own Dylan - he'll be sold out in no time!!! ☺

ARC received for an honest review.
Little Dylan Shipley is all grown up, and boy oh boy has he grown up!
Chastity is finally living life after escaping the cult, and I loved being along with her as she is finally living her life. And that living includes wanting Dylan - oh, so bad!
I had a love hate relationship with Dylan in this story. I loved how he cared for Chastity, I loved how he looked out for her, however I hated how he made her feel a lot of the time. He might not have wanted to act like a d!ck to her, but he did do it and it hurt my heart along with Chastity's.
It was wonderful to get back to the Shipley farm and all the people who now live and work there.
And oh my, did I freaking LOVE Dylan's roommate. I am hoping that his is the next story in the series.
I did find that Heartland was a lot more emotional to me than the previous books in the series. I found myself reading through tears a couple of times as things happened
I never want this series to end, and I can' wait for more.

why were you having a bad day, anyway?” Ellie asks. “Man trouble?”
exactly. It’s more like a lack of man trouble. I kissed my hot algebra tutor.
And I wasn’t supposed to.”
big eyes widen. “Which hot algebra tutor? You never said.”
doesn’t work at the lab,” I say hastily. “He’s a friend. And he wants to stay
that way.”
She looks deflated. “That is a bummer.”
you have a boyfriend?”
She makes a face. “It would be nice, though. This year is kind of lonely. My
roommate is a total bitch.”
I have one of those, too.”
Ellie’s eyes brighten. “Does yours steal your clothes and then lie about it?”
no. She wouldn’t want any of my things. We have singles, anyway. Just a common
She must be easier to stand, then.”
think.” I take a gulp of mint tea.
roommate took my brand-new scarf. With the tags still on! And when I called her
out on it, she tried to gaslight me.”
I feel my cheeks flush like they sometimes do when I don’t understand the
idioms that people use.
don’t know Gaslight? It’s a movie from the forties.”
Bergman,” says Dylan’s voice. “We haven’t got around to the classics yet.”
startle, sloshing my tea over my hand. And when I look up, Dylan is right
there. Clear brown eyes. Tousled hair. Tight, muscular body that’s clothed in a
nice sweater and ripped jeans. A handsome face that I finally kissed.
slices through me. Because I’m never going to get over him. There will never be
a day when I look at Dylan and don’t wish for more.
I talk to you for a quick second?” he asks, taking the mug and grabbing a
napkin off the table. He wipes the tea off my hand.
is not a good time,” I say quickly. Because I don’t want to cry in the coffee
shop in front of my only new friend.
actually rolls his eyes. “Fifteen seconds, Chass. Give a man a break.”
talk to you.” Ellie raises her hand like a school girl. “Pick me.”
that’s just what I need—another girl in my life who’s swooning for Dylan.
Because that always turns out well.
Fifteen seconds.” I jump to my feet. Let’s get this over with.
takes my arm and tows me gently over toward the bulletin board, where nobody is
currently reading the flyers for meditation circles and ski equipment sales.
I’m sorry,” is his opener. “You're avoiding me. Not that I blame you. I'm sorry
things got so out of control.”
things?” I ask warily. Because I don’t want an apology for fooling around with
one!” Dylan raises his hands. “All the things. I shouldn’t have been so
I know Dylan was in a serious state of drunken depression when he kissed me.
It’s not like I was expecting to hear those kisses made him as happy as they
made me. But would it kill him to be a little less patronizing? “Dylan, I’m not
twelve years old. It was just a kiss or two. I don’t think I’ll need a full
course of therapy to recover.”
blinks. “Okay. Good?”
did you really need to drag me over here to apologize a third time? Did you
apologize to all the girls you kissed during Spin the Bottle in seventh grade?”
heard about Spin the Bottle and Seven Minutes in Heaven only last year, by
eavesdropping on Debbie and her buddies at another bonfire. I’d been transfixed
by their tales of who’d kissed whom over the years and how often.
thirteen, Spin the Bottle would have sounded like heaven to me. Seven minutes
in a closet with a boy? I would have lobbied for eight. I was always the most
inappropriate girl in the bunch.
somehow Dylan sees me as some kind of innocent child.
Good point.” He crosses his delicious arms and smiles at me. “You are in a
feisty mood today.”
that so wrong?”
He shakes his handsome head. “Not at all. Are we going to hug it out?” He opens
his big arms wide.
boy. I can’t resist stepping into them. And when he pulls me in, I experience
the familiar hormone rush that always happens when I’m close to him. Rapid
heartbeat? Check. Goosebumps? Check. My nose lands against his flannel shirt.
mouth is mere inches from his, of course. But this time he has no interest in
kissing me. It takes all my willpower to give him a squeeze and then step back.
well, Chass. I’ll leave you to your tutoring session, even if you’re basically
cheating on me right now. But we’re still making caramels this weekend, right?
I told Griffin we could use six gallons of goat’s milk. Don’t make a liar out
of me.”
won’t,” I say quickly. I might be slightly irritated at him, but it will blow
over. My capacity to forgive him for not loving me back is basically infinite.
“We’ll leave right after Friday classes?”
got it. And this is for you. Share it with your friend.” He pulls something out
of his pocket. “More market research.”
puts a little box in my hand and then walks away.
always, it takes me a second to get over my hormone rush. I stand there
blinking for a long moment until I realize Ellie is grinning at me from the
sofa. So I go back over to her and sit down.
she says, stealing a glance at Dylan’s retreating backside. “Is that hot hunk
of Vermont male your algebra tutor?”
My voice is gravel.
your future ex-boyfriend?”
I’ll never get that chance. He's my best friend, but...” There's no tidy
you want more. I would if it were me.”
I nod, miserable.

πππππππ The True North Series πππππππ