Tuesday, 30 April 2019

✪ Getting Hot With The Scot (Sometimes In Love #1) ✪ Melonie Johnson ✪ Blog Tour ✪


Cassie Crow, a pop-culture reporter for a TV talk show, is focused on becoming a “serious” journalist. But when she stumbles into a kilted Highlander with a killer accent, Cassie decides that taking one night off from work and spending it with a sexy Scot couldn’t hurt. . .

Logan Reid has built a career on his charm, hosting a series of off-the-wall hijinks on the Web. But when the Scottish prankster meets the all-American, equal parts intelligent and irresistible Cassie, Logan realizes that one night of fun won’t be enough. Could it be that this career-focused, commitment-phobic couple is finally ready to take a chance at true and lasting love?

ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

Ms Johnson, you had me at Scot!

Not going to lie, I am a bit of sucker for a story with a Scotsman, so it was a no brainer to read Getting Hot With The Scot.

Logan and Cassie's story is fun and flirty - though at times I wanted to knock some sense into both Logan and Cassie - and FFS people, talk to each other! It is one of my pet peeves, when there are stupid separations because the characters don't talk to each other - but that is prob just me.

I enjoyed the travelling aspect of the story, and the friendships between Cassie and her girls.

There is a bit of set up for the next book in the series, and lucky for me it is waiting on my kindle for me to dive right in.

A Star Wars junkie and Shakespeare groupie who quotes both Yoda and the Bard with equal aplomb, award-winning author Melonie Johnson—aka #thewritinglush—is a two-time RWA Golden Heart® finalist who loves dark coffee, cheap wine, and expensive beer. And margaritas. And mimosas. And mules. Basically any cocktail that starts with the letter m. She met her future husband in that most romantic of places—the mall—when they were teenagers working in stores across the hall from each other. They went on to live happily ever after in the suburbs of Chicago with two redhead daughters, a dog that’s more like a small horse, and a trio of hermit crabs. After earning her Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude from Loyola University Chicago, Melonie taught high school English and Theatre in the northern Chicago suburbs for several years. Now she writes smart and funny contemporary romance and moonlights as an audiobook narrator under the pseudonym, Evelyn Eibhlin.

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