Thursday, 21 March 2019

✪ Sierra Simone ✪ A LESSON IN THORNS ✪ #Thornchapel1 ✪

© Bianca

• 21 March 2019
• Book #1 in the #Thornchapel series
• #NewAdultMysteriousLustyQueerDramance #ish☺
Book #2 will be out in June!

5 Stars

Once upon a time, six children stumbled upon a wild place hidden deep in the moors, shrouded by secrets and fog. There we played a game among the roses and the thorns that would change us forever, that would follow us the rest of our lives. A game that ended with a hard kiss in the rain and tattered flower petals fluttering from above

And twelve years later, we’re back.

The heir.
The dreamer.
The priest.
The genius.
The socialite.
The saint.

I’m not going to dream of a forgotten place covered in thorns every night.
I won’t be enchanted by Thornchapel and its glossy, glamorous people. I’m not going to fall in love or have my heart torn in two.

I’m not telling the truth.

Because as this place slowly tightens its coil of secrets and thorns around us, as we uncover the knotted mysteries that grow here, the six of us begin to unravel into filthy, holy pleasure and pain. Fulfilling the promise we once made as children in those whispering ruins, and awakening a fate that will either anoint us or leave us in ashes

2nd Blurb:

When librarian Poe Markham takes the job at Thornchapel, she only wants two things: to stay away from Thornchapel’s tortured owner, Auden Guest, and to find out what happened to her mother twelve years ago. It should be easy enough—keep her head down while she works in the house’s crumbling private library and while she hunts down any information as to why this remote manor tucked into the fog-shrouded moors would be the last place her mother was seen alive. But Thornchapel has other plans for her...

As Poe begins uncovering the house’s secrets, both new and old, she’s also pulled into the seductive, elegant world of Auden and his friends—and drawn to Auden’s worst enemy, the beautiful and brooding St. Sebastian. And as Thornchapel slowly tightens its coil of truths and lies around them, Poe, Auden and St. Sebastian start unravelling into filthy, holy pleasure and pain. Together, they awaken a fate that will either anoint them or leave them in ashes…

From the author of the USA Today bestselling New Camelot series comes an original fairy tale full of ancient mysteries, lantern-lit rituals, jealousy, money, murder, sacred torment, and obsessions that last for lifetimes...

***A Lesson in Thorns is the first of four books in the Thornchapel series.***

↑ These are the six young people this book is about. ↑
They've known each other since that summer they spent together at Auden's family's estate in England - their parents were friends.... or something.
Now, twelve years later we're back at that house.
Librarian Poe is telling us their story.
(Even though we get some pages from the other five's POV too!)
Poe came from Kansas to work for Auden. He inherited the house and is updating everything - including the huge library.
St. Sebastian is there too. Even though Auden seems to hate him for some reason.
But still, those three have this deep connection. Ever since they got married in the estate's old crumpled secret chapel when they were only ten years old. ☺
Rebecca, Becket and Daphne are there too.
Six friends who love (and hate) each other. Who lust after each other. Who might not tell each other all the secrets and dreams that are in their hearts. Six friends who share and are about to uncover mysterious secrets we can't even begin to understand yet - and maybe not even by the end of this first book!

Grab a huge mug of tea/coffee/whiskey, settle down in front of the fireplace on a rainy night and get ready for an amazing story ...
(insert this creepy whaaahahaaaaa laugh from Halloween comedies!)



Well. What can I say?
I was thinking of not doing my typical longish review. Just a short thingy like:
But I can't have you running to amazon without a bit more detail. Well, not more detail - I don't want to spoil anything. I don't think I could spoil anything anyway. I still don't know what happened here.☺

So hard!
I had no idea what I was getting into when I started reading.
I thought, ugh, six people? How will I keep all those names apart and how can I remember who did what and who and how and ugh. BUT! Sierra tells us about them and bam - eff you booksalzheimers! I remembered all six names. What they do. How they look. Who loves whom.
The reader is immediately in love with all of them. We want all of them to get their happily ever after with the love or the loves of their lives. But of course it's not as simple as that.
We have a huge-ass story to survive first!!
A story so full of ALL THE THINGS!
Lust and Hope and History and Love and Pain and SO MUCH MORE!

And then we get a cliffhanger!!! Waaaaaaaaat!??? And there will be FOUR books in this series!!! Can't wait to get my hands on Feast of Sparks!!!

IS IT AUGUST 1st YET?????? ☺

A LESSON IN THORNS was such a beautiful & poetic New Adult Love Story! I can't even pick a genre for this book. Mystery. LUST. Love. Hate. Suspense. Pain. Submission. Past. Future. SEX. Passion. Hope. SECRETS. Parents. Myths. Ugh. It's a book so full of THINGS! You just have to read it to fall in love with the three girls and three boys and their house and their chapel and their story like I did!! Hurry to your nearest amazon for your own SIX! They'll be sold out in no time!

.... Plus also - I'm pretty sure Netflix is already waiting 'round the corner to grab this!!! ☺

↓Links to the book & Author ↓
Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog

Book #2

Sierra is a voracious reader of all things including the smuttiest smut, young adult, piles of non-fiction for research, and everything Bill Bryson (especially on audio).

She loves writing the dirtiest things that she can think of, King Arthur, sparkling water, Tarot, coffee, leggings, and learning new words daily.

Her previous jobs have included firing ceramics, teaching living history lessons in one-room school house in full, 1908-approved school marm attire, and working as a librarian for several years—not in that order

She lives in the Kansas City area with her hot cop husband, two children, and two giant dogs. (And two cats, but they're so naughty we don't talk about them.)

The social media she cares about the most are Spotify and Instagram. Following her in those places is a true love language, indeed.

Sierra is represented by Rebecca Friedman of RF Literary; foreign rights are handled by Bookcase Literary.