Thursday, 28 February 2019


© Bianca Janeane ✰ 

• 28 February 2019

4.75 Stars

Ansel Bray, an artist known around the world for his tragic hiatus from the canvas.
Ansel Bray, a broody, handsome man not known by me, at all.
Long dark hair, blue eyes, and dimpled cheeks. I’ve never met her, but her image is imprinted in my mind. An angel muse who inspires me to paint again.

There is something about him. Something that spurs a need to be as close to him as possible. A need to find out why.
There is something about her. Something that draws me in. Something that urges me to find out what her presence means.

Why does the girl in his painting look so much like me?
Who is this girl, and why can I see her so vividly?

I shouldn’t fall in love with him.
I shouldn’t fall in love at all.

But fate plays her hand.
But fate has other plans.

The lines of my life will blur.
The needs of my heart will change.

What a beautiful mess we’ve made.

Ansel is a very famous painter. But he hasn't painted a thing in over a year - because he's blind.
Ever since the accident he's been trying to survive in his now dark & art-less life. Art was everything to him and now he can't be an artist anymore.

(Spoileralert for those worried. Yes, he'll see again - there's a surgery and we fast forward four years)

Enter Indy.
She gets dragged to an art gallery one night by her boyfriend and her sister. That's where she discovers herself on one of the paintings.
What? How? Huh?

The same things go through Ansel's mind. He has no idea why he keeps painting this beautiful girl. But she's been the muse in his mind ever since he started painting again.

What? How? Huh? WHY????



We immediately fall in love with Ansel. He's the typical sexy broody artist type. But he's also so much more. Just our kind of guy!
And Indy. Adorable! She's not really all that happy in her life and job. Something happened a while back and she lost her joy for life for a bit. We don't know what it is yet, but we suspect things.
Ansel and Indy are soooo perfect for each other. Like SO perfect.
But of course it's not that easy. Indy has Matt and we have this mystery about the paintings and we have past pain ....

I absolutely loved this book - I finished it in one day! Even though you kinda know what's what and what must've happened, you still just want to keep on reading. You need to see Ansel and Indy get that Happy End.
And it was so worth it. We have so many adorable and funny moments and sexy moments. And family moments. And hilarious brother moments. Even some rock-star moments. Art moments. New York moments. Heartbreaking moments.
This was the perfect romance! I really adored the story and the people in it!

One little thing though.
It's kind of obvious from very early on what must've happened. The same thing happened in a lot of romances I've read where the hero/heroine got a new heart and then they fall for the heart donor's ex or sibling. Only with the eyes it's so much better - they're not sick! It was an accident and it's not something that will come back again later in life and kill them. I really loved that. I was almost tempted to stop reading when I saw that Ansel was blind in the first chapter - because I had just finished a book with a 'sick' person. And I just hate bad things in romances. Not that being blind is comparable to addiction, heart disease, cancer. But I just need my book people to be perfect healthwise. I don't need to read about people with un-overcome-able problems! Those things are all around us in our normal lives, why would you want to read about them??? It's a romance for eff's sake. Not a un-happy-end-ish women's fiction drama that wants to win an Oscar. ☺ End of rant - sorry. Had to be said.

GIVE US MORE HAPPY/SEXY/FUNNY/ADORABLE ROMANCES DEAR AUTHORS! Or call it something other than a romance or rom-com should there be sick people in it.

Another tiny little thing. There is some cheating in this book. Some (mostly religious american) readers really hate that and might give the book a low-star-rating. I think it could've/should've been done a bit different. They could've broken up a bit sooner.

BUT - don't worry - the story is still mega adorable and so very read-worthy!  ☺

Also ... I wouldn't mind getting a rock star series next from MM by the way *coughbramcough*
And after that the gallery guy!

THE GIRL IN THE PAINTING was such a beautiful love story! Full of art and music and family and romance and hope and pain and loss and love and heartbreak and New York!
Hurry to your nearest amazon for your own Ansel - this one is MINE!!!

I can't wait to see what MM will have for us next!

ARC received for an honest review

You know what I really like about Max Monroe books?  I like that we don't get cookie cutter books, or series after series that is all the same. We have had hilarious billionaires, murder/mystery type books.

And now we have The Girl In The Painting.

You can't help but instantly adore Ansel and Indy.

Ansel is not your typical sexy, broody artist, and his story is not the regular, run of the mill story.

I will say that I did pick up pretty quickly something that was a major part of the story-to-be, however that did not take away any of the enjoyment.

I am not an artist, and couldn't play an instrument if my life depended on it, however I love art and music.  I liked both aspects of this in this story.

A beautiful yet heartbreaking story, The Girl In The Painting will leave you breathless and full of hope and love.

I can't wait to see what this pair brings use next.

Links to the Book & Author


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Book #1

Book #2

Book #3

Book #4

Standalone Sex Says

Book #1 in the Twisted Fairytales series:

The #StoneColdFox Trilogy

Book #1

#Book 2

#PreOrder Book #3

Over two years ago, a dynamic duo of romance authors teamed up under the pseudonym Max Monroe, and, well, the rest is history...

Max Monroe is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of more than ten contemporary romance titles. Favorite writing partners and long time friends, Max and Monroe strive to live and write all the fun, sexy swoon so often missing from their Facebook newsfeed. Sarcastic by nature, their two writing souls feel like they’ve found their other half. This is their most favorite adventure thus far. ​