Monday, 14 November 2016

✪ Split ✪ J.B Salsbury ✪ Release Week Blitz ✪

New York Times bestselling author JB Salsbury makes her Forever debut with a stand-alone unforgettable new novel, with a twist no one will see coming . . .

What do you do when you wake up with no memory of what you did last night?

Lucas spent the first half of his life protecting himself from others, but now his own mind is his biggest enemy.

He doesnt know what happens when the blackouts overtake him, but he can recall the feelingsthe rage, the confusion, the fear. Thankfully the quiet life hes found in Payson, Arizona has kept the darkness at bay. Until his bosss estranged daughter shows up in town, asking questions she shouldnt and sparking a desire Lucas cant control. Getting close to Shyann is the best thing thats ever happened to him, but when his blackouts return, unleashing the truth hes battled so long to hide, he may just lose her forever . . .


ARC received from Forever for an honest review 

Holy sh!tballs!  This book!

This was my first J.B Salsbury book, and what a way to start their books!
I was intrigued when I read the synopsis of Split, but what was between the pages was so much more than I ever expected.
I went into this book completely blind, and am so glad I did.  It is the only way to experience this story. 

Lucas and Shyann's story is as beautiful as it is heartbreaking. For every glimpse of hope we are given, there is a twist that is itching to take it away. Who is the good guy, and who is the bad?

I don't want to give too much away about this book, but needless to say, you need to read it.  It is a day after I finished reading and I am still thinking about it as I work.  It will stay with me for quite a while I think.

I can't wait to see what we get next.

 “You cant jump. 

She narrows her eyes on me. Of course I can. 

Is it safe? 
My grip on her grows tighter and she steps close enough that I can feel the heat of her breasts brush against my ribs. Lucas, do you trust me?
No. The word comes out on a shaky whisper. 

A gentle grin softens her face and with both her hands she works to relax my hold enough for her to slip free. Seconds later she turns, takes four long strides, and disappears off the rock cliff.
A holler that can only be described as guttural exhilaration echoes off the canyon walls and slices through the trees.
I race to the edge and theres nothing but a circle of white bubbles marring the once shimmering pond.
 I wait for her to surface, and just when Im about to jump in and rescue her, her head pops up out of the water with a feral howl.
 That was amazing! She waves at me. The water is perfect!
With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I allow myself a moment to wonder what it would be like to be as free as Shyann. Everything I do is weighed against the danger of doing it. The threat of blacking out always pulling me back to walk the safer, less risky side of any situation. But something about her makes me want to try harder, makes me want to take a risk like other twenty-five-year-old guys. The sound of her squealing lights a fire in my chest that has me wanting to jump.
Risking a blackout might be worth the few seconds of euphoria I havent felt sinceI cant remember.
I think of backing away and yelling for her to meet me at the truck, but something pulls me toward her. Part of me wonders if its nothing more than wanting to be close, to keep her safe, because she belongs to Mr. Jennings and I owe him. But even as the thought enters my mind, so does another. 
I want her to like me.
I want her to see me as brave.
I want to know what its like to be normal.

New York Times bestselling author JB Salsbury spends her days lost in a world of budding romance and impossible obstacles. Her love of good storytelling led her to earn a degree in Media Communications. Since 2013 she has published six bestselling novels in The Fighting Series and won a RONE Award. JB Salsbury lives with her husband and two kids in Phoenix, Arizona.