Tuesday, 19 April 2016

✤ Wicked Need ✤ Sawyer Bennett ✤ Wicked Horse #3 ✤

© Bianca Janeane

The Wicked Horse #3
• release date: 19 April 2016
364 pages
• #4 Wicked Ride (Logan's book) will be out 28 June
• #5 Wicked Bond (BRIDGER ☺) 6 September

4.9 Stars

Rand Bishop’s dreams of Olympic gold were shattered years ago but he’s left that all behind, settling into a new career and lifestyle that would make any man jealous. While he may not be competitively racing down the ski slopes anymore, he’s just as happy getting his rocks off as a Fantasy Maker for The Silo.

He’s good at what he does.
Damn good.

But while life couldn’t be better for Rand, it seems to be falling apart for Catherine Lyons Vaughn, the dark haired, brown-eyed beauty that has captivated an entire sex club.

Having spent years degrading herself on her husband’s whim and now left destitute after his death, Catherine has hit rock bottom. With nothing but her body to peddle, Catherine is merely trying to figure out how to survive in a harsh, cruel world. Lucky for her, Rand has taken her under his tattooed wing, and he’s determined to give her a safe life where she can be the woman she was always meant to be.

Now all Catherine has to do is believe she deserves the chance.

We all remember Rand from the previous book - he's 'working' as a fantasy maker for Woolfe & Bridger's sex-club THE SILO.
He's also working at a tattoo shop as his main job.
He used to be an olympic-gold-medal-winning skier, but that life died with his knee a few years back. And now he's happy with having lots of kinky sex and running that tattoo shop.
One night he finds Cat sleeping in her car outside the sex club - in which she just had some very naked fun....
Turns out her very old and dead hubby didn't leave her anything when he died - she doesn't have anywhere to go. Rand is known for saving everyone who needs saving, so he takes her home with him - into his extremely small apartment.
There's some instant attraction between those two - they did have sex many times at the club - but once they get to talking about their lives and problems - the attraction only grows....
But both are not really in the market for something serious....
Rand's job at a sex club is probably not something a relation-ship can survive.
But sometimes something might come along that might be worth it to change your life...
And Cat - she thinks she doesn't deserve someone as good as Rand - she made so many horrible things in her life - Rand is way too good for her. Also, Cat's step-son will probably make problems for her - as well as a very clingy ex of Rands.

I'm not telling you that of course...


I really enjoyed Rand's book.
I was already looking forward to hearing his story while reading the last book.
And I really loved Rand & Cat - and Bridger and Woolfe too of course.

What I didn't love - right from the verrry beginning of the book - and I know that it's just a personal problem of mine... and I don't even know how to describe it - I don't know the correct grammatical term for it... the AS things. Normally you only use AS as LIKE. Sometimes authors use it as it is used here - but Sawyer uses it a million times and I JUST HATE IT!!! I think it's what english kids learn to do in school, but it's just not used much and when it is used I just hate it.

... must have sufficed for her, AS she hasn't attempted to reach out to me.
... was done at the East Coast, AS I'm a native Vermonter.

I don't know why I hate it that much - it just sounds way too formal and idiotic in a contemporary romance. You probably don't even know what I mean - I'm bad at explaining things ☺Sorry. #EndOfASRant ☺
OK - another little rant coming ☺
Rand - he's all tattooed - I don't personally like that - but in books I'm totally ok with the hot tattoo guy - BUT Rand also has A NOSE PIERCING! EWWWW - that is sooo unsexy and unmanly and 90s and ewwww - Guys with nose-rings are seriously unattractive and ewww. Nope! Sorry. (Same with baseball caps by the way!)

But I really loved Rand's story!
It was soooo incredibly erotic (we're having a verrry hot m/m/f ménage thing - phew!!!) and adorable and sad and even suspensy .... It really had everything a great erotic romance needs!

WICKED NEED - was a wickedly beautiful erotic Romance!
Rand & Cat were just too adorable - I want my own Rand now, please! (Sans the nose piercing of course!)☺

Soon we'll get Bridger's book - it will be soooo much fun to watch him fall for someone... or maybe, if I have any say in it - 2 someones ☺☺
But next up is Logan - we already had a little m/m/f ménage with him in this book!!! Phew!

ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

Tattooed and pierced ?  ☑
Exclusive sex club?  ☑
Tattooed and pierced member of  sex club?  ☑

Oh yeah, back to The Silo we go!

Woohoo the latest addition to the Wicked Horse series.

I really didn't know what to expect with Rand's story, but I knew that it would draw me in.

And did it what!

Rand Bishop - sweet, sexy fantasy maker at The Silo.  Former Olympic Champion.  And all around great guy.  He has that protective nature, a bit of a white knight syndrome - but he is so much more than a white knight.

Cat Lyons - widowed, homeless and pretty much penniless.  And the most captivating woman Rand has ever seen.

I just knew that these two were going to make quite the couple - I mean, come on, it's Rand!  And besides Bridger, his is the story I have been most looking forward to.

We had glimpses of Cat Lyons (Vaughn) in the previous books, but she was certainly not at all what I was expecting.  Her story is much sadder, darker than I thought it was going to be.  My heart ached for her as we learned more of her past.  But it was filled with hope as we saw her blossom.

There was a character that I just wanted to bitch slap from here till Sunday, but I won't tell you who or what or why - you will have to read for yourself.

Wicked Need is full of sexy, swoony hotness, that kept me captivated from the first page to the last.  I read this in one sitting and now am impatiently waiting for the next story.  I can't wait to meet the woman, man or whoever is going to bring Logan to his knees

... and then we will be that much closer to Bridger's story!!


Book #1

Book #2



 USA Today Best-Selling Author, Sawyer Bennett is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.