Friday, 22 April 2016

✿ Doing It Over (Most Likely To #1) ✿ Catherine Bybee ✿ Blog Tour & Giveaway ✿

Most Likely To Series, Book One
Montlake Romance, Contemporary
April 19, 2016, First Edition
Paperback & Kindle

One small town. Three close friends. True love to last a lifetime.

Voted Most Likely to Succeed, Melanie Bartlett ended up anything but. The down-on-
her-luck single mom wants a complete do-overis that too much to ask? With her family long gone from River Bend, strong, independent Mel is as surprised as anyone to end up in the quaint small town she once called home. But with her friends, Jo and Zoe, by her side, and a comfortable room at Miss Ginas quirky bed-and-breakfast, she just might have turned the corner on a new life.

Wyatt Gibson never liked the big city. River Bend suits the ruggedly handsome builder just fine. Wyatt knows hes home, even if that means being charmed by the appearance of Melanie and her spunky, adorable daughter. Is Wyatts calm devotioneven amid a coming stormenough to convince Mel she may have found a home to call her own, a family that never leaves, and a true love to last a lifetime?

ARC received from Montlake via Netgalley for an honest review

I have adored all that I have read from Ms Bybee in the past, so reading her new series, 'Most Likely To', was a no brainer for me.

A Bybee book leaves you with a warm, happy feeling in your soul.  You know what you are in for when you start, and she sweeps you away with the characters.

Melanie has travelled full circle - her high school class named her the most likely to succeed.  But here she is, back home in small town River Bend and feels she is a disappointment.  

It irked me at times that she was so worried about what everyone else thought about her instead of being the bright, vibrant woman she really could be.  I wanted to tell her to snap out of it!

What and Melanie's first meeting is not conventional, but even with all that goes on, there is that spark of attraction between them.

Now, if only sassy Melanie can come out to play and do something about it!

This is told in dual POVs and a couple of  times I did have to go back to see whose POV I was reading (at times their voices were not very distinct) but for the most part I loved getting inside both of their heads.

I adore, adore, adored Melanie's oldest friends Zoe and  Jo - I really can't wait for more of them in the next books! - the banter, the love, the laughter the emotions that only those who have known each other for so long shines through.

What I was expecting, which we usually get with a Bybee story is a big WTF moment.  But we didn't get one this time. There was a darker storyline for a bit, but not the "shake your head, what just happened" moment.

Doing It Over is a sweet, lovable contemporary romance, just what this girl needed after reading a string of darker stories.

Bring on book 2 - I need to know what happens with these characters!

New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating high school, she moved to Southern California in hopes of becoming a movie star.

After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms.

She now writes full-time and has penned the Weekday Brides Series and the Not Quite Series. Bybee lives with her two teenage sons in Southern California.