Sunday, 21 February 2016

♥ Outback Sisters (Bunyip Bay #4) ♥ Rachael Johns ♥

A Bunyip Bay novel

Frankie and Simone are sisters and best friends. Could a new man in town drive a wedge between them for the first time ever?

Cafe owner Frankie has been unlucky in love all her life. It's hard in a small town like
Bunyip Bay to meet prospective partners. Her sister, Simone, lost the love of her live years before and is now devoted to raising their two teenage girls, leaving little time for romance. When Frankie is kissed by a handsome stranger who calls her Simone, it's a case of mistaken identity but who is this man and how does he know Simone?

Logan Knight is in town to meet up with a woman he has met online. Although raised on a farm with his brother Angus, he has travelled the world as a journalist and is now looking forward to meeting a girl and settling down. The girl in the cafe was an amazing kisser
but not the one he thought he was meeting!

Reclusive farmer Angus wants nothing to do with
Logan's plans for improving the property's finances and finding a partner until he meets the sisters at a wedding. Who is attracted to whom? More importantly, can Frankie and Simone sort out their feelings for the two brothers without destroying their very close bond.

ARC received from Harlequin Australia via Netgalley for an honest review

I am late to the Rachael Johns train and running to catch up, and although I have not read the first 3 books in the Bunyip Bay series (which I will be rectifying!), this did not take away from my enjoyment or understanding of the characters in Outback Sisters.

I live in a small country town where everyone knows everyone's business, so I get the dynamic of Bunyip Bay. Nothing stays private long!

Frankie and Simone are as close as sisters could be, but when Logan Knight struts into town, things get strained between the two.

I felt for Frankie in this book a lot more than I did Simone - I get Simone has had a rough go of it, but Frankie is just so good, so amazingly kind hearted, I just wanted, no needed her to find happiness.

Where as for Simone, it all of a sudden just fell in her lap.  Who would she choose?


I am not going to say which sister ended up with which brother, or if any of them found a HEA, but right from the start I had who I wanted together in my head and it just had to end that way.  But did it?

As things progressed, I got sooooo frustrated with all 4 of the main characters.  Seriously people, there is this thing called "communication"- you all might want to try and use it some time!!

I felt so many emotions whilst reading Outback Sisters.  Love, laughter, hurt, anger, sadness.  So much sadness amongst them all.

But most of all, there was a sense of hope.

Ms Johns swept me up in the lives and loves of the people of Bunyip Bay, and I will definitely be going back to the first 3 books very soon.


Im an English teacher by trade (please dont hold that against me), a mum 24/7, a supermarket owner by day, a chronic arachnophobic, and a writer by night. 

I rarely sleep. I live in rural Western Australia with my hyperactive husband and three mostly-gorgeous heroes-in-training.

Ive been writing since I was 17 when I broke up with my first boyfriend (at the time I thought he was The One and was hugely devastated in the fashion of all 17 years olds). For some reason unbeknownst to me, I turned to writing as a form of therapy for my broken heart. It was enlightening to realise that with writing I could create whatever ending I liked. I wrote the story of me and The One and actually ended up killing him off. The writing was therapeutic, the story was cringe-worthy but I had caught the bug.

Almost a decade later, after a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Writing and English and after many, many attempts at writing different types of novels, I joined Romance Writers of Australia. Finally I learnt there was more to writing a book than just typing out random thoughts I learnt about craft, conflict, consistent characters, etc and I also learnt that I LOVED contemporary romance and that was what I wanted to write.
Eventually I found a publisher who liked my work enough to offer me a contract. My first book came out in December 2011 and Ive been living the dream since then (i.e. working from home in my pjs). Ive written sassy, urban romances for Carina Press, a cowboy romance for Tule Publishing and lots of rural romances for Harlequin Australia and HQN.

In 2012 my debut rural romance, JILTED won the Australian Romance Readers Associations Favourite Contemporary Romance Award and in 2013 I was voted in Booktopias Top Ten Favourite Aussie Authors. Im currently Australias number one rural romance author according to Bookscan Neilson.

I hope that if you decide to try one of my books about pretty normal people creating pretty amazing happy ever afters that you enjoy it and pine a little when it ends
