Monday, 9 November 2015

✪ More Than Enough (More #5) ✪ Jay McLean ✪

Theres no emotion greater than fear.
No ache greater than grief.
No sound greater than silence.
m grateful he showed up on my doorstep,
pissed off and angry at the world.
If he hadn
t, I wouldnt be here.
And I don
t just mean here on this journey with him.
I mean here, in this world.
I wonder what events in all our lives
hers includedare The Turning Points? The points where we all determine that the fear of our pasts and the uncertainty of our futures are greater than our need for happiness.
While time and everything around us stands unmoving
whos to say we cant have it all?
We wanted it all.
We wanted it with each other.
We thrived on the chaos we created.
And ignored the Mayhem that ensued.
Because falling in love was easy.
But sometimes, love isn
t enough.

ARC received for an honest review

That up there ^^  
That was me after receiving an advanced copy of More Than Enough

So tell me, are you ready to #GetBanksed??

I have adored the More Than series since I first started reading them, but after More Than Forever, I was really impatient for More Than Enough.

And Ms McLean has definitely not disappointed me with Dylan Banks story.

We are all #TeamSilence when it comes this book, but I have to say I was surprised the at the direction this final installment of the series.

But surprised is a good thing - no one wants to know it all before they read it, do they?

There was so much drama, angst, emotion in More Than Enough - but also so many smiles and laughs, especially when Operation Mayhem hijinx are in play.

 More Than Enough will take you on an emotional rollercoaster, from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. - and if you are like me, you will enjoy every syllable.

Thank you Ms McLean for this amazing series.  I am sad to see it end, however I cannot wait to see what you bring us next.