Monday 2 February 2015

✤ VERUM ✤ COURTNEY COLE ✤ #NocteTrilogy2 ✤

© Bianca Janeane


• release date: 2 February 2015
NOCTE Trilogy #2

New Adult Dark Romantic Psycho-Suspense ☺ kinda ☺
• #3 LUX will be out summer 2015


5 big and fat Stars


The truth shall set you free.
My name is Calla Price and I’m drowning.
My new world is a dark, dark ocean and I’m being pulled under by secrets.
Can I trust anyone?  I don’t know anymore.
The lies are spirals. They twist and turn, binding me with their thorns and serpentine tongues.  And just when I think I have it figured out, everything is pulled out from under me.
I’m entangled in the darkness.
But the truth will set me free.
It’s just ahead of me, so close I can touch it.  But even though it shines and glimmers, it has glistening fangs and I know it will shred me.
Are you scared?

#VERUM brings us from Astoria, Oregon, USA to Whitley, England...

Do we all remember what happened in #NOCTE???? How it ended???
I have to admit, I did a little re-read when I found #VERUM on my kindle. But while I was doing that, I realized that I didn't forget a thing about what happened in the first book. It really was an extremely memorable story!!

Calla & Finn - the twins. The first book was told from both their POVs, only as it turned out in the end... PLEASE STOP READING NOW, IF YOU HAVEN'T READ #NOCTE!!!!!!

...turns out Finn died on the same day their mother died....and Calla just couldn't deal with all that death in her life and she kind of checked out of it for a while. But now she remembers. And the most important person she finally remembered again is Dare. Her boyfriend ... he's been her boyfriend for months! Only she forgot about him. And he was so patient and stayed near her... which must've been really hard for the poor guy.

Now she can finally remember a bit more, and she can finally ask the last of her 20 questions....

The answer to that last question and so much more will send Calla & Dare to England.
To Whitley. Their family's estate.
Calla needs to go there to find the answers she so desperately needs.
And to take a break from her life - she needs to be far away from home & death for a while.

So the two of them fly to England. To the house where Calla's mom grew up.
Calla is supposed to find out what really happened and she needs to find out about the secrets Dare is still keeping....

But she only finds more questions and it seems as if she's slowly losing the rest of  her sanity, the longer she's there.
She doesn't know who to trust and what to believe and how to go about finding her answers....

What will happen to Calla & Dare?
Will she find answers in England?
Can she ever trust Dare again
Will everybody die at the end?
Will there be a horrible Cliffhanger???

Nope, I'm not telling you ☺

Ok - I can tell you that there won't be a horrible cliffhanging Cliffhanger, nobody will literally hang off or fall off a Cliff (probably☺)  - but... we still WANT/NEED/HAVE to read Book #3 ASAP!


I was sooo excited when I found the book on my kindle - I was waiting to read it for what seemed like forever!!!
I loved #NOCTE so much and I needed to know what would happen to Calla & Dare!

And now I know. Well, at least I know a bit more than I did after finishing #NOCTE ☺
It's still all very confusing and mysterious and suspensy though.
And heartstoppingly shocking!
I would even say it's some kind of complete psycho-mind-efff ☺

I love Dare, more than anything, but I can't trust him.

I loved every second of it.
Even though I was totally confuzzled most of the time ☺☺

Just like in the first book, you imagine what could've happened, what will happen....
But you really have no idea, and you're just scared that you won't like whatever it is ....

And just like with #NOCTE you just can't help but LOVE every word of the story.

We just love Dare so much, and whatever it is he did or whatever his secrets are, we just want the two of them to get their happy ever after....
BUT... who knows when or if that will ever happen ☺☺☺

Because the END of #VERUM ??? d DOUBLE OY!!!!!

VERUM was a heartstoppingly amazing mind-fuck of a Psycho-Suspense-Romance! 
I couldn't put it down!

This gif might be the best description of the NOCTE TRILOGY:

I loooooved it - and I won't say more than that - everything more I could and would want to say about VERUM would be a spoiler!!!! You need to get yourselves to amazon on February 2nd and one-click the hell out of this book!!!!!!

And now please Courtney - hurry with book #3 LUX!!!!!!! I need to know how this will all end!


 See that spinning head up there?  Yeah, that was me at the end of Nocte!

But fasten your seatbelts, secure all valuables and keep arms and legs inside the carriage, because with Verum you are going to be taken on an 

I seriously did not think that this book could have been better than Nocte, but boy was I wrong!  I was up until nearly 2am this morning reading, as I just couldn't put Verum down!

I was glad that I only read Nocte a week before Verum, and there was so much going on, and since I suffer fron book-zheimers and often forget details, it was fresh in my mind.

All I knew was that I wanted Calla and Dare to be happy, and that maybe, just maybe they could get there.
My heart broke over and over for Calla as she remembers things about the accident.  Can she get to the truth or are lies and omissions standing in her way?  I could feel her frustration, her fears coming off the pages.  She does what she is doing for answers, but every answers brings more questions.
Dare, Dare, Dare.  Oh how I love you, but at times I was annoyed with you!

You know how with Nocte, you thought you knew what was happening, but then it was like Woah!  What was that?
In Verum I feel like I spent a great deal of the book befuddled and confused.  And just when I thought I had my head around what was happening....
We are hit with another mind f&*k of epic proportions! Well played Ms Cole, well played.  I think it must be an amazing and scare place, your mind, while you are writing this series!
I can't see what you have for us in Lux - is it May yet?
If you are looking for a dark, suspenseful, mind blowing series, The Nocte Trilogy is a must.
If you have already read Nocte, make sure you have your one-click finger read for Verum on 2nd February.


If you haven't read NOCTE yet

#3 LUX - coming soon

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Courtney Cole is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling novelist who would eat mythology for breakfast if she could. She has a degree in Business, but has since discovered that corporate America is not nearly as fun to live in as fictional worlds. Courtney was born and raised in rural Kansas, but has since migrated south. She now lives in Florida and writes beneath palm trees.